06: Promises

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Yoon Hee's POV

I reached my phone and my eyes instantly locked at the star charms. It's been hours since the embarrassing moments happened. What happened now? Are they going back to their home now? Would it be okay if I try to go downstairs now?

Who are that guy actually is? But referring to his face before, i know things have been hard for him. You can tell the same things to me too. I know how it feels. Its like I'm watching myself struggling with the whole sadness, and brokenhearted all alone by myself while trying to make other people happy. He'd probably be a good leader for any team.

But it will be great if there's someone for him to talk to. We can't keep everything to ourselves, you know? I know how hurts it is to be the stronger one because Yoo Min was weak since we're kids because the disease that he had before. So I already used to being the one who protecting him. But when it comes to my turns, who would do it for me? I can't even cry because mom said that I need to be strong for Yoo Min. The only person that has ever seen me crying was dad, and Hyunsuk.

Choi Hyunsuk.

why does that guy's face looked so similar to Hyunsuk? Does he goes back here again and doesn't tell me anything about it? Did he even know how much I missed him? Never did i even forget him. Where are the other charms of us right now? Is it still with you?

"I missed you, Hyunsuk. I miss you so much. You'll always be there for me years ago, where are you now? Do you know how hard my life have been for the past few years? Yoo Min are okay now, and even better than me. After dad gone, I actually tried for a few times to follow him but I stopped because of mom, and you. Where are you when i needed you the most? Please come here for me again like what we promised before this.. " I talked to myself as the tears keep falling down while remembering all the memories that we used to have.

Life has never been complete, ever since you're gone, Hyunsuk.. It might be to young for us when all of this promises things happened, but I will keep the promise. Please remember yours too. I'd rather die than seeing you happy without me, because I was never happy here, Choi Hyunsuk.

"Please don't ever let me go" I said while crying at the thought of losing him without I'm knowing anything about it.

As it already become a habits of mine, I fell asleep while crying so hard while holding the star charms that have been stuck to my phone for years now.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

[🕐] 3:30 am

I was awake because of a loud noise from my neighbors' car. But before that, I was having a dream that something is gonna happen to him. He wanted to- no, no! I won't let that happens. I must protect him. I'd try to ask Yoo Min tomorrow because I'm sure that it might be his friends.

I need to talk to him, I don't know how to talk to him by tomorrow, but I'd try to find a way for it.

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