16: Chance

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Choi Hyunsuk's POV

I tried to keep my tears from falling when I still heard their voices trying to talk to Yoon Hee. I know Yoon Hee is happy for having them with her now. I guess she doesn't need me anymore.

"Hyunsuk, are you okay? What happened upstairs?" Ask Jaehyuk.

"Nothing, Jaehyuk. They are just asking Yoon Hee about the reasons she became sad just now. But I can't stay here any longer, I need to go somewhere else now. Please say to Yoon Hee that I ask her to take good care of herself okay? I really gotta go, talk to you guys later." I hope that they won't ask them anything about me.

"Okay, Hyunsuk. I hope you take care of yourself too. Stay safe, you can just talk to us whenever you want to, it doesn't matter what kind of topics that you want to talk about, anything. Okay?"

"Okay, Yedam. Thank you." What did I do to even deserve them in my life? They are so kind to me and all I did was nothing to compare to them. I love them so much and if I need to let go of them in order to make them happy, I'll gladly do it.

As soon as I get out of their house, I realized that it was raining so bad... and I don't have an umbrella with me, but I guess it won't be a problem for me since rain can also be your companion especially when you're lonely and sad, which perfectly describing me at this moment. At least, no one will know that I'm crying now. Thank you, rain.

I don't remember how fast time passes when I realized that I'm already standing in front of my house gate. I saw mom's car, she's at home now?

"You've been walking alone while it's raining outside? Are you insane? What if you get sick? Have you met Luna?"

I just entered the house and mom already asked me so many questions? Can I just have a peaceful life, especially after what just happened today? Wait, Luna?

"Luna? Who's Luna?" I don't know any Luna at all.

"Choi Hyunsuk? Hi, I'm Luna."

Wait, that voice sounds so familiar to me.

"Luna?? Aren't you the one that Ji-" Wait, I shouldn't say that, right?

"Ji what? Hyunsuk, can I talk to you for a while? It's important."

What's so important than Yoon Hee for me?

"What is it? We have to make it quick, I can't talk to you for so long, you know? I'm sorry if that sounds really harsh for you, but I meant it."

" I met her today. Yoon Hee. I don't know it's gonna be this serious, so I want to let you know, about everything that happened today-"

"Wait, you met who? Who let you see her? How can you even know her?"

"Hyunsuk, let me explain. Your mom picked me up from my house because she wanted me to follow her today, to go somewhere new. So I just followed her and I didn't know at all that it was her house. But let me tell you something. Everything that happened today-"

"Hyunsuk, Luna? Let's eat, I've cooked something delicious for both of you. It's your favorite dish, Luna. Hyunsuk, bring your girlfriend here."

Girlfriend? Mom never tells me anything about this. Since when Luna was my girlfriend? And how can I do not know anything about this relationship if it's real? If Jihoon knows about this... But Jihoon already in a relationship with Yoon Hee. That still hurts me a lot...

"Hyunsuk? let's go. I'll explain more to you soon."

Everything went so fast, I don't even know what to do anymore. Why did mom do this to me and Yoon Hee? Luna even involved as a victim when she doesn't even do anything wrong in the first place. Why? There must be a reason for this to happen this way.

"Hyunsuk, why aren't you eating? You've been staring at the food for so long. Aren't you hungry?"

"Mom, who said that Luna is my girlfriend? I barely even close to her, how can she even be my girlfriend? And why do you hate Yoon Hee so much? What did she even do wrong to you? Can I know?"

I know it was harsh, I know that. But I can't keep this to myself any longer. But as soon as I saw Luna hides her face and keep looking down, I immediately feel regret for asking that kind of question in front of her...

"Choi Hyunsuk! I never teach you to be this rude to someone, especially in front of a girl. And it's Luna that you're hurting now. Aren't you supposed to say sorry to her?"

"Mom, aren't you supposed to say sorry to Yoon Hee too? I will never be rude if you don't start it first."

I can't do this anymore. Yoon Hee doesn't deserve all this. She still my best friend, it doesn't matter what happens and I won't let anyone, not even my mom hurt her.

I have never been this mad but I can't sit here anymore so I thought it will be best to go outside and look at the stars while remembering all the memories about Yoon Hee and I together.

"Hyunsuk? I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. But, about what happened just now, you don't have to be sorry about it, even though I know you won't but I just wanna say that it's okay to defend someone that you love, sometimes. But don't let it ruin your relationship with your mom. She's still your mom, no matter how far you go or how old you are. You're still lucky for having your mom, even when all you do was just having a fight with her because sooner or later, you'll still miss all of it. Trust me, I've been going through all of that shit before and it was super annoying, not until I lost both of my parents in an accident 3 years ago. I'm lucky that I still had my sister. You should give her time, maybe she will soon accept your girl or maybe, finally sharing her reasons behind all of those shits that she's been doing right now. Give her time, that's all you need to do. I'm sorry if I talk too much but I need to go now. See you soon Hyunsuk, good night."

I never expected that all of this heartwarming advice are coming from her? I mean, I barely know her right? So it's quite surprising for me. But she's a kind person.

Should I give her a chance?

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