08: We Meet Again

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Yoon Hee's POV

"Hello. I'm sorry for disturbing you this early. But, is Yoo Min home?"

Oh shit, it was him. Does he notice that I was the one who stalked him yesterday? No, omg wait. I wanted to talk to him, isn't it? You dumb ass, stop being panicked.

"No, he's not. If I'm not wrong, I heard him talking on the phone about jogging or something. I'm not very sure. Are you on a deal of meeting him? He should have waited for you." You never want to know how badly I tried to make it less awkward than it already is.

"Um no. I'm here actually to meet you. I know you probably don't know me, but I think we knew each other before." He said it while showing the moon charms on his camera.

Now, why do the charms look familiar? Where have I seen it, maybe somewhere- WAIT. THE MOON CHARMS? HE'S HYUNSUK? THE REAL CHOI HYUNSUK?

"So you're talking about this? Choi Hyunsuk, is it really you?" I cried while still holding my star charms. I can't believe that he's really my Choi Hyunsuk. Wait, mine? No, I mean, he's my best friend right?

"Yes, Kim Yoon Hee. It's me. I'm sorry for not being there with you earlier. I know you must haven't forgiven me yet but I really have a valid reasons for myself. I can tell you the whole story if you have some time for it? Please, you just need to-" I cut his sentences as I saw that he's nearly crying. I know, it's hard for both of us. I don't even know if he's okay there, soon as he moved away. I can't even contact him. I don't know why.

"I trust you, Choi Hyunsuk. We've known each other for so long. If Yoo Min can trust you when he's not the type of trusting people so easily, why wouldn't I? But I still need to know what's the reasons, Hyunsuk. It has been 8 years since I last heard anything from you, and now you're here again? How, if I may ask you this? I promise you, I won't get mad. I just wanna know why." I tried to be as fine as I can because I know, It doesn't matter what kind of the reasons are, one of us is gonna be sad about it and I'm not ready for it.

Soon after i asked that, Hyunsuk finally tell me about the truth that happened for the past 8 years. I never know that he suffered memory loss and also, let's not forget about the cute points where he remembered everything about me from all the stuffs that he kept from 8 years ago. I love how destiny eventually brought us here, no matter how long it takes.

I don't wanna lose you again, Choi Hyunsuk.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Choi Hyunsuk's POV

After 8 years of a living hell, I finally met her like this again, but if only she know that mom asked me to moved over to LA because she doesn't want us to keep on being friends again. She said that Yoon Hee is a bad influence for me as I always get hurts by the bullies whenever I get near her while in fact, that's not how the truth works.

She's the one who will always get hurts by the bullies, only for protecting me. Whenever her mom asked her about the bullies, she always said that it's nothing to be worried about while she's crying and hurting silently for the sake of Kim Yoo Min.

Yoon Hee, if only you knew how badly I wanted to protect you from all the brokenhearted. Sadness. Loneliness. Everything. I just wanna make you mine and see you smile happily with me. God, please help me. Help her, let her be happy again. I love her, so much. It hurts seeing her like this.

"Choi Hyunsuk. I know you're not okay. You've been lost in your thoughts since the 1st day I met you again. Mind to share it with me? I miss your smile. I haven't seen your smile for so many years now, you know?" She said this softly to me while trying to comforts me with her hug.

Only God knows how much I missed her hugs. The only difference is, the feelings are real now. I might think that everything is normal for the past few years back then, but not now. I know what i want, and it's her. I want to make her the happiest girl ever alive in this world.

*saying softly  "Yoon Hee, I love you."

"What? I can't hear you. Say it loudly please, Choi Hyunsuk. Please? I miss your voice." - And i miss yours even more, Kim Yoon Hee.

"Nothing, I just missed you so much. Nothing can ever break us apart now. Nothing."

Only God knows how happy I am when I heard her chuckled and hug me even tighter. Please God, let this moment lasts forever.

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