09: Precious

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Choi Hyunsuk's POV

I was so happy today as I finally met the love of my life, not until I saw mom at the door. I know the meanings of the face that she did now, which is I must have done something that make her mad.. And i think I know what it is. But I won't let her stop me.

"You're home now but it was too late. Where have you been? Are you going out with that stupid girl again? I thought I already told you for so many years to forget her. Are you stupid? You wanna get hurt again, aren't you?" And I just walked through her because I don't wanna hear this bullshits again. She's have been hating on a girl that saved his son for millions times already. Does she even here with me everytime I needed her? No, she doesn't.

" CHOI HYUNSUK. I'M TALKING TO YOU NOW." Oh mom, you're screaming now?

"Mom, just stop yelling. No one even cares about what you're tryna point out here. Yes, I'm here because of you. But I'm still here because of her. She saved my life for so many times already. If its not because of her, you'd just going over and over again to my grave. It's only if you still cares about me then. I don't want to hear any shits about her from you again, mom. I know what I want, and it's not what you choose. Please respect my decision too. Thank you"

I know mom are so disappointed with me. But just because you're an elders, it doesn't means that you're always right. Mom will never be right when it comes to Yoon Hee. And I love Yoon Hee. I know I need to put my mom first. But when I tired with everything, who was here for me? Kim Yoon Hee, not mom. I'm sorry mom, you're just too busy with your world that I'm not a part of it anymore. I guess I just need to let it slide because she's still my mom, no matter what.

I hope Yoon Hee are okay. I missed you, Kim Yoon Hee.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Yoon Hee's POV

I was chilling in room when suddenly someone knocked my door. As soon as I give the signal that means it's okay to just open the door, I saw Yoo Min.

"Hey Yoon Hee. Can I ask you something real quick? How did you knew Hyunsuk? I thought you hates interacting with people. What happened?"

I know this day are gonna come soon, but I didn't thought that it will be today. Well this is the only chance to tell him everything right? I hope he's going to be okay with this.

" You really wanna know how? Okay. Um, remember years ago when you're still sick? You're just sitting at home, but I goes to school. And that's how I met Hyunsuk. But 8 years ago, months before our birthday, he had to moved away to LA. He said because he wanted to get away from all the bullies. Oh btw, we're close because I'll always protect him from the bullies. You do know that you have a strong twin sister right? But of course, like every other friends, we promised to always contact each other and so on. But as soon as he got there, he seems like he has forgotten me already. And that year are also the beginning of the tragedy right? So I don't really talked too much that I finally stopped thinking about him. Turns out, 8 years ago, he meant to be your friends and met me again, here. Thank you, Yoo Min. You helped us a lot. I love you, always."

I was getting too focused on telling the story until I can't even realised that he was also too focused on hearing my story. Is he okay with it or not? I really hope that-


-he's okay.

I was in a total confusion for the whole time until he finally say, "I was trying so bad to make you guys know each other. I mean, you guys will be a cute partner. Both of you are so caring, I know you guys are exactly meant for each other."

"Hahaha what are you talking about? We're just best friend for so many years already. He's probably found someone else by now. You know?"

No, I wasn't okay with him finding someone else. I don't know why but I don't want to lose him again. Giving him to other girls are gonna make me lose him again. No.

" Yeah, laughing now crying later. You know we're twins. The telepathy are somehow works with each others minds. You don't have to lie. I know you. Go ahead, I bet you can cut the whole ass long lines only for him. Put your trust on me, princess."

I know everything are just fine now but I had the instinct that something are going to happen soon.

" Oh i don't know if you already knew this, but his father already leave him and his mom since they were still in LA. His parents aren't in a good relationship anymore. But, I know he's happy now with you here. I'm happy that you're happy too. "

Wait, what? I never know that. The last time I heard anything from him, his family are still okay with each other. It's the most happiest family I've ever seen, unlike my family. But it's changed now? I need to ask him about this, sooner or later.

But whatever it is, I hope everything is gonna be okay by tomorrow.

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