12: Plans

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[🕐] the next day, 10:30 am.

Yoon Hee's POV

It was still early in the morning. What should i do now?

*Ding  newest article : 10 crazy life facts that will ruin your life.

Huh? Out of many other articles, this is the one that pops out of nowhere? It's okay, let's just read it.

"10 crazy life facts that will ruin your life"

Are you having a good day? You probably shouldn't have clicked on this list, because the facts you're about to read just might ruin it. Here are 10 of the most depressing facts about life.

10: At One Point, Your Parents Put You Down And Never Picked You Up Again

Wait, hold up.

I don't think that reading this is a good idea at all. But i know that this is somehow relatable to many people out there. But, it's not wrong to try right? Let me continue reading it.

[ Kim Yoo Min – new message ]

Oh Yoo Min? Is he that lazy to come here, so he chose to text me instead? Well, at least I don't need to read that article again. Okay, let's see what this Disney prince want from me...

Kim Yoo Min

Kim Yoo Min

Hey. are u busy?

Can you come down here?

I brought you a surprise.

Kim Yoon Hee

sure. what surprise?

Kim Yoo Min

come on, just go down.

we'll wait for you.

Kim Yoon Hee

we? what do you mean?

I guess, I really need to go downstairs right?

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Yoo Min's POV

As I was waiting for Yoon Hee to come downstairs, Jihoon grabbed my arm and trying to whispers something so i try to come closer to him.

"Does Hyunsuk know about all this? Wait, does Yoon Hee know about this? You know, about our plans? I'm kinda nervous, you know? What if I messed up everything? It's all ruined then omg how am I supposed to do this?" I never saw he panicked, like this? Not even once.

" Jihoon, listen. Firstly, both of them didn't know anything about this. Come on, you can do this! We've planned everything well yesterday and you're the most perfect candidate, for doing this. Please, you want them to be happy too right? " Please, I hope he's okay with doing this. I saw his smile and nods, it means that everything is gonna be okay now.

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