{Winged Levi x Winged Reader}

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Requested by @KWAII_for_life

~"Yes, we have wings, but no, we aren't dead. We are very much alive. We don't really have a name. We are considered human when we wish to not have our wings and we are considered angels when we do have our wings."~ (F/n) (L/n)

[Modern Time]

Your boyfriend Levi and you live in a small apartment near the edge of the city. You live normal lives as humans when you don't have your wings and you save people from tragedies when you do. You enjoy life this way. It's.....peaceful.

"Hey Levi," You called from our bedroom. "Look! Another person just bought my new book!" Levi works as an architect and you were an author. All your books were about romance and angels. Levi also plays the piano, whenever you were upset, or he was having a bad day, he would play the piano. The beautiful sound always inspired you to write ore stories and publishing them. Since last year, you were crowned the bestselling author. Levi surprised you with a piano piece he wrote himself and a redesigned apartment.

"Which one?" replied the familiar calm voice.

"My first one. The one called Waterfall Earth?" You asked him. You heard footsteps and a familiar peered through the door frame.

"Oh that one, I love that one." He said walking closer to your bed and sat next to you. You kept typing your new story onto your laptop you didn't even notice Levi wrapping his arms around you. You jumped the slightest bit when he buried his face into your neck. You saved the document and shut the laptop knowing thats what Levi wanted.

"Don't work yourself overtime (F/n)." He mumbled into your neck, his warm breath tickling you.

"Yeah, But I don't want to keep my fans waiting." You giggled softly laying your head in his lap looking up to meet his grey eyes.

"Whatever, I'm taking you out for dinner tonight. Then we go shopping for some new decorations and I think it's time for you to buy a new laptop. What about a MacBook Air?" He asked you making you smile.

"You would do that?"

"Of course! Whatever for my love." He said with a gentle smile. You sat up and wrapped your arms around your loving boyfriend. He kissed you gently then stood up.

"Get changed, we're leaving in ten." He told you then heading to his closet. You sighed and picked out a formal red dress that goes just above your knees. You tied your (Hair/colour) into a messy bun and put on a gold necklace Levi bought you for your second date.

"You look amazing (F/n), you don't need makeup." Levi said overhearing yourself mumbling about running low on foundation.

"Yeah but still..." You muttered angrily applying blush instead.

"Come on!" Levi swept you up princess style and headed out the door.


"The food was amazing!" You exclaimed after your dinner date.

"Yeah, Apparently it's the best in town so I decided to check it out."

"Thank you Levi." You said hugging him not caring if you were standing right in the middle of a walk way. Suddenly, you heard the sound a plane. You looked up to see a message addressed to you written across the sky in fluro pink:

"Will you marry me (F/n)? - Levi"

You gasped and you felt tears of joy welling up in your eyes. You turned to see Levi on one knee with a diamond ring in hand.

"So will you?" He asked

"Oh Yes Levi I will!!" You practically yelled and hugged him getting some 'awwws' from the crowd that formed around you. Levi was about to slide the ring onto your finger when it was suddenly snatched from him. A tall figure in black ran off.

"Oi you!" Hissed Levi making his wings appear he flew off after the thief. You were shocked for a moment then you decided to follow Levi. You heard gasps from the crowd as you took off.

Flapping your wings, you felt the chilly night air smack your face as you were trying to stop the thief. You soon lost track on the thief until you heard grunts from an alleyway. You lowered yourself onto a nearby roof and saw Levi beating the crap out of the thief. Levi was a lot shorter but he seemed to be doing a lot better than him. You grabbed your phone and dialled the police. You flew down next to Levi as both your wings disappeared. Soon after, the police arrived and the thief was arrested.

"Let's try again, will you marry me?" Levi said down on one knee again.

"Of course Levi!" You cried kissing him passionately. He slid the ring onto your finger and swept you off your feet.

"I love you (F/n)." Levi said flapping his wings taking you home.

"I love you too."


Levi: Tch, you made me outta character BUT I love the beating up thief part.

AU: *sighs* you never change

Levi: tch excuse me brat?

AU: You're excused *giggles*


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