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The food court was vibrantly decorated in pastel oranges, pinks and yellows. Cindy dragged me to get ice cream with her, picking out a strawberry cone and smiling to herself childishly. As I bought myself the same cone, paying with the dollar bill I held in between my fingers. It all still felt too real, I began to realize that this probably wasn't a dream. The clock face behind the ice cream counter pointed to 1:00pm, and if there's one thing I did know, it was that you can't see clocks in dreams..
"Miss, your ice cream." The worker snapped me out of my realization, holding the cone in front of me. His hair in a midnight black mullet that was covered in a white uniform hat.
"Oh sorry."I said slightly embarrassed, as he smiled back at me endearingly.
"It's okay angel." He chuckled laughing as I took it from him quickly. Cindy looked at him slightly funny before linking arms with me and scattering away.

"Y/N?! Did you see that? He's like totally into you." She whined in a lovey-dovey tone that pierced my ear drums.
"Yeah like hell." I laughed sarcastically disagreeing, "Who even is he anyway?"
"Only Younghoon Kim. Total heartthrob, the fellow ladies would kill to be called angel by that guy." She nudged me ever so slightly as we sat down in a booth, on the inside of the court.

The seats were a patent red leather and made those screeching sounds when you sat down. I put my dress bag to the side, leaning over the plastic table in front that faced Cindy.
"Who's party is it tonight by the way?" I asked trying to get a grip of where I was and what was happening.
"Eric Sohn's. I'm bringing you as my +1, you can meet people that go to our school and meet my friends too. His house parties are the Bomb.Com, his family is rich so his house is HUGE." She said as she swiped the dripping strawberry from her cone enthusiastically. As she closely finished her sentence, a group of boys walked up to the table bouncing in their steps.

It was the pink haired boys friend group, not to mention how attractive and stylish each of them were. They walked so confidently and eagerly, as if they were in a movie or olden day music video.
"Hey Cindy." The boy walking at the front of the group leant against the table, a white t-shirt hung over his denim jeans. He wore a black leather jacket, one that was probably worth a bunch nowadays.

"Who's your lady friend?" He asked looking at me up and down as he did so.
"This is Y/N, now quit checking her out dingus." She scrunched her nose throwing a paper napkin at him deviously.
"Hey there, the names Juyeon." He took my hand planting a kiss on it flirtatiously. I resisted the urge to physically show the cringe I had internalized from the action. His friends on the other hand all looked at me, where was the pink haired boy though?
"You're such a sleeze." A brunette boy to his left hit him lightly, dressed completely opposite to the chic boy. He wore a vibrant wind breaker jacket and black bucket hat. He'd chosen black jeans to contrast the vibrance and a pair of red tinted glasses hung lowly on his nose.
"Shutup Haknyeon." He hit him back teasingly, as the two joked, another one had approached sitting down at the end of the table. He has blonde hair and wore a blues clues style long sleeved shirt, his high waisted denims tied with a leather belt.
"Hey Y/N, you coming to my party later?" He smirked, Eric Sohn. The party host, he too was in no doubt attractive, his brightly dyed bleach blond hair hung over his dark eyes in thin waves.
"I sure am." I smiled back, licking my ice cream suggestively. He raised his eyebrow at the action, not expecting me to return his energy.

With that, the pink haired boy, Chanhee, returned with Younghoon from behind the ice cream parlor. He took off his hat with frustrated swipe, sitting down next to Eric with a sigh.
"The hats cute." A black haired boy with curtains and highlights giggled menacingly.
"Speak another word and you'll get it Kevin moon." The taller boy pointed at Kevin with warning, his head landing between his hands on the table.
"Sorry.. tehe" Kevin laughed a little, "Ahoy!" He laughed before running as Younghoon scrambled from his seat to chase Kevin down the mall.
"Chanhee, this is Y/N." Eric said as he approached the table gracefully sitting down with his soda bottle.
"Hello Y/N." He smiled with a stunning gaze and pearly white teeth. I looked at him for what felt like an hour, trying to gather a reply.
"Hi Chanhee." I smiled back a slight peach blush tinting my cheeks thankfully going unnoticed by the people around me. Not by Cindy though, she nudged me as he smirked to himself when she did so. I could of hit her back when he noticed it, but I refrained as another boy spoke.
"We gotta get going. But we'll see you two tonight, make sure you get dolled up." A fawn haired boy winked before nodding to all the other boys, with that signal they all left in a small pack. Haknyeon and Juyeon still arguing as they walked away.
"See you soon, Hyunjae." Cindy laughed as he smiled following them all soon after.

I nudged Cindy as she bit on her bright red straw with her crisp white teeth. "You like him?" I nodded to the Hyunjae as he walked with the group, his large eyes closing almost fully when he laughed. His chuckle obnoxiously resonated throughout the mall, it matched her own character strangely enough.
"A small bit. But I don't think I'm his type." She huffed stirring the red plastic into a coca cola bottle miserably.
"I'd beg to differ. Let's show him." I giggled grabbing her by the hand and running with her towards the exit of the mall. Our feet skipped across the granite floors with light taps, giggling on our way to get ready for the night of our lives.



good evening y'all ! ♥︎

hope you all liked the chapter ! i'm sorry this took longer than I expected ! nevertheless i hope the characters are doing themselves justice .. tehe ( ' •̥ ̫ •̥ ' ୨୧)

next chapter awaits and let me tell you it's fun...  ('• •̥')

sending you sweet dreams and a peaceful awakening ..

clover <3

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