{Levi x Tall Reader}

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Thank you @An1meGirl for the idea!!!


"Here's the rest of them." Your Corporal Levi told you dumping another huge pile of paper work on your desk.

"But I haven't finished this pile yet sir!" You complained burying you head in your arms slouching on the table. You felt a stinging pain from you head releasing your Corporal had yanked your head up by your hair.

"No slouching. Finish this by tonight." He snapped and stormed out.

"Freaking short freak." You muttered angrily rubbing your head feeling tears threatening to fall out. You blinked them away not wanting to cry for such a little thing. But this wasn't a little thing! You shook your head not believing you have a crush on someone so mean, short, stoic and emotionless. You looked at the big pile he gave you and then glanced at the small pile of work you have completed.

"I have a lot of work to do..." You sighed getting up heading to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. When you reached the kitchen, you saw the whole Special Ops squad at the table talking while drinking their tea,

"Oh hey (F/n)!" Greeted Petra cheerfully waving to you. "How was your-"

"I'm fine." You snapped back making everyone look at you. You finished making your coffee and headed back to your office slamming the door.

"Someone's on their period." Snickered Olou then biting his tongue again.

"Shut up! It's probably Levi-" said Petra throwing a poisonous glare at him "- giving (F/n) a hard time again." She stood up and walked to you office.

"If you have more work, leave it outside, I don't want to talk to you." You said when someone knocked on your door.

"Umm, (F/n)? It's Petra." She said opening the door.

"Oh hi Petra, sorry about before..." You said yawning.

"No that's fine!! I know what it feels like." She smiled warmly. She walked up to your desk and pulled out a chair.

"Petra, you know if you help me, the Corporal will get pissed." You whispered frantically.

"Oh well, stuff him." She giggled making you laugh. For the next half hour, Petra helped you get another huge pile of work done when suddenly the door slammed open.

"OI PETRA, GET YOUR ASS OUTTA THERE." Yelled the angry Corporal. Petra stood up quickly and rushed out brushing past the corporal on the way out.

"You know she helped me get another pile of work done." You snapped at him.

He cocked his head and said "You seem to have forgotten that I am still your superior."

"Tch so what?!" You snapped feeling tears swelling up again. "All you ever do if boss people around you shorty clean freak!" You shouted at him standing up. You realised you have caused some passing soldiers' attention.

"What are you looking at?! Scoot!" You snapped at them causing them to run.

"Never knew you had the guts (F/n)." Said Levi calmly who hasn't moved an inch from where he was standing. You walked closer to him and as your hand went down to slap him, he caught it and tightened his grip making you yelp in pain.

"Let.me.go." You hissed through gritted teeth. Instead of letting you go, he pulled you closer into a tight hug. You stiffened at his sudden actions then slowly melted into the hug.

"I'm sorry I caused you so much pain....I really like you but you know me (F/n)...I'm a guy who doesn't know how to show his emotions. I hope you-" not wanting to hear anymore, you smashed your lips against his. You wrapped you hands around his neck and he wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer.

"Will you be my girlfriend then (F/n)?" Asked Levi.

"Of course sir." You giggled.

"From now on, cut out the formal crap. It's Levi."

"Y-yes Levi."


Sorry if that was bad coz I wanted to publish it today....plz comment and vote!! :)

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