22: Forget Me Not

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April 20, 2020

Choi Hyunsuk's POV

4 months have passed, but it still feels like yesterday. I can still saw her smiling face every time she's talking to me, her happy laugh whenever we're having fun together. I miss you, Yoon Hee.

*Ring ring...
[Kim Yoo Min calling]

Yoo Min: where are you? I'm on my way to your house.

Hyunsuk: okay sure, I'm almost done.

Yoo Min: alright. see you soon.

[call ended]

We're planning to go visit Yoon Hee together because the doctor will report about Yoon Hee every month, and it's today for this month! I really hope that it'd be a positive one.

Yoon Hee, I can't wait to see you smile again.

"Hyunsuk, over here!!" oh there he is.

"Hi Yoo Min. Where's your mom?"

"Working, as usual. What about yours?"

"I don't know. Wait, I need to go somewhere important first. Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"Shh, just follow me. It's not that I'm taking you to a bad place or something. Come on!"

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

A few minutes later, we arrived in front of the flower shop.

"Oh– Choi Hyunsuk. You're early today. Usually, you'll come here at 12, but it's 10 am now? Is it report day today? Is there any good news about her?"

this is the owner of this shop. She's too kind, sometimes she even asks me to take her flowers for free whenever it's a report day even when I told her that I'd still pay for it doesn't matter how much it costs because she badly wanted to see Yoon Hee getting better too.

"Hi, aunty! It seems like I came here every day since you also know the schedules already. Yes, today is report day. Oh by the way, let me introduce you to Yoon Hee's twin, Kim Yoo Min."

"Oh hello, Yoo Min. I bet that Yoon Hee is also pretty since her twin is handsome too."

"Aw aunty, thank you for the compliment. But her visuals are better, comparing to mine. Btw Hyunsuk, so you're the reason behind all the flowers in Yoon Hee's room?"

"Shouldn't that be so obvious already?"

"Hyunsuk, Yoo Min, you can take a seat first. Let me pack your flowers first, okay?"

"She really knows your orders, wow... So, what flowers are you buying for Yoon Hee today? Or is it a surprise?"

I just keep smiling at him because he will still know it soon. 

"Hyunsuk, this is your flowers. I hope that everything is gonna be okay and great for both of you today. You got my prayers with you today. As usual, it's free on the report day."

"But, aunty... I wanted to pay for it."

"No, it's okay. You better go now before you're late."

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