21: Regrets

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Yoo Min's POV

I saw mom and Hyunsuk are talking with each other but I don't know what are they talking about since I was at Yoon Hee's bed and they were far away from my position make it harder for me to hear anything they said.

Yoon Hee, life has been so hard for you, since we're still little kids. You will always need to sacrifice, it's either for me, Mom, or Hyunsuk itself. You're a good girl, a good person. You're an angel. Dad must be so proud of his daughter today. I will never be sacrificing myself just for someone that hates me. But we're different, Yoon Hee. And that's what makes you special to everyone.

"Yoo Min, can I talk to Yoon Hee?"

"Sure, she's all yours."

"Thank you. It might take a long time but if you or your mom wanted to talk to Yoon Hee too, feel free to tell me."

"Hyunsuk, don't worry. Take your time. We'll always be here okay?"

He nodded but still, looks so emotionless. But as soon as he looked at Yoon Hee, he suddenly burst into tears. Then, he stopped crying and said something to Yoon Hee.

"Yoon Hee, why did you do this to me? Why are you leaving me? You promised to stay with me forever. What's happening now? Why didn't you tell me that Jihoon wasn't yours? I keep on thinking that both of you are together. We haven't got a chance to fix our relationship either. Don't leave me, Yoon Hee. Let me fix everything first. I can't lose you, my love."

He stopped talking and started crying again.

"Yoon Hee... do you remember the promises we made? It's okay if you don't remember it anymore. I just want you to be okay, doesn't matter what it takes. It's okay if you don't remember anything, we can start a new life together right? Please wake up, love. I'm begging you... "

"Hyunsuk.. do you want to be alone with Yoon Hee for now?" Mom and I are worried about Yoon Hee too but I think, Hyunsuk might be missing her so much since they haven't talked to each other since the hugging incident...

"Yeah sure, if you don't mind about it. I have a lot of things that I wanted to say to her."

"Sure, of course. But I wanna tell you something if it's okay with you..." I stopped first to see if he's okay with it and decided to continue once I saw him smiled and nodded to me... "um, you know about the incident of Jihoon and Yoon Hee hugging each other? It was all because of me. I asked him to do that because we wanted you to realized that both of you actually have a mutual feeling between each other. I never knew that it's gonna be this bad. Everything that happened was all my fault. I'm sorry, Hyunsuk. I really regret it."

"Yoo Min, you know what? It's actually working. I  realized that I really loved her. I really don't wanna lose her, at least not again. My life was sucks when I lost her before. I'm sorry if my mum ever hurt both of you, physically or mentally... I never thought that mum is actually able to do that, especially to you guys who helped me a lot..."

"It's okay Hyunsuk. It's not that you're cooperating with her too. you, yourself didn't know anything about this. If Yoon Hee knows about this too, she still won't blame you either, especially since you're her first love, until today."

Hyunsuk smiled at me, but I know it was a fake one. Who would give you a sincere smile when they're clearly sad? I give him a pat on his shoulder and asked mum to leave the room for him alone.

I hope everything is gonna be better soon.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Choi Hyunsuk's POV

Was it all my fault? Why did I think that keeping everything silent is the best thing to do while I clearly hurting everyone that I loved... Why does every bad thing need to happen to me? 

*Ring ring...
[Jihoon calling]

Jihoon: are you okay?

Hyunsuk: no, I'm not. Jihoon, I want to ask you something. but, please be honest with me.

Jihoon: okay, sure. what was it?

Hyunsuk: was all of this happened because of me? if I keep on being honest with everything, would all of this happen too? Yoon Hee got involved in the accident because of me, right?

Jihoon: no, it's not. things are just meant to be this way. it'll never be your fault, okay? about whatever happened before with us, and the boys... let's just pretend that it's never happened. if you really want to think about it, at least think of it as a lesson between us, okay? stop blaming yourself, Choi Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk: but my mom was the reason that she got involved with the accidents. wasn't that automatically mine as well? 

Jihoon: no. why does your mom's fault will automatically be yours? it doesn't make sense at all. stop worrying about it okay? I need to bring the boys home. Do you want to come with me too? or do you wanna stay here with Yoon Hee? 

Hyunsuk: it's okay, I'd just stay here, in case she finally wakes up... at least, I'm here with her. take care, Jihoon. I'd catch up with you guys soon.

Jihoon: you sure? okay then, see you later. don't forget to take care of yourself too. btw, not everything was your fault okay? sometimes, things are just meant to be like that. 

Hyunsuk: okay, Jihoon. thank you for your words, it helps me a lot. see you later too, take care.

Jihoon: okay goodbye, don't forget to eat. 

[call ended]

I hope everything will be okay soon, I don't want to lose her again. What happened to mom right now? I'm worried but I still can't forget all her actions towards Yoon Hee and the others...

I wish everything doesn't happened this way...

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