Prince Levi x Princess Reader Pt.2

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What if I run away? Forever?

"No don't you dare run away (F/n)" Eren warned as if reading your thoughts. You couldn't believe that even Eren is willing to take your fathers side. 

"Come with me Eren, lets run away together, we can pretend to be brother and sister! I don't want to marry this Levi, I don't know him its not fair!" You yelled getting up. You were so distressed because you may never see him again after tomorrow.

"(F/n), its very tempting but I can't, I wasn't born into the life you live in. If they ever find us, no matter what you say, I will be accused of kidnapping you and drugging you to tell lies. I've seen it happen."

~Eren's Flashback~

"Eren! I thought I'd find you in the kitchen, anyway, the princess and I are running away, wanna tag along?" Armin asked excitedly.

"NO I AM NOT RIDING THIRD WHEEL. Plus, if you guys get caught, Armin, your head would be on a spike. No one will listen to your precious Princess Annie, I'm doing this for your own good." Eren warned.

"Come on, you're no fun." Armin sighed and left the room. Despite Eren's warning, they still left the next morning. Two days later, they were found and Annie was taken to the hospital wing for 'recovery from the drug' and Armin was beheaded. 

~Ends Flashback~

Eren chewed on a piece of wheat chilled out while you were still standing. The sun was setting and if you two didn't head back soon, your father will send guards for you, that won't end well. 

You turned to face Eren again only to find him no where in sight. You looked around the tree but there was no one there. No one could be seen down the valley either. You started to panic.

"EREN THIS ISNT FUNNY!" You snapped angrily. The breeze picked up cutting your cheek like glass. Suddenly, a dark hooded figure jumped down from within the leaves. Why didn't I look up?! You thought. On instinct, you went to the belt on your right thigh where the small emergency blade was hidden. 

"That won't protect you." The figure sneered. He unsheathed his sword. You started in awe. The handle was pure gold, 24K gold, you guessed. The blade was made so fine, so balanced you couldn't see the slightest curve. One side was silver, and one side was platinum black. Expensive.

"What do you want!?" You demanded pointing your blade at him.

"Why do you think I want you to leave huh?! You aren't safe here anymore (F/n)." This time, it was Eren's voice, a frantic, terrified voice.


"He's not Eren anymore." The dark, deep voice came again. "I have almost consumed all of his heart, the only thing left is his love for you that he isn't willing to give up."

"You! Let him go! Take me if you must!" You yelled letting your guard down.

"(F/n)...I'm warning you..." Eren's voice groaned. You could even hear the pain in his voice. "Don't let me die in vain, run, go, take the horses! Ugh!" He groaned once more and collapsed to the ground in a heap. You rushed towards him but he yelled for you to stop.

"Leave Eren alone you monster!" You yelled at him.

"Monster?" The voice mocked. "I am not a monster, I am something much, much worse." He crackled. He forced Eren's body to stand up and there you saw it, Eren's eyes, they weren't the pretty emerald green anymore, they were dark violet with a slit down the middle. His hands, now claws, teeth, now fangs. A Demon.

"Now, be a good girl and let me take your soul." The voice sang and dived onto you pushing you to the ground. His hands closed around your neck making breathing difficult. You struggled trying to get out of grasp without hurting Eren. "Keep still, or I'll make it painful." He growled.

"Let her go." Instructed a bored voice from behind him. You vision became foggy and stars were appearing before you. His grip loosened as he turned around to whoever spoke. A short man, with a sword much like the demons but instead of a two coloured blade, it was completely silver.

"Who dares to question my actions?!" The demon screeched.

"For your information, I didn't question you, I instructed you. Theres a difference. Ningen." He smirked. He's hair was raven black and combed back letting his silvers eyes sparkle in the little amount of light thats left.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME HUMAN! I AM SUPERIOR TO-" A splash of blood landed on your cheeks as you gasped. The man, with lighting speed, had stabbed Eren's body with his sword. The demon never finished his sentence.

"No....." He quivered "A Holy weapon....Sh!t..." The demon inside Eren evaporated into steam. You sat up supporting your head with your hands. Everything happened so fast. In the distance, you heard the neighing of horses and the shouting of men. The royal army is here.

"You stabbed him!!!" You screamed at the man. "You hurt him!"

"You're welcome. You don't seem to value your life all that much." The man snapped at you sheathing his sword. "He will heal. The Holy weapon only harm the Darklings, also known as demons. It will only lightly, and I mean LIGHTLY injure humans. No need to worry. Give him plenty of water and he will be fine."

You sighed. "And to whom to I owe my honour to?"

"Levi Ackerman of the Southern Kingdoms, Heir to the Throne and Duke to the Five Kingdoms." He replied and bowed to you. "My Lady."

"Levi....wait. Levi! I'm supposed to marry you!" You exclaimed.

"Indeed. I overheard how upset you were so I decided to follow you and your friend and perhaps help you in some way so that I can prove to you I'm not a bad person and no, I do not sleep with random girls. I still have my virginity." The last part made you giggle a bit.

"So Eren will be okay?"

"Yes My Lady, the soldiers will escort him to the hospital wing. Come, ride back with me. Your horses will be taken care of." You smiled and followed your new husband back home. 


Part 3 will be your wedding, perhaps I can twist the ending, you never know ;)

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