Reader x Best friend Levi (bad end)

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"Would you stop being an arse?!" You shouted to the back of his head sounding hurt. Your heart was pounding a million miles per hour and tears were stinging your eyes. Your head was spinning in the fear of losing your most valuble friend and possibly, your future boyfriend.

"I've been trying to keep a distance because of the fear if me being stupid and losing you! You are the most important perosn in my life and losing you would be the end for me. Sometimes I ask myself what I mean to you. You treat me like trash sometimes but I get over it because I know that's who you are. but what about me? You can't even stand me not talkking to you. What can I do to make you happy?!" You yelled at him tearing up. 

He stopped and turned a little so he could see you from the corner of his eye. you felt the presence of an audience buikding up but you didn't care. At least no anymore. 

"Your point?" Levi spat.

"My point is that why can't you accept me the way I am? I know you don't have to but is it too much to ask since we were 'Friends since Forever'? Huh?" You yelled in frustration. Levi, now turned around and facing you completely, just shrugged.

"I don't get you, girls are so problematic." He sighed shaking his head. That made you crack.

"You're sick! You freaking dick!! I hate you! You dick!! I hate you. I thought we were going to be friends forever just like we vowed together. What happened to 'We will grow old together?' and 'We will get married someday?' Huh? HUH? You liar, you sick cruel person. I hate you. Where was the Levi I once loved?" After your tantrum, you stomped off the opposite direction not know where you were going. You wiped your tears away and kept running.


After the tantrum, you ran home with a low spirit and pounding heart. Opening the front door of your apartment with a bang, your roommate looked at you with wide eyes.

"You're home early today, what's up?" Sasha asked putting down her huge bucket and popcorn and paused her movie. She stood up and gave you a big hug.

"If lover boy did anything bad, I'll have his neck." She half threatened and half joked but you just shook your head afraid that if you spoke, you'll break down again. You're not normally like this. You were always tough and not really into emotions. But this is Levi we are talking about.

"I'm going to bed, I'll talk about it later Sasha." You whispered and bolted to your room without waiting for Sasha's answer.

Dumping everything on the floor, you climbed into your double bed and buried yourself in your pusheen cat pillows and fluffy blankets. You tried your hardest to fall asleep but you couldn't. All you could think about was Levi.

You turned to your bedside table and grabbed your phone. Seeing that there were no missed calls or messages, you began to cry again. All the sorrow and anger just made you explode. You held back emotions for so many years, but today, they all rushed out.

"I guess I was the dick today huh?" You whispered to yourself staring at the ceiling.


You woke the next morning with red, puffy eyes and a red nose. You force-dragged yourself out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen where Sasha was already up and baking potatoes for both of you.

"Mornin'" She greeted you with a grin. "Baked potatoes good?" You nodded in reply still not wanting to talk and poured yourself a glass of orange juice. Sitting down, Sasha set down two plates both with two baked potatoes in them covered with gravy.

"Thanks Sasha, you're the best." You said smiling for the first time since the fight.

"No problem. Feeling better? Or do I have to...?" She asked with the same grin on her face.

"Yeah I guess." you replied shrugging. Finishing your breakfast, you helped Sasha clean the apartment inside out. You were a bit suspicious when she asked youth help her clean but then understood when she received a call from Connie, her new-found boyfriend after she was done with Eren.

"I'm going into town to buy some books," You informed her putting on your navy blue beanie. "Have fun with Connie, and also, make sure you keep it PG rated!" You joked and closed the door before she could snap at you.

You crossed the road to the bus station and sat on the wooden bench under the palmtree. After about half an hour, the bus rolled up and as fate would have it, Levi stepped off the bus. You caught his eye for a moment but decided to ignore it and stepped onto the bus. You were about to pay for a ticket when a hand grabbed yours and pulled you aside.

"Have a minute?" He asked not in his usual monotone voice, but a rather sad and hurt voice. You thought about listening to him explain but something snapped inside of you.

"No I don't have a minute Levi. It's always like this. When one of us gets pissed, no. When YOU piss me off, you would always act like the hurt one. But you know what?! I'm not falling for this. What am I to you? I don't mean anything. I have no emotions to you. I am a doll you can throw your stupid moods on." You yelled voice cracking.

"Uh....Miss?" The driver spoke up. "Can you please take a seat then continue?" She offered.

"No. I'm getting off. And keep the change." You said flatly stepping off the bus shaking Levi's hand off you. You began to walk off heading home. Suddenly, curling op in your bed with chocolate ice cream sounded perfect.

"(F/n)!! (F/N)!" Levi called after you but you kept walking. Memories began swirling in your mind and made your vision blur. But you shook your head resisting to give up to your emotions and run back into Levi's arms.

Suddenly, you phone buzzed. You were going to ignore it but then found it was Jean, your best mate.

"(F/n)! I've been trying to contact you since last night! You okay?!" Came a voice with a French accent from the other end. You met Jean on the train by pure luck. You had so many books and someone had bumped into you making you drop all of them. Jean came to help.

"Yeah hi Jean, I'm fine, what's up?" You answered trying to hide the disappointment in your voice.

"(F/n), what's up? Wait, here, we'll meet at Starbucks in half an hour. Don't be late!" And he hung up before you could say anything else. You sighed and headed to Starbucks instead.


"You look like you've been crying (F/n)." Jean pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Really." You tried to assure him but he wouldn't buy it.

"(F/n). Forget about him. If you really loves you like you love him, he wouldn't treat you like this." He has a point. You thought.

"Thanks Jean." You said sipping your Latte getting cream all over your mouth making Jean laugh.

"Really (F/n), forget him."


The next week, you went to uni with Sasha and Connie instead. Not catching any sight of Levi, you began to be happier without him. Perhaps Jean was right about it all along.

Suddenly, you bumped into someone the same height as you with raven black locks that dangled in front of his silver eyes.

"OMG I'm so sorry!" You apologised, "I'm (F/n), nice to meet you." You smiled offering a hand. You knew it was Levi. But you didn't care anymore. You saw him glare at you but still shook your hand.

"Hey (F/n), I'm Levi."

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