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It's been 15 years since your death. You still roam HQ watching your beloved friends die and joining you as a ghost. After your death, Commander Erwin held a memorial service for you every year since. Your body was dressed in a wedding gown for you wanted to marry him.


"Levi!" You yelled running down the corridor into his arms. "I have thought about your wish..."

"Yes?" he smirked

"Well...I think....I can fulfil your wish..."

"I'm listening."

"Do you want to get married?"

"So that's the wish you were talking about! (F/n).... Would you marry me?" Levi gets on his knees and pulled out a small black box. "I've been saving it for the right time to give it to you." He opened the box revealing a beautiful gold sapphire ring. Tears of joy ran down your cheeks as you hugged him tight not letting him go. He slid the ring on your finger fitting perfectly.

"I love you Levi..."

"I love you too (F/n)."

~Flashback ends~

The gown was an elegant white silk dress that ends at your ankles. The top was laced roses and a beautiful silver tiara was placed on your head.

"Such a nice dress put to waste." sneered Petra jealously.

"Petra, shut up. Have some respect for the dead. Geez." snapped Eld elbowing her.

"Ugh..." she complained loudly.

"Everyone gathered round!" Said Commander Erwin dressed in a white suit with black dress shoes. It doesn't really suit him. You thought. "Today, we are all gathered here to bid farewell to then brave soldier (F/n) (L/n)." started Erwin. Levi kept his usual stoic face but you could see his heart breaking to pieces. You ignored Erwin's speech and walked up to him. You looked him in his steel grey eyes. He suddenly flinched and stepped backwards.

"Levi? Can you hear me?" You whisper to him. He slowly nods and looks you in the eye.

"(F/n)...." he whispered. He turned his attention to Erwin. "Ahem Erwin? May I be excused for a minute?" He nodded slowly and continued his speech. Levi followed you down the corridor to your room.

"What are you trying to show me?"

"Levi. Close your eyes." He obeys. You gently kissed him on the forehead. "Will you come to Heaven with me?"


"You don't have to....I would love i-it if you could...." you sobbed. You haven't been able to speak to him for 15 years.

"How? Do I have to die?"

"Meet death....he seems nice." You voice sounded higher pitched than usual and you guilty for asking Levi to die now.

"Stay with me (F/n), until I die okay?"


A few years later, Levi went on his 60th expedition. You flew alongside with him as he was leading the Survey Corps with Commander Erwin. He was Second Commander now. They were to advance to the village of Krishadna. (I made that name up on the stop. Don't judge :P)

"Two aberrants on your left!" Shouted Hanji.

"You take it four-eyes. It was your fault (F/n) died. She died in your hands."

"Levi....I said I'm sorry.."

"TAKE THEM!" yelled Levi in annoyance. You felt sorry for Hanji, you died because you were careless. It wasn't Hanji's fault.

Hanji sighed and killed the two swiftly. Levi continued to look forward as they were being surrounded by titans.

"How is this possible?" Snapped Levi annoyed.

"I think-"

"Don't start with the science four-eyes. I'm not interested."

"Everyone retreat!" Commanded Erwin with a worried expression. Levi fired a blue flare to alert everyone. Levi and Erwin switched to 3DMG trying to kill as many as possible to buy the other soldiers time.

You watched in horror as Levi ran out of gas and fell to the ground. He immediately started running towards his horse. A 15-class aberrant stomped on his horse just as he was going to mount him.

"Oi!" He screamed at the titan. "You do not just stomp on my horse!" The titan turned to him and fired a forced kick. Levi's body went flying into a tree and went limp.

"LEVI!!!!" You screamed flying towards him. You cradled his head in your lap. Tears streamed down your face. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see Levi smiling at you. He had black wings unlike yours where they were white.

"I finally get to hug you again." He said embracing you with a bear hug.

"It's been a while."

"Thank you for waiting." He said as he held you hand and walked into another world filled with happiness.

How was da feels? I tried to make a happy ending so yeah. Hope you liked it!!! Plz Vote and comment!! :)

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