18: Apologies

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Yoon Hee's POV

It's been so long since I last hanging out with the boys. Yoo Min have been asking me to join them for so long, but I can only do it now since I finally got a free time.

"Jeongwoo-ya, did Jaehyuk tell you anything? maybe about the time he's gonna be here?"

"No, the last text that he sent to me was "I was on my way now." and it was 30 mins ago."

"Jihoonie, he said something to me just now. He said that "everyone must be here as soon as I arrived. Something important coming through". i don't know what does he meant by that but we aren't complete now..." And Asahi was right. Hyunsuk isn't here. He must be happy with that Luna by now..

I actually don't have a good feelings about this. Should I stay? Or should I just go home before it was too late?

"Does everyone is including me? Because if it is, I don't think I can stay. I'm actually having a pretty bad headache right now, I think I should just go home and take a rest.. Please say sorry to Jaehyuk."

"Yoon Hee? are you okay? Let me take you home."

"No, Yoo Min. It's okay, I can just ask Min Hee to bring me home. She's just nearby so there won't be any problem about it. I'll go first, promise to me that you and the boys will behave with whatever will happen next, okay?"

"okay, Yoon Hee. We promise. Take care okay?"

I nodded and smiled to him. He exchanged it with his smile back and keep waving at me. Why does it feels different when I'm going home alone now. It feels like I won't see him again, forever.

I hope that everything is gonna be okay, even when I'm not there with them. I really wanna know why does Jaehyuk say something like that but I also think that staying isn't a good option by now.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Yoo Min's POV

I hope that Yoon Hee are just fine. Everything are just so weird today. What does Jaehyuk meant by his text to Asahi?

"Jaehyuk, you didn't say that Hyunsuk will come together with you..."

Hyunsuk? He looks different. He doesn't look happy at all. Did something happened to Luna and him? But...

I admit that I miss his presence but Jihoon doesn't need to be that harsh with Hyunsuk. He must be sad enough to be alone while all of us are here together..

"Jihoon, let me explain. I brought Hyunsuk with me because-"

"Because I asked him to bring me too. Is it wrong? Am i not allowed to hang out with you guys anymore? Well, if I'm not one of you guys anymore, can you at least let me know why?"

"We're not ignoring you, at all. Ask yourself, Hyunsuk. You know yourself why does all of this happened."

"What do you mean, Jihoon? Are you saying that all of it was my fault?"

Is he for real right now? How can he act like nothing happened when he clearly having a relationship with Luna and keep on giving Yoon Hee a fake hope to her feelings? And he even betray his closest friend...

"Hyunsuk. I know I'm not supposed to say this when Yoon Hee aren't here but she's my twin and I don't like the way you hurts her feeling."

"Yoo Min... what the..? Okay, I don't know what did I even do wrong. I tried for a million times already to fix my relationship between her and I. But she just seems like, she doesn't need me anymore. Why?"

"Then what's up with Luna, bro? You knew I liked her for so long already. You ain't telling anything to Doyoung too, about his cousin. Luna is his cousin and he knew about your relationship from Yoon Hee. Anything to explain? Oh I forgot to mention another thing, stop giving Yoon Hee some fake hope shit just because you're close to her. Feelings are valid and you're hurting her."

Jihoon was right.. Doyoung doesn't even know anything about Luna and Hyunsuk if Yoon Hee didn't tell us anything. The fact that Yoon Hee even knew about it from Hyunsuk's mom and not from Hyunsuk itself are enough to hurt us.

It's not that we don't want to see him happy but not with this way. He can't be happy by hurting other people.

"Jihoon... Luna was never mine. I knew you loved her and I respect you. But you knew that I loved Yoon Hee and yet, you're together with her. How about that? Anything to explain? You even hugged her in front of me, and called me selfish for not introducing her to you before. Imagine how hurts it is for me?"

"Do you even give me a chance to explain? No. I did that because I want you to realize that you guys love each other but it turns out wrong. Whenever I'm trying to explain, you'll always cut me off by saying "no, its okay jihoon. take care of her... " and so on. Would you mind listening to other people first?"

"So now you're saying that it was all my fault? Okay I know, I'm sorry. I never knew its gonna be this worst.. I miss you guys so much... I never had any relationship with Luna. Not even once, Jihoon. She's all yours. Doyoung, I didn't hide anything about Luna from you. Yoo Min, I love Yoon Hee. I'd never hurt her like this even if I have a million chances to do it..."

Have you ever heard a quote about plot twist? Let me share one - "plot twist is everywhere, it's either you're in it or you're not even realizing it." - and now I finally realized that it was true...

All of this time, it was all just a massive huge misunderstanding between Hyunsuk and us?

Yoon Hee. She didn't know anything about this..

*calling Kim Yoon Hee - the number you've dialed is unavailable.

Unavailable? Where did she go? Does something happened to her? I don't really have a good feelings about this...

*Ring ring...
[Min Hee calling]

"Hello, Min Hee. Why does Yoon Hee's number is unavailable? Where are you guys right now? Why are you crying?!"

"Yoo Min, help me... Yoon Hee... she's... please just come here now!!"

And the next thing I know, everything is dark.

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