20: Bad Luck

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Park Jihoon's POV

I never wanted to lose Hyunsuk again. But his fight with his mother... are getting worst day by day.. What can I do to help him...

"By the way, mom.. Luna was never mine. I won't take my best friend's lover just to make you satisfied, mom..."

Omg why does he said that when Luna is clearly here... Wait, she looked at me. Oh shoot. What should I do?? Should I confess?

"Hi Luna, I know you quite long already–"

Wait, why do I need to say that when we're clearly classmates????

"Hi Jihoon. Same goes to me too, don't worry. Are you okay? You look pale, are you sick?"

"No, I'm not sick. I'm okay, don't worry" WAIT. Did she just said that she already know me too? How? Omg..

"Jihoon, can you come here for a while?"

"Yes, Asahi. I'm coming. Luna, can we talk to each other again, after this? If that's okay with you..?"

"Of course, you can talk to me anytime. But for now, you can go to Asahi first." And she smiled. Damn, that smile dude. That's what makes me fell in love with her on the first sight.

"Jihoon?" Oh Asahi. I forgot. — "Yes, I'm coming."

"Jihoon, can you please calm him down? Hyunsuk is the most closest to you, he will listen to all your words right?"

Yes, but I'm afraid that he will be mad at me for what just happened between us before... Then I accidentally overheard his conversation with Yoo Min..

"Yoo Min, you'll never understand what I've been going through my whole life before I met Yoon Hee. It was only darkness until she came into my life as the stars to my darkest night. She brought me back to life. What did mom even do for me? She even make it worst by making us moving far away from you guys.. I hate–"

I hugged him. I don't care what's the things that he hated the most but I love him and I won't let him feel this way again. As soon as I hugged him, the boys followed me and the next thing that I know, we're all hugging each other.

"Excuse me, who's Yoon Hee's mom?"

"I'm her mom, doctor. How's her condition?"

"I'm sorry but.."

"What do you mean by sorry? Please save her, doctor. I can give you anything, whatever it takes for her to be okay again."

"Min Hee, hey sweetheart, come here.. Let me hug you, it's okay. Yoo Min is here for Min Hee okay?"

Wow, what's happening between both of them? But I'm happy for whatever it is, as long as he's happy.

"I'm sorry, I know this is not what you guys wants to hear from me but, I can only say that she's in a critical condition. She can survive but there's a risk in it. She either lost her memory or, coma for a long time. It might takes months or even worst, she might even take years to be okay like she used to be before. The accident affects her very severely, especially on the brain. We can only hope that miracle are coming to save her soon. But still, we're gonna do our best to save her. Don't worry. If you want to check her up first, only 3 person per time in the room. I need to go first, excuse me. Everything will be okay soon, stay strong everyone."

"Thank you doctor. Can we see her now?"

"Yes, of course."

Hyunsuk. Where's Hyunsuk?

"Jihoon, why do all this happened to me? Why can't I be happy with Yoon Hee in any kind of normal life that we're supposed to have? Am I full of bad luck? Can't I be happy? Why? Please tell me why, Jihoon..."

He looked so weak while sitting on the floor crying like a child but yet looks so emotionless. It must be the most saddest day for him by today. I wouldn't be okay if I was him...

"Hyunsuk, everything's gonna be okay. You should put your trust on Yoon Hee. She's a strong person, right? She can do this. Everyone are gonna be there for her, especially us."

"I hope so. I'm going into the room first. Thank you, Jihoon. I love you, bro."

"Hyunsuk? Can I talk to you... I miss you, my son."

No, ma'am. This isn't the right time for you to say that...

"Mom? who's that? I don't have any parents. No one even loves me, if we're speaking about family. But one thing that I know is, if something bad happened to her, I'd really act like I don't know you, doesn't matter what it takes. keep that in your mind,"mom".

"No, Hyunsuk. You can't do that to me. I'm your mother, you need to respect me. Please, Hyunsuk..!! You need to forgive–"

"Ma'am, give him some times.. He'll be okay soon. He really love you so much but I don't really think that doing this will help you to fix your relationship with him."

I hope everything will be okay soon. I miss those times when everything was okay like how it was before this. I love everyone, especially Hyunsuk. Please God, make him happy forever.

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