24: Our Unbreakable Destiny

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July 23, 3 months later

Choi Hyunsuk's POV

It's been 3 months already since Yoon Hee and I were officially together, and trust me when I said that I am the happiest man ever exist now. I love her, so much. I'd never forgotten the day that I realized that she changed my life into a better one.

We're now sitting at our favorite park because Yoon Hee wants to spend our lovely memories here, at our most favorite place. Her eyes are so perfect, it makes me lost every time I'm looking into her eyes.

"Love? do you hear me? Why are you staring at me like that? I'm still here okay? I won't go anywhere." and she laughed.

That's the reason why I stared at her like that! she's pretty and cute, and perfect... Omg that's the word that I've been looking for.

"No, I'm sorry. I just get lost in your perfection just now. Would you mind repeating it back, my love?"

She smiled and nodded first before she continues.

"I just wanna say that I loved the way everything turns out to be the way it is supposed to be. Yes, we struggled a lot but it's worth it. Everyone is on good terms now, especially us. We took 9 years to be exactly the way we were before. No, we're actually better than before, right?"

Then she suddenly hugged me and keep looking into my eyes. That's my weakness... that's where I'd mostly get lost at.

"Baby, do you really love me?" and she's pouting her lips now. Omg, how can someone be this cute??

"Of course, sweetheart. You're the only love of my life, of course, I love you, so much. And to answer your question before, yes we're actually way better than before. Thank you for always be here for me, until today."

I hugged her back and keep playing with her hair. Then she holds my hand and kissed it. I'd probably lying if I said that I'm not happy with it, I even blushed so hard.

"Baby, I don't wanna lose you again. I still remember the way I cried so bad when I thought you were having some kind of relationship with Luna. It hurts me..."

"Love, we won't lose each other again, okay? Our relationship is stronger now. We have been struggling a lot just for us to be together. Trust me, I'd take care of you, more than everything."

"Thank you, love. I love you so much" and she smiled at me. She's so cute, please help me !!

"I love you more, but baby... can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it, baby?"

"How can you recover so fast? I mean, what's happening in your mind during your long sleep? And not to mention that your heartbeat just suddenly stopped today but the next day, you're just perfectly fine. How?"

She looks so shocked by the question but keeps on smiling instead.

"At first, yeah I almost gave up. I saw dad too, he's offering his hands for me. And I was wearing all white too. But soon as I held his hand, I saw you banging your head to the wall until it keeps bleeding but you still didn't stop. Jihoon screamed your name so many times, but you finally stopped when you just can't take it anymore. Of course, I can't just let it happened that way. So dad suddenly called my name and say this

Unbreakable Destiny | Choi Hyunsuk ✅ Where stories live. Discover now