{Chapter One}

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It was you first day in the Survey Corps. You don't know anyone. You gathered your documents, luggage and cape and headed to across the courtyard. You passed another small garden and heard someone call your name. You turned to see a tall lady with brown hair tied in a high ponytail and glasses walking towards you.

"So you are (Firstname) (Lastname) right? The new soldier in the Survey Corps?" She asked cheerfully.

"Y-yeah.." you answered quietly.

"Well nice to meet you (F/n). I'm Hanji Zoe, second squad leader." You nodded. "By the way, Captain Levi would like to see you in his office. Down the corridor to your left. Have fun with Shorty!" She left as she giggled to herself.

Levi Ackerman? Humanities Strongest Soldier wants to see me? You thought. You've always had a crush on your Captain. Ugh snap out of it! He probably just wants to meet a new soldier in the Survey Corps. And what did Hanji mean by 'have fun with Shorty?' Was she referring to Captain Levi? You shook your head as you walked down the corridor.

You knocked on his door. "State your name and business." Came the reply from the other side.

"Uh..I'm (F/n) You wanted to-" Before you could finish, you heard the clicking of his boots as he walked up to the door and opened it. You stand in front of Humanities Strongest Soldier. He wore his usual Survey Corps uniform and cravat. However, something shiny on his white shirt collar caught your eye. You squinted as you made out the shape of a light blue dove.

"What are you staring at brat?" Demanded Levi snapping you back to reality.

"Urr, nothing sir..." You blushed wildly. You looked up at him and saw the tiniest smirk on his lips.

"Well you better come in before I slam the door in your face." You bowed your head as you walked into his office. His office smelt like fresh lavender and cleaning detergent. Everything was sparkly clean, even his desk was polished and his bookshelves was dusted. What a clean freak! You thought to yourself smiling.

"What are you smiling at?"

"I-I uh...nothing!" You quickly replied blushing even more.

"Back to business, I called you here today because, one, you are new around here, so I will take responsibly to train you. You should feel privileged because I don't normally train new recruits." You suddenly looked at him in the eye as he finished.

He continued like he didn't notice. "Secondly, I want you in my Special Operations Squad. You graduated 6th did you not? Most people that finish in the top ten would normally choose the MP. So I think you are a good person. Thirdly, I would like to know why you chose the Survey Corps."

"Well..." You started trying to rearrange your words.

"Well?" Levi asked a little impatiently.

You took a deep breath and started your story. "My older brother died when Wall Maria was breached. He died saving me. My family fled as soon as they heard the wall has been destroyed. I didn't know because I was studying in my basement. The thing that scared me was the fact that the floor was shaking. I heard my brother shout my name. At that point, I was really scared. I rushed into his arms crying. One, because I was terrified. Two, because I was abandoned. Suddenly, the roof of our house was lifted up and a 7-metre class was looming above us. My brother pushed me towards the Shingashina exit, which was north I suppose. As the titan grabbed him, he...he..." You couldn't finish without warm tears running down your cheeks. You sighed and continued. "He screamed for me to run and told me that he loved me and his spirit will stay with me to make me stronger....He was de-devoured by the titan....." You couldn't say anymore. The pain was too much.

"How did you survive?" Levi asked as he handed me a soft tissue. You thanked him and continued.

"I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Without looking back. I-I never got a chance to say I love him....Then I saw a soldier swoop down killing the titan in one single strike. I admired her skills and I vowed to myself that I WILL avenge my brother."

You watched him as he wrote down a few notes. "Sir?"


"Do you mind me as-"

"You don't need to know what I'm writing." He replied without you finished your question. "Dismissed."

Once you left his office, you headed towards the room you were allocated in. You turned the corner bumping into someone tall.

"Tch, watch yourself brat." A man with light brown hair muttered and continued walking.

"Excuse him," Said a voice behind you making you jump. "Sorry, I startled you there. I'm Petra. Ignore Oluo, he's always like that." A girl with short orange/light brown hair giggled.

"Hello Petra.." you say quietly.

"Captain Levi sent me to help you around."

"Thank you."

"Let me show you to your room." She said walking off. You follow her upstairs where all the dorms are. "Here is your room, Mine is across yours. See?" She pointed to her room. "Here is your room key, I'll leave you to unpack." She walked to her room and shut the door leaving you alone.

You unlock your door revealing a small comfortable room. A double bed was placed to your left and a huge rectangular window facing the door. A small door led to the bathroom to you right.

"Well, better get to work." You sighed as you started unpacking everything from your bags.


Please check out my second book on my profile! (It's basically a lot better than this crap I wrote all those years ago)

This was my first Chapter of my first fanfic! Hope you enjoyed! I will update soon as I can. I do not own any of the characters except for the OCs. All other characters belong to Hanjime Isayama.

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