07: Unplanned

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Yoon Hee's POV

Why do I even dreamed something like that? what's gonna happen to him? Is he okay? I mean, yeah I know he's probably gonna look up to me and say "god damn boy, this girl is a stalker" but no, I'm not. technically yes but that's not what I was trying to do. Is it? I don't know. But I really want him to be safe.

"Yoon Hee my lovely daughter, are you okay? you seems so lost. You don't even eat your breakfast. What are you thinking about?" Mom suddenly asked me about my thoughts right now? I don't think my mom noticed him. But do mom still remember Hyunsuk?

"Nothing mom. I'm okay. I was just tired. Nothing much." I'm sorry mom, I had to lied to you. I don't want to make you worry again. Having us are already a burden since we were still a kids.

"I want both of you to knows that I love you guys. It doesn't matter what happens, you guys will always be my blessings. I'm here for anything, I promise to both of you." Mom said to both of us and I saw their tears falling down. But mom noticed that I was looking at her, she stopped crying and smiling again as she said this, "I'm going to work now. Please take care of yourself okay? I love both of you, so much." and started to hug us. Of course, we hugged her back.

15 minutes after mom goes to work, I tried to make a conversation with Yoo Min. But i just don't know how. How to ask him about his friends?

" Yoo Min-ah, can I ask you something? Um you know, I tried to talk to your friends yesterday because I thought that they don't even know me but I was wrong. So one of your friends, Doyoung?? If I'm not wrong, introduced all of your friends to me, but i can't remember their names. Can you introduce them back to me??" AND YES FINALLY I ASKED HIM IN JUST ONE BREATH.

"That was bold. I mean, I didn't even say yes yet to your 1st question but anyways, of course I can. You want to meet them personally or just me, introducing them to you?" Noo, i don't want to meet them. I mean, well I'm not ready for it. So you know what i choose right??

" The 2nd option please? I only knew Doyoung, Jihoon, Yoshi, Junkyu, and Mashi? His name just Mashi? it's like a short form for MARSHMALLOW. And he's cute. okay no I'm sorry."

"That was so random, Yoon Hee. Btw, It's not marshmallow, it's Mashiho. Okay since you already know 5 of them, you only need to know another 7. Before you started freaking out, yes they're 12 in total. So let me show you their pictures and I'll tell you the name okay?"

"OKAY!" And I was so excited until he received a call from his friends about his jogging plan or something, i don't know but he didn't get a chance to introduce the last member of the group to me, which is the guy from yesterday's party !!!!! And just like that, he leave me alone.

I was waiting excitedly just for nothing?? I was so mad until I got a few messages.

*ding *ding *ding

Oh shit that was so annoying. I should have put my phone on silent.

6 incoming messages : Min Hee ♡

Min Hee ♡

Where are you yesterday?

I told you that I'm coming

Yoo Min said you're not ok

hello princesss? omggg srsly?

nvm. have you met yoo min's
friends? holy shit they're so hotttt.

you're boring omg. how can i
even be your friends?

Kim Yoon Hee

I'm sorry.

I'm not feeling so good so i
took some rest

are you partying with yoo min?

you're crazy girl.

how can we even friends?

Min Hee ♡

Idk sis. we're crazy.

btw, i love you.

i bought you a plushies

but i forgot you're literally
a living man in a girl's body.

how can you even hates this
cute stuff? i guess I'm keeping
it for myself then 😘

Kim Yoon Hee

Stop you're crazy.

Wait, someone's at the door

Who would it be? I don't think it will be Min Hee since we're neighbours. She should just come here instead of texting me. Wait, let me check.

*opens the door

"Hello. I'm sorry for disturbing you this early. But, is Yoo Min home?

Oh shit.

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