14: Broken

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Yoon Hee's POV

It's weird that Jihoon suddenly hugged me but Hyunsuk seems okay with it. He doesn't feel jealous about it? Wait, why does he need to feel that way? It's not like he already confesses to me or something. We're still best friends, no matter what happens.

*ding dong

Huh? Who's at the door? Min Hee? I don't think so. Why do I feel like something bad is happening once I open the gate? Never mind, let's just open it.


"Why does it took you so long to open the gate? Oh, what a surprise. So you're the girl that has been a burden for my son, for so many years? I'm shocked. I thought it'd be someone rich or maybe a good-looking girl? But, you're not even one of them. Why does Hyunsuk even go crazy over you? Such a sad girl. Luna is way prettier than you."

Damn. That was so harsh. But, son? Hyunsuk? She's Hyunsuk's mom? What she's doing here? Hyunsuk didn't tell me that his mom is gonna be here? And who's Luna?

"Hello? I'm still talking to you. I know my son is here. But I don't wanna talk to him right now. I wanna talk to you. Oh before I forget, let me introduce you to Luna, Hyunsuk's girlfriend. Do you know her? I bet you must already know who she is, since you always spend your time with Hyunsuk, and even steal him from his girlfriend. What a shame. I know you don't get enough love from your father since he's dead already right? But, you don't have to steal my son from his girlfriend.

What? I don't know anything about this. No, this can't be true right? What's the point of him being deadly sweet with me when he's already had a girlfriend? Is that the reason why he looks so okay even after Jihoon hugged me? Okay...

Dad... She doesn't need to do this just to make me feel worthless. I'm already a worthless person. She's just making it worst.

"Ma'am, I don't know anything about this. Hyunsuk didn't tell me anything. But since you're his mother, I trust you. I'm sorry Luna for being close with him. I shouldn't do that, I know you must have been hurt so bad from it. I promise to both of you, that I won't get close to him anymore. I'm sorry. But please, don't say something like that about my dad again. That's all I ask for."

Luna smiled at me, she's pretty. She's really meant to be with Hyunsuk. But her smile looks so sad. What happened?

"Aunty, can I talk to Yoon Hee, just for a second? I'll go back to the car as soon as possible." Wait, she wants to talk to me?

"Make it faster. I don't want you to get her sad vibes. You're much more valuable than her, Luna." That actually hurts me a lot but she's true.. She's so perfect. I can never compete with her.

"Hi, you're Yoon Hee, right? I'm Luna. Um, I'm sorry for what happened today. I never thought that she's gonna say all those mean words to you. You don't deserve it. You're so perfect. I'm so sorry. But I just wanna say that Hyunsuk and I–"

I don't think that I can keep my tears any longer. She needs to go now. I'm sorry Luna.

"No, it's okay. It's all true, anyways. You don't even have to be sorry about all of it. Btw, about you and Hyunsuk, I'm really sorry about it. I never know anything about you guys. I wish for a long last relationship for both of you now. Stay happy with him. You better go now, before she gets angry. Take care, Luna. Thank you for being nice to me."

She smiled at me again. Hyunsuk is so lucky for having a girl as perfect as Luna. Why can't it be me?

I know I shouldn't be like this but I cried as soon as their car disappears from my sight. Everything went so fast and I've never been this broken before, even after dad's death. I grabbed the newspaper quickly and wiped my tears before I enter the house.

"Yoo Min, here's the newspapers. I'll be in my room, so please don't disturb me okay? Thank you." 

I can't do this anymore. I don't know why but my heart hurts so bad when I saw Hyunsuk's face. The way his face looks so bright while talking to Jihoon. He looks so happy. Why can't i feel the same thing too?

"Yoon Hee? Why did you took so long to just grab the newspaper outside? Are you okay? Hey, what happened? Stop doing this to me, you need to share your feelings too, you know?! KIM YOON HEE!!"

I'm sorry Yoo Min. I had to do this. I locked myself in the room while bursting into tears. I wish everything went well for me. I really thought that I'm gonna be happier now since I've met Hyunsuk again but I was wrong. I shouldn't be happy at all.

*knock knock

"Yoon Hee? It's me, Jihoon. Are you okay? What happened? Mind to share it with me?"

What's up with Jihoon? Why is he being too nice with me? But I still opened the door and immediately hugged him, only to realized that Hyunsuk was there too.

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