15: Betrayal

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Choi Hyunsuk's POV

She hugged him again, even when she's sad? Who am I now to her? Where are the promises to stay together till death tear us apart has gone?

"Guys, I think I should go first. Yoon Hee, I hope you're okay now since Jihoon is here for you. Take care."

She smiled at me. She really ain't trying to make me stay now? Am I really too late for her now? How can Jihoon get her first when I was the one that will always be there for her?

I guess this is the ending now. At least, I still have her as my best friend right? That's better than losing her completely. I really hope that both of them are gonna be happy together.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Yoon Hee's POV

I know I shouldn't expect something more from Hyunsuk now, especially since I knew that he already had Luna now. But I was expecting that he will stay with me today, at least until I'm okay. That's all I ask for, was it too much? But yeah, he can do whatever he wants and the last thing that I want to see is a sad Hyunsuk. So I can only just smile at him, and he replied back with another smile that slowly makes me sad again because I know sooner or later, he still never gonna be mine.

"Hyunsuk, are you leaving now? Why you don't want to stay with us here?" No, Jihoon. Don't make it harder for me to let him go.

"No, Jihoon. I need to go somewhere now. I'll catch up with you and the boys soon. Have fun okay? I got to go now, goodbye." And he just left, without even looking at me back. I should be used by this already, his heart belongs to someone else now.

"Hyunsuk? Are you leaving already? What happened with both of you? Are you guys in a fight or something? Even though you're not crying as how Yoon Hee did now, I know that deep inside your heart, you're not actually fine. Tell me, Hyunsuk. Why? what happened?"

Yoo Min, you ain't fixing anything. That's not the way to ask Hyunsuk to open up about his feelings to you. If only I can do it the right way now...

"No, Yoo Min. Both of us are okay. It's just that I need to go somewhere else real quick. I better get going now, take care, Yoo Min."

"Yoon Hee, are you okay now? What happened just now? You just suddenly locked yourself in the room while crying so bad... Mind to share it with me?" Can I share it with Jihoon? How to know that he ain't telling anything to Hyunsuk since they're so close with each other?

"Yoon Hee, if it's about Hyunsuk... Trust me, I won't tell him anything. Not even a bit. You can tell me anything if you're scared of sharing it with Yoo Min since he's a fierce person, you know? Don't worry Yoon Hee, I know how to keep a secret." I guess I should trust him right?

"Yoon Hee, if you want to share it with Jihoon... you have to share it with me too! I won't bite you, you know? I will gladly hug you so many times just to make sure you're alright." Yoo Min has been trying to fix his relationship with me for so many years already, If I decide to not telling this to him, he'll be very sad right? I guess that explains my decision already.

"There's nothing bad happened. I just met Hyunsuk's mom while I took the newspapers before. Specifically, she wants to meet me. I don't think that you guys need to know about the things that she said to me but she did introduce someone to me, a girl. Her name is Luna, simply known as Hyunsuk's girlfriend. I don't know why I cried, I guess it might be because of the disappointment that I actually didn't know anything about this despite knowing him for so many years already."

I know I shouldn't tell them about the things that Hyunsuk's mom said to me since it was too harsh and might hurting Yoo Min as well since he still blames himself for our dad's death. But, they didn't respond to me and keep on looking at each other.

"Which Luna? We only know one Luna. Is it the same person with Luna that you mentioned just now?" I never thought I'm gonna see Jihoon being this serious and it makes me scared.

"How am I supposed to know? I barely interact with people, and you guys expecting me to know which Luna that you're talking about? But I think it might be the same person though since you guys were in the same class. Why?" Curious? Yes, of course. They have been acting so weird now.

"Nothing, Yoon Hee. I hope you're okay now. But, I really thought that he loves you. Everyone thought the same things too. I'm sorry if what I said hurts you but that's what we thought. Who knows it would end up like this? It's okay Yoon Hee, you should take a rest now. Jihoon and I won't disturb you again. All of us will be downstairs, come to us whenever you're ready. Okay? I love you, Yoon Hee." Said Yoo Min.

Yes, it hurts me. I know I keep on denying my feelings towards Hyunsuk but I guess it was too late to even say the truth now to him because no matter what, I still can't get his heart anymore. But, what's bothering me right now is Jihoon. He doesn't look okay, right after I told them about Hyunsuk and Luna.

Is there something that happens between them which clearly I didn't know about it?

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