13: Feelings

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Choi Hyunsuk's POV

"What the..."

What did I just saw ? Jihoon and Yoon Hee, are hugging each other ? I thought she hates interacting with people ?

"Hyunsuk? Are you okay? You look kinda shocked. Why?"... Jihoon, are you serious?

I know I never tell them anything. But, isn't that obvious that I like her? No, I love her. They're really clueless about this, huh?

What if they are actually together? If they can't even see that I love her, Yoon Hee might be clueless too. Why can't I just say that I love her before? What if I was too late now? What if Yoon Hee is now Jihoonʼs girl?

"Hyunsuk? You're okay? Is there something bothering you?"... Yoon Hee, can I cry now?

I don't want to cry because they do have the rights to be friends with her right? But how if, it's more than just a friends? It hurts me so much by just thinking about that.

" Yeah I'm okay. Nothing happened, don't worry. "

And she immediately hugged me. What if this is just a friendship hug? I never know that it gonna hurts me this bad. But I still smile to her, you know? If it's true that Jihoon and Yoon Hee are together now, I want both of them to be happy together.

Seeing someone you loved became happy even with someone else, are enough to prove your unreachable love.

"I'm glad that you're okay. By the way, I never thought that Jihoon is a cheerful person. It's fun to be close with him. You can have fun and spend your time with them, I want to pick up the newspaper first. See you later." She wink her eyes while smiling and waving happily. She's really that happy with Jihoon huh?

"Hyunsuk. You're selfish, you know? Why don't you introduce her to me earlier?"

Yes, Jihoon. I am a selfish person. I don't even wanna share her with anyone else. If I know that you're gonna be with her now, I should've confessed earlier to her, about my feelings, my love. But it's me, that was too late for her.

" Hahaha Jihoon, if I was really a selfish person.. She'd be mine by now. But she's yours right? So, obviously I'm not a selfish person. It's great to know that both of you are happy together."

Please take care of her, Jihoon.

I still remember that Jihoon and Yoon Hee once said to me that I was the person that they loved the most. I am their treasure and of course, it works in the same way for me too. Who knows that both of my treasure are now together?

I love both of you so much. If this is how destiny are meant to be for me, I'm still happy for the fact that, at least I know both of them are happy.

Please God, let her happy even if it's not with me.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Park Jihoon's POV

What? I thought he's gonna hit me for stealing his girl. Okay wait, I'm not actually stealing. But he really needs to know that both of them are meant to be with each other. Come on, it's too obvious that he love her so much, why can't he just confess everything to her?

And, one more thing... I never thought that Yoon Hee will gladly hugged me back? But for real, why doesn't he say something like "hey why are you hugging my girl" or something like that?

"Jihoon, he didn't get mad. This is weird. He does love my twin right? But his reactions.. doesn't show the same way as what we expected.."

Yes Yoo Min, you're not alone. I know that too. I need to fix this. But, Hyunsuk doesn't look okay after he answered his mom's call. Is everything okay? I better ask him now before it's too late.

" Hyunsuk, you doesn't look okay after the call. Is everything okay?"

He smiled, but I know it was a fake one. Soon as I try to say something, he already called my name.

"Jihoon, you want to know something? But please, don't get mad at me. Okay first of all, I love Yoon Hee. But my mom doesn't like her and she called me to say that she knew where I am and will do something bad to Yoon Hee if I keep on being with her. Yes, I don't know what to do before, but since you're with Yoon Hee now, there's nothing that I need to be worry about , right? "

I'm totally speechless. He misunderstood everything. Was that the reason why he acted like everything is okay even after the hugging moments? Oh shit.

" Hyunsuk.. I think you need to know something really important. Yoon Hee and I are–"

" Jihoon.. it's okay. Please take care of her. I want to see both of you happy too, you know?"

Oh god. Choi Hyunsuk !! please let me explain first.. How to fix this ? Should I ask Yoo Min since all of this was his plans?

"Yoo Min, here's the newspapers. I'll be in my room, so please don't disturb me okay? Thank you." 

"Yoon Hee? Why did you took so long to just grab the newspaper outside? Are you okay? Hey, what happened? Stop doing this to me, you need to share your feelings too, you know?! KIM YOON HEE!!"

What just happened to everyone today?

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