17: Anguish

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Choi Hyunsuk's POV

It's been months since that incident happened, and I keep on wondering where did I even do wrong? I tried to be there for them, always. But since it's our exam months, and we are usually getting busy for about a month before the exam started since we love to study so I barely had any chances to talk to them.

I mean, we do hang out sometimes with the boys but everything just feels different now. Yoon Hee, Yoo Min, and Jihoon aren't talking to me anymore. Yoon Hee isn't in the same class as me so I haven't got a chance to talk to her as much as I can like I used to do before this... And every time the boys hang out together, I will just feel unwanted. I mean, every time I was there, Jihoon and Yoo Min will only talk with the boys. I don't actually be mad at them but at least, I want to know why. 

I also noticed that Jihoon and Yoo Min didn't talk too much whenever I was there with them too, but they'll look happy when I can't join them or when I'm busy. That actually hurts me a lot...

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Friday, 4 December 2020, 4:30 pm. 

I miss them so much. I want to go back to the time where everything just fine between the boys, Yoon Hee, and me. Where everything will just make me happy...

*ding — oh it's Jaehyuk.

Yoon Jaehyuk

 Yoon Jaehyuk

hyunsuk? u there?

Choi Hyunsuk

yeah, why?

Yoon Jaehyuk

you wanna hangout today?

just both of us btw

the boys might be at the
funfair already

i had an extra class just now,
i can't join them

so, how?

Choi Hyunsuk

you sure?

you won't avoid me too?

like what they did...

Yoon Jaehyuk

what are you talking about?

don't worry, i won't do that

so, i'll come to your house
at 5:30 pm

Choi Hyunsuk

okay. see you soon

I'm glad that I still have Jaehyuk.

I miss Yoon Hee. I really wanted to text her but our conversation has been dry for so many days already. It's either we don't talk or she won't treat me the way she used to do before.

My Love ♡

-Tuesday, 1 Dec-

Choi Hyunsuk

yoon hee? hi, are u
asleep already?

My Love ♡

nope. why?

Choi Hyunsuk

oh nothing. can i hang out with
you tomorrow? or anytime u free?

My Love ♡

i don't think i will be free

i actually don't think that we
should hang out together again.

i got to go hyunsuk, bye.

Choi Hyunsuk

bye yoon hee, stay safe.

And that's how the conversation ends.

I don't want to cry now since I already well prepared to go hang out with Jaehyuk but I can't keep these sad feelings anymore. How can I let it all out? I need my Kim Yoon Hee. I miss her as much as I miss the boys. I need all of them too...

*ding dong

"Hyunsuk? It's Jaehyuk. I'm here already, I'll be waiting outside. Come outside now if you're ready."

"Yes, I'm ready. Wait, let me wear my shoes for a while."

"Hyunsuk, are you okay right now?"

"If you were in my shoes, would you be okay? I'm tired of wondering where did I even go wrong. All of it just happened really fast, and I don't know what to do anymore about this..."

"Then, why are you being silent about this? Why aren't you trying to say something about this whenever you got a chance? Just because they treated you like this, you can't just keep quiet and acted like nothing happened because it's not supposed to be that way. You need to know how to defend yourself, Hyunsuk. Just because you love them, you can't let them hurt you because you're also hurting them by just being you, I mean, you're not the old Hyunsuk that we used to know before." Is he really trying to make me cry right now?

"What do you mean? Are you trying to say that I never tried to fix the relationship between them and me? What do you even know about me? I'm tired of crying alone because I know that you guys will never want to hear anything from me anymore. Do you even know how tiring it is to even keep this alone to yourself? I miss you guys so much..." 

"This is how you're supposed to act whenever you feel like something is wrong. Keep this energy first, I ain't telling you anything. We're on our way to meet the boys and they didn't know anything about this. They miss you too, don't worry about it. When we reach there, you need to let it all out okay, promise me? I ain't helping you just to let it get worst between you guys."

Oh, I shouldn't be mad at him, but can the boys accept me when they have been so happy with each other, without me?

"So, Hyunsuk... We're here already, you can say something now." Jaehyuk said while tapping to my shoulder slowly.

"Jaehyuk, you didn't say that Hyunsuk will come together with you..."

I know this will happened. 

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