19: Best friends?

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Choi Hyunsuk's POV

"Yoo Min! Omg guys, Yoo Min collapsed... What happened? Hyunsuk, pick up the phone, check who's calling him right now!!" ask Jihoon in hurry.

Everything went so fast, from fighting each other to forgiving session, to panicked in just 1 hour... what's happening?

"Hello? Who's there? It's Hyunsuk here."

"Omg Hyunsuk? Thank god it's you! Please come here now, Yoon Hee just got involved in a serious accident and she's critical. please... come here faster... before it's too late, Hyunsuk...."

Why do bad luck always comes after me? What did I do wrong in my past life? Yoon Hee, please be strong!! Wait for us, sweetheart....

" Hyunsuk!! What happened? Why are you crying so bad? Tell me Hyunsuk, WHAT HAPPENED?! "

" Jihoon.... Yoon Hee is in the hospital... let's go now!! We can't be late for her, please Jihoon.. let's go!"

"I already lift Yoo Min, so what are you guys waiting for? Come on."

"Thank you, Haruto. Yoon Hee, wait for us." I said while Jihoon keeps on making me calm by hugging me.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Soon as we reached the hospital, their mom and Min Hee immediately called us. Their eyes are red, and they look so weak... If they can be like this when they're just crying, Yoon Hee's conditions might be worst.. God, please save her.

"Yoo Min, I'm sorry that I failed to protect her. I just looked away for seconds, and everything happened already. I'm so sorry, its supposed to be me. I should have protected her better, it was all my fault–"

"Min Hee, it's not your fault. Things are meant to be this way okay? All of us are sad about this, but no one are blaming you. It's okay, let's just hope and pray for Yoon Hee's conditions." Yoo Min said while hugging her.


that voice... It's sounds so familiar...

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

"So you're Hyunsuk's mom? Was that the reason why you hate to see my daughter happy? Because you don't want her to be with your son?" What does she meant by that?

Wait, what's happening?

"Mom, what is this? Why does Yoon Hee's mom know you? I mean, how? Mom, I can't do this anymore. Please tell me everything. Mom, I'm begging you, please."

"Hyunsuk. I'm so sorry for everything. I know I shouldn't do that but I can't keep on seeing her daughter happy with my son when she literally stole my happiness before. Yoon Hee's dad is my ex boyfriend before I get married with your dad. Three of us are best friends and your dad decided to make me as his girlfriend. She knew all this and still decided to get married with him. It will be lies if I said that I never get mad over it. In fact, I've been keeping this anger for years. So, I go met Yoon Hee to warn her about Luna and you. But suddenly I almost get robbed, and Yoon Hee saved me but she.... got involved with the accident like what happened now... I'm so sorry, Hyunsuk. I know I'm a selfish person. I let all my angers out on you and Yoon Hee when things already happened for almost 20 years.. I know I'm a bad mom for you. I'm so sorry for–"

"Yes, you are. You're the most worst mom I've ever had. You used us. You never loved me or dad. In fact, you get married first before Yoon Hee's parents. Why do you need to put the blame on their parents for years when you already had a happy family before, and you even had me–"

Everyone was looking at me, and mom... I was so disappointed that I don't even care anymore for crying in front of other people. Luna and Yoo Min keep on trying to make me calm but can I? No. Mom was crying so bad, I know I'm hurting her with my words but she needs to know all this..

"Do you even love me, mom? Do you even love dad? At this point, I'm not surprised anymore if dad doesn't love you anymore because I'd be doing the same thing too if I were in dad's shoes. Why did you do this to me? Why do you hate me so much, mom? Btw, mom.. Luna was never mine. I won't take my best friend's lover just to make you satisfied, mom. I'm not a cruel person like you."

That's it. I won't forgive her, if something bad happens to Yoon Hee. I can't lose someone that have been there for me, for years.... just for someone who never even care about me, even when we're a family.

"Hyunsuk, you need to calm down. I know you love Yoon Hee. Mom and I love her too. We never want to see our one and only princess get hurt even just for a moment.. but you can't do this to your mom, Hyunsuk. She's still gonna be your mom, no matter what happens." Yoo Min said that while wiping my tears away. I'm so grateful for having them again.

"Yoo Min, you'll never understand what I've been going through my whole life before I met Yoon Hee. It was all darkness until she came into my life as the stars to my darkest night. She brought me back to life. What did mom even do for me? She even make it worst by making us moving far away from you guys.. I hate–"

They shut me up by hugging me tightly but I won't complain. This is what I've been looking for months already. I miss them so bad.

"Just shut up, Hyunsuk. We're here for you okay? No matter what happens, we'll stick together. We'll make you happy, on behalf of Yoon Hee, for now. We love you, Hyunsuk. We never wanted to ignore you or something, we just get mad for some reasons. We're so sorry okay?"

"Thank you Jihoon. I miss you guys, so much. And I love you guys too. Please don't ignore me again. You never wanted to know how much I've been crying alone because of this."

"You'll never cry because of us again, that's my promise to you." Jihoon hugged me tightly after he promised me that.

I need them before, and I got them back.
Thank you, God.

God, Please save Yoon Hee. I never wanted to imagine myself losing her because they will be losing me too if I ever lose her. Be strong, Yoon Hee. You've been strong for your whole life, you surely can do it better this time. I love you, Yoon Hee.

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