{Chapter 7}

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"Everyone prepare your horses! We are leaving in 10 minutes!" Shouted Commander Erwin.

"Yes sir!" All the cadets and soldiers saluted to their superior. You saddled your horse and prepared your flare bag.

"....Monica....Scout!" You heard Erwin give everyone their positions for the long-scouting formation. "(F/n) (L/n)! You are in Standby with Levi squad."

"Yes sir." You replied joining Levi squad to the left. Everyone was wearing their Survey Corps uniform with 3DMG straps and their scouts cape. I hope this goes well.... you thought. I don't want to die young.... You all prepared to leave and waited for the gate to open.

"ONWARDS!" You hear Commander Erwin yell and everyone was charging towards the world beyond the walls.


You all camped at an abandoned village near the forest of big-ass trees. At least that's what Levi calls it. You were on patrol with a red flare in hand ready. You walked around the rooftops of camp admiring the beautiful view. How amazing is the world free of titans? You thought to yourself. Oh how I wish this would end- your thought was interrupted as you saw a red flare from the other side of the camp. It was Mike's flare signal. You ran down to the Commanders tent and reported. You were soon joined by Mike as the Commander told everyone what to do.

"Mike, how many?"

"Three normals sir, and I think there are two aberrants..." He sniffed the air.

"(F/n), Join Levi squad and protect Eren at all costs. Mike, alert Hanji and tell her not to do anything stupid." commanded Erwin adjusting his belts and blades. You followed Mike out of the tent to see a cadet trying to stop Hanji getting on her horse.

"Squad leader! It's-"

"I must! Humanity depends on it!" She yelled as she sped away on her horse." You groaned and saddled your own horse. You fired a purple flare. Even though it's not an emergency, everyone needs to know that Hanji has left on her own.

"Levi and (F/n)! You follow Hanji and keep her out of trouble! Everyone else will pack camp and prepare to battle!" Yells Erwin. You readied your horse and joined Levi towards the forest of big-ass trees.

"That four-eyes.....Always in trouble." You hear Levi mutter through the rough wind. He looked at you and smiled. He never smiles! You though happily, I always make him smile! That's a great thing!

"Don't die." You yell to him.

"Tch, watch yourself brat." he chuckled. The two of you raced through the forest trying to position Hanji and the titans.


"Switch to 3DMG."

"Yes sir!" You grabbed your controller from inside your jacket and fired your wire onto a nearby tree. "Be safe Midnight. See you soon!" You whispered to your horse and you pulled the trigger hoisting you into midair. You hear her neigh in reply.

"Seems like horses can understand '(F/n) English' hehe." He teased you.

"Focus Levi." you tried impersonating Erwin.

"Yes Ma'am!" you laughed almost smashing into a tree for you were too distracted with Levi.

"Now you need to focus. You could've smashed into a titan and no doubt you will become titan food!"

"Ugh don't scare me, nows not the time." You complained.

"Tch, fine." said Levi returning to his normal self. You smiled to yourself and tried to find Hanji.

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