03: Surprises

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Yoon Hee's POV

Min-Hee ♡ – 5 new messages ]

Min-Hee ♡

Hello twinnieee !!

Happy 18th Birthday to
my princess, Kim Yoon Hee!

I hope you finally know
how to smile !! oh by the way,
I was on my way from the mall
to your house.

Hello? Are you asleep?..

Omg how can you sleep on your
special day? If I was you- oh wait...
never mind, I'm sorry. I hope you
happy now cause I'm coming soon bb!

Yoon Hee

You're so annoying.

Just come here, Yoo Min are doing
some birthday party. You can join them.

Bye, I want to sleep.

No, you really thought i can sleep back after getting too much notifications like that? No, i can't. When I'm already getting better and trying to fix myself, I saw our family photo and started crying again. I don't know how long am I going to stay like this. I hate myself for being a weak person for mom and Yoo Min. But i have to. I need to change myself as soon as I turned 18, that's my promise to dad.

I immediately keep the photo under my bed. I hope I will be okay as soon as I saw that photo again, which I don't know when because I'm a forgetful person. As I get out from my room, I heard someone crying from Yoo Min's room. Is it Yoo Min crying? Do his friends ditch him? Or maybe he is sad because of what happened 8 years ago? How can I say that I already forgive him?

Suddenly I heard the bell rings from the front door. I bet mom already open the door since I heard few guy voices. It must be Yoo Min's friends. I need to tell him.

"Why do you need to leave us, dad? Why do I even ask you to do that before? It's all my fault. I'm sorry dad, I love you so much."

I heard Yoo Min said that as soon as I opened the door. Okay, it was my fault for not knocking first. But without I even realised it, I already go near him and hug him while comforting that everything is okay. I already forgive him and dad is going to be proud of us now. Surprisingly, he doesn't even reject my hug.

"Yoo Min, your friends are already here. Go wash your face. You probably don't want them to see your face all puffy like this while you're holding a so-called Disney prince title." I said to him while giving him a face towel.

I didn't lie about that "Disney prince" things because Yoo Min and his friends are handsome. I mean, they do have the visuals. Unlike me, I was just nothing. I don't even know how can we even related to each other while we're so different?

I guess I need to make some differences right? Dad wouldn't want me to keep dying everyday without doing anything other than being a failure right? So i choose to go meet his friends. I bet they must be surprised about me.

But no, I was wrong. As soon as I trying to introduce myself, they are already being so excited of meeting me. And that's actually makes me uncomfortable. I shouldn't have tried to change myself.

"Hello! So, you're the princess of the day, Kim Yoon Hee or shall I call, my princess? Yoo Min was right when he said that his twin is so pretty!! Oh by the way, I'm Doyoung, and this is Jihoon, Yoshi, Junkyu, Mashi,... " - I never knew that Yoo Min has so many friends !! Oh by the way...

I was supposed to be uncomfortable right? But no, I was surprised. Yoo Min introduced me to them already and even compliment me? That's really Yoo Min? I guess being cold with him for the whole 8 years really made us not knowing each other better even as a twin. I'm sorry dad.

"I'm Kim Yoon Hee. Nice to meet you, and Yoo Min is going to come downstairs soon. Please have fun first. I hope you have a good day. If you don't mind, please excuse me" I hope he understands that I'm trying to go away from them, well politely? But when I see his smile, I bet he understands then.

As soon as I arrived at the swimming pool, I saw someone. I don't know what he was doing, probably just dozing off? But I can see that he's not okay. Should I go nearer to him? Why it's him? Because I don't have any friends other than Min-Hee and she's not here yet.

No, I don't think that I do have that much confidence to even go nearer him so I just peeked through my windows by climbing the sink and... let's just say that it wasn't my lucky day as I immediately fell to the floor and I think he heard it too since he was the one who picked me up again.

I don't know what he's trying to say because all I know was I ran away from him and everything. And I bumped so hard into Yoo Min, that it makes me dizzy for a while.

I guess I should have said that my birthday are never gonna be a good one after dad's gone. And now I just throw myself out, in front of a stranger. Dad, please take me with you now. I'm so embarrassed.

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