10: Last Dance

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Choi Hyunsuk's POV

3 incoming messages : My Love ❤️

My Love ❤️

Hi, are you there? I missed you

I was cleaning my room
just now and I saw my family photo.

I missed dad hm. Can you come here?

Choi Hyunsuk

You're not okay right?

Wait for me okay?

My Love ❤️

okay. please take care hyunsuk! ♡

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

I wanted to be there for her. I don't know why but I know I'd regret it if I don't do this now. Yoon Hee, please wait for me.

Soon as I arrived to their house, I saw Yoon Hee already waiting for me outside their house. It's cold, and she's just wearing a simple plain t-shirt and a sweatpants? But she still looks cute. Oh god please help me...

"Yoon Hee. I'm here. Why are you waiting outside while only wearing this? Come here." I said to her while trying to hug her, but instantly being hugged by her first.

"I missed dad, so much. I'm sorry for being a burden for you. This is just normal for me every night. It's just that I'm getting weaker because I know you were here. I'm sorry. "

I can't see her breaking down like this. How can she said that this is normal? Does breaking down like this is normal for her? Am i too late for being here back for her?

I'm sorry Yoon Hee. I'll protect you, my love.

I keep on hugging her tightly, while wiping all her tears away. I saw her smiling and she keep saying that she's okay. No Yoon Hee, you're not okay. I smiled back at her and kissed her forehead.

"Hyunsuk, thank you. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for everything. I can't imagine myself losing you again. You know you have me too right? You can always tell me everything."

I miss my dad too. But missing someone who isn't here anymore hurts even deeper. I shouldn't say anything yet. Not for now. I don't wanna lose you too, Kim Yoon Hee. I need to be strong. I'm here for Yoon Hee, not Yoon Hee being here for me. As I tried to say something, Yoon Hee has already say something first.

"Hyunsuk. I know you miss your dad too. Are you and your mom okay now? Do you know where your dad now?" Without I even realized it, I've already been crying so hard while hugging her tightly. I can't never be strong without her. She hugged me back while keep saying it's okay. Everything is gonna be okay for me, as long as she's here with me.

But can I make everything okay for her? How if she hurts even more whenever she's with me?

"Oh? It's raining. Hyunsuk, let's go inside. I don't want you to get sick. Come on, sweetheart."

Sweetheart? Cute. Kim Yoon Hee, stop making me falling in love with you. I don't want anyone hurts you, not even mom. I promise to myself that I will protect you, even if I need to die for you, I'm willing to do it.

"Hyunsuk, never mind. let's dance in the rain together. I've been dreaming about this for so long. Let's do it? Can we? Please?"

God, please help me. She's so cute.

"Okay, let's go! You know how to dance? I don't know how." And she laughed so hard after I finished my words.

"Come on Hyunsuk, you need to know how to lie better. You literally ace every dance moves. You're born to be a dancer. With the visuals of you itself, I know why Yoo Min said that girls are head over heels for you. Okay so now let's dancee! Just dance like it's our last one."

What did Yoo Min said? Wow this guy really need to know how to shut his mouth better. It will makes my chance to be with her even smaller now because I know Yoon Hee wouldn't want to disturb my relationship if I ever have one.

But, dance like it's our last? Why do she say that? Tonight won't be the last dance for us right? God, please don't do this to us. I really want to make her happy.

"Wow okayyy! Let's dance then you need to go inside and take some rest okay? By the way, I don't even care about the girls. Who needs them when I already have you. Yoon Hee, let's go out tomorrow?"

And, she's laughing again. I'm glad that she's happy now. And I'm really happy for being the reason behind your smile today, Yoon Hee. Can I just hug her and never let go of it?

" Yes you already have me. Promise to always stay with me? And yes, LET'S GO OUT TOGETHER!!"

She screamed first, and started hugging me for so long. Please, I hope this moment really lasts forever. God, please don't take her away from me.

"I promise, my princess." I said while kissing her hands. She's smiling happily to me, and her eyes... are sparkling. She's so precious.

God, I love her. Please don't break us apart again.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Yoon Hee's POV

What's actually happening between us now? How can he be that precious? His eyes. It shows so much happiness that I can get lost in it. His smile. It feels different seeing him smile happily like this. Everything feels different now. Is it happiness?

Choi Hyunsuk. It's Hyunsuk again that taught what happiness is, after so long I don't know how it feels.

Thank you Hyunsuk, thank you for everything.

I love you, so much.

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