11: Moon and Stars

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Yoo Min's POV

I know Yoon Hee is happy with Hyunsuk. And it's the same thing for Hyunsuk too. Yoon Hee have been suffering a lot for me, I need to make her happy now. But do our friends know about this?


Necklace? Where is she going? I better check her.

"Yoon Hee? Where are you going? And wow, you look so pretty too. Oh, are you meeting Hyunsuk? He's lucky to have you. Does mom know about him? Please, I'm so excited."

Please god, let her happy for now. She's have been hurting for so long, that she deserve everything the best in the world now.

" Kim Yoo Min, what are you talking about? Hahaha yes I'm going out with him but it's not like what you're thinking about. And mom? I don't know. She already met Hyunsuk years ago but i don't know if she still remember Hyunsuk. You're just excited for nothing. Stop please hahaha" She's smiling after saying that. But where's the eye smile?

Yeah, she's talking shit right now. She really need to stop acting like I wasn't her twin. But, she really knows how to hide her feelings perfectly. Sometimes, I really wanted to go back to the past, and say to mom that Yoon Hee's feelings are valid too. Why does Yoon Hee need to stop showing her feelings in order for me to be okay? Now Yoon Hee really thought that everything is gonna be okay as long as she didn't shows her feelings and that's unfair for her.

"Yoo Min? Are you okay? Why are you crying? It's not like I'm dying, Yoo Min. Come here, let me hug you. Is there something bothering you? Tell me now." Wait, I'm crying?

"Nothing Yoon Hee.. I just love you so much, you know that right? I want you to know that you can tell me anything. You can cry with me, you can laugh with me, you can just share your feelings with me, any time okay? I'm here with you, my princess. Your feelings are valid too, Yoon Hee. please remember that."

She laughed but she hugged me tighter. "Yoo Min, it's okay. You don't have to be worry about me. I need to go now. Hyunsuk is waiting for me. You don't have to cry again about me okay? I'm okay, there's nothing to be worry about. It's not something new for me. As long as you and mom is happy, everything is good for me. Bye, I love you twinnie"

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

And by that, she's leaving her room after fixing her hair. My friends! Yes, they need to know this and I need to do something.

[ Calling Doyoung ]

Doyoung : hey ssup?

Yoo Min : you're busy? can i meet you guys today?

Doyoung : sure. you want to meet all of us? but hyunsuk are not here.

Yoo Min : yes i know. Yoon Hee aren't here too. that's why i want to see you guys. like we need to do something, you know? *😏

Doyoung : wait seriously? they're together? man why i didnt know this? okay what do you want to do?

Yoo Min : we need to make them know that they do love each other. I'm tired of hearing Yoon Hee keep on denying her feelings. pls just come here now.

Doyoung : wow this is gonna be interesting. we're on our way.

Yoo Min : yes it is 😏. Okay bye.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Yoon Hee's POV

"Wow, you look so pretty. I didn't know that you're gonna be this pretty? I would have wear something better than this, you know?" He really needs to stop being so humble.

I have to admit that he looks so good. His smell so good too. He doesn't need to dress up so hard, he just looks good with anything that he wear. I saw him carrying a camera. I saw the charms. I missed him. I know he's here but I just missed him. It feels like I'm gonna lose him again but for now, it feels like forever.

"Yoon Hee, are you okay? You know we can cancel this if you aren't okay right? You have something to tell me?" Hyunsuk held my hand while we're walking when he suddenly asked me that.

"Yes, I'm okay. Don't worry, let's go get some ice-cream!! We get a mango one for you, and a chocolate one for me hehe" I saw him smiling. He's cute, I never know that he is that cute?

Soon as we get our ice-cream, we walked along the garden that full of beautiful flowers, but none of it can beat Hyunsuk. He's just perfect the way he is.

"Yoon Hee, smile" and just like that, he took my picture. I was just laughing because that's how he is, since years ago. I'm glad that he's still the same person. I saw his smiling while looking at his camera. Who's the person that caught his attention like that? How if it's not me? Why does it hurts me so much? I mean, he can love anyone he want, right?

"Yoon Hee, where is your star charms?" I give him my phone as I put the charms there. And he started talking again. "You know how moon and stars are always connected to each other? Like this charms. When one of it are missing, everything about it feels incomplete. Just as that, you as the stars completed my life as the moon. Please, stay with me." He said while connecting our charms into one as how it should be.

" Hyunsuk... I will stay with you, till death tear us apart. I promise." He immediately hugged me and keep on taking our pictures. I would never ask him to stop, because we never know when will all of this turns into a memories that you can't rewind again.

Please let this memory lasts. At least, until he's happy again, I don't care if it's with someone new. I just want him to be happy. It's not like I don't really care because it still hurts, but you will do anything to make your loved ones happy right? That's what I'm doing right now.

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