04: Dreams or Past?

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Yoo Min's POV

"Ouch, Kim Yoon Hee! What happened? Why are you rushing? Are you okay?" I immediately get worried after I saw her rubbing her head so hard. But it's weird seeing Yoon Hee crashing everything, unless something-

"Kim Yoo Min? Are you there? Come downstairs here sweetheart, bring Yoon Hee too if she's okay." While I was thinking about Yoon Hee, I heard mom's voice. But Yoon Hee just got up here, why does mom wants her down back? Does something just happened?

"Okay mom." I said to mom while making my way to Yoon Hee's room, but soon before I even knock her door, I heard her saying "It's okay Yoo Min, you can just go. Tell mom that I love both of you." Okay I was still sad but I can't push her right?

I hugged mom and my friends as soon as I met them. I missed them so much. They were the reasons I still survived now, since 8 years ago. Why am i emotional like this? Because I was nothing. Compared to Yoon Hee, she's way better than me. Everyone loves her for who she is, not like me. Everyone hates me because of my past. But never mind, I wanna enjoy this moment as long as I can while this moment lasts.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Choi Hyunsuk's POV

I feel so happy when I saw all of my friends are smiling happily. I was so worried that we might not be able to attend Yoo Min's birthday party because some of us are already busy as trainees and so on. But, who's that girl? Was she the one that Yoo Min introduced as his twin, but I can't recall her name now. Should I just ask Yoo Min?

"Hyunsuk, are you okay? You've been dozing off quite long now that you don't even realized that I'm here? Might want to share what's on your mind?" Yoo Min suddenly come to me as if he knows that I was just thinking about him just now. Should i ask him?

"No, there's nothing to be worried about. I was just a little bit tired. Where's your twin by the way?" That's it, I'm gonna ask him now.

"Oh Yoon Hee? She's in her room. She's here before but I don't know why does she decided to go to her room back. I really thought that she finally being her old self back but I guess I was wrong." I know Yoo Min was still blaming himself for being the cause of his dad's death. If only my dad are as good as their dad, my life will be complete.

Kim Yoon Hee. Why does her name sounds so familiar? Her face too. It's like we've met years ago, before I even knew Yoo Min. But is that even possible? They must have been going to the same school and classes, how can I know Yoon Hee earlier than Yoo Min then?

"Hyunsuk? yahhh you're lost again. Hello?? You're there?" Oh shit, Yoo Min. "Yes Yoo Min, I'm here. I'm sorry, I was just hungry hehe" and Yoo Min suddenly laughed, thank god.

"Why don't you say this earlier? Come on, let's go get some food. I have hamburger, you love hamburgers right ? Come on." Said Yoo Min.

HAMBURGERS ?? Oh My God. But still, thank god Yoo Min didn't notice that I was often get lost in my thoughts nowadays. I hope they're always gonna be happy and never need to feel the sadness and loneliness that I've been going through a lot for years.

Kim Yoon Hee. Who are you? Are you a girl from my unreachable dreams or a girl from my broken past?

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