02: The Truth

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Yoo Min's POV

I saw Yoon Hee said something to mom, but I can't hear it clearly. Why does Yoon Hee keep being cold with me? Does she still mad at me after what happened 8 years ago? Itʼs not that I wanted it to happen, I love dad too, so much.

↳ ❝ [flashback starts] ¡! ❞

[on a phone call]

Dad: Yoon Hee & Yoo Min, I'm going back soon. Wait for me before you cut the cakes, okay my sweethearts!

Yoon Hee: Okay dad, we promise. Please come home sooner and be safe dad. We love you!

Dad: Do you guys want something? Iʼll gets it for you guys on my way back home now.

Yoo Min: Yeay dad, can you please get me some plushies? I really want a cute sky blue plushies, it doesn't matter what size or looks. Thank you, dad.

Dad: Okay my lovely son. See all of you soon.

Yoon Hee: No dad! Please just come back home. I don't feel good about this!!! Dad, please come–

[call ended]

"Why do you ask dad to buy you plushies? What if something happens to dad?!" Yoon Hee suddenly scolded me and of course, I scold her back.

"Stop being a baby. You would want to play with my plushies soon as I got them. Just admit it, you coward–" I almost finish my sentences, until our mom got a phone call from a stranger, about our dadʼs death because of an accident near the plushies store.

I was shocked. I can still remember dadʼs voice. Yoon Hee was right. If only I didn't ask anything, dad will still be here. I keep on crying while Yoon Hee keeps on screaming at me for being the cause of dad's death. I was getting weaker soon as I saw mom sobbing so hard that I can't hear her voice anymore. It was all my fault. I'm sorry dad. I love you so much.

↳ ❝ [flashback ends] ¡! ❞

I tried so hard to fix my relationship with Yoon Hee but she keeps on pushing me away. I know it was hard for her to accept this. We even need to move to another country because Yoon Hee was being expelled after causing too many problems at school. I get it, I'd be doing the same thing too if I was her.

But soon as we moved, Yoon Hee isn't the same person that we used to know before. She became so quiet and distant herself from the outside world, and she'll always cut herself and never be afraid of dying anytime because she said that it was the only way for her to meet dad. Mom? Of course, she's so sad about what happened too, but she needs to keep being strong for us. And I still keep on blaming myself for everything that happened. I'm sorry, dad.

I know Min Hee was her only friend and that's our neighbor. That's the only reason Min Hee became her friend. But whenever mom and I ask her something about Yoon Hee, she will always say that she barely knows anything because it's Yoon Hee that we're talking about.

Suddenly mom tapped my shoulder and asked me, "Are you okay? You don't have to be so worried about Yoon Hee. I know she will surely forgive you soon. Your friends are coming, you don't want them to see you sad like this right?" Mom said while wiping my tears. Wait, my tears? I don't even know that I was crying.

I guess I really missed Yoon Hee so much. Dad, I missed you so much more. You know, our princess, Yoon Hee is getting prettier now. We all know that she's an angel until you're gone, dad. She's changed so much, I missed the old us, dad. I miss our family. I only have mom and Yoon Hee now.

Why do you need to leave us, dad? Why do I even ask you to do that before? It's all my fault. I'm sorry dad, I love you so much.

And without even realizing it, I was crying again while hugging our old family photo during our 9th birthday.

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