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"So you want to be a mechanic." My mom leaned against the table on her elbows, her tidy acrylics tapping on the table in loud clicks.

"Yes ma'am." Chanhee chuckled across the table, taking small bites of his casserole, the chicken meat coated in a thin layer of stock and decorated with colorful chunks of different vegetables.
"That's real interesting. I must say you're a charming young man Y/N's brought home, are you courting?" My mom commented further, Chanhee choking on his food with a nervous laugh. Turning to him with immense confusion, he caught my gaze with another embarrassed laugh. Courting? Is this slang for hooking up?

"No we're not." He chuckled setting his knife and fork down as my mother then turned to me.
"Is that true?" She leaned towards me with an eyebrow raised, her mouth slightly agape with a sly smirk tugging at the ends.
"Very true, we're just friends." I followed Chanhee's lead with a smile as we both looked back at her expectingly.
"Very well. It's been lovely meeting you Chanhee." She excused us both from the table, as we left the table in a childish giggle and screech of our chairs.

Pulling him up the vibrant carpets of the staircase, with a high skip I brought him to my room - he looked around inquisitively, eyes dotting around randomly decorated bedroom.
"So what happened the night before?" He asked all of a sudden, taking a seat on my bed with an exaggerated bounce.
"I just went to sleep as normal, my mom was partying downstairs. She did come see me before I slept though." I sat beside him, mirroring his attentive glance and analyzing the streaks of his coral stained hair.
"What did she say?" He continued to question me, trying to get to the route of why I'd been taken back in time.
"Well it was an argument we always have, she says I don't live my life enough and I'm a recluse. However her argument always is 'Oh you should of lived in the 80s, back then we didn't have phones and it was all about having a good time' and I'd just tell her to leave me alone or stop living in the past." I replied with a solemn huff, feeling slightly frustrated with the conversation I'd had just a few days ago when time was normal.
"Do you think that's the reason you've been sent back?" He asked with a soft tone falling from his lips in the honey sweet way it always does.

I thought for a while, is he right? It seemed logical, however there was one question lingering.
"Yeah but if that's the reason, will there be a way I can get back?" I asked with with a stressed rake through my locks.
"Don't pull your hair, you'll go bald." He grabbed my hands taking them away from my hair and placing them on my lap. Flipping slightly, my stomach fluttered at the gesture as a light pink dusted my cheeks. I giggled as he smiled back with a genuine glint behind his hazel lit orbs.
"If I'm honest, I don't know how you can get back. However, we'll have to find a way, starting with walking through everything that happened that night." Chanhee held my hands momentarily, gracing over my thumbs in gentle strokes.

Standing up I went through everything that happened the night before with him as he observed.
"Okay, then I plugged my phone into charge and threw it on the nightstand. Then I- Wait-" I paused myself mid sentence as Chanhee furrowed his brows. Picking up the baby pink painted alarm clock, I stared down at its pointy golden hands in confusion.
"What?" He asked, observing the clock himself and glancing back up to me.
"This fell off my nightstand and I never put it back on there. The hands are stuck at the time I went to sleep that night." I gasped at the clock hands, their frozen spindles pointing to 10:30pm.
"There's gotta be something significant about that time." Chanhee replied taking the clock from my hands and inspecting it closely. "What if, you've been sent back in order to see life in your Mom's eyes? And 10:30pm is the time you'll go back. October 30th, the 30th of the 10th month."

Gazing up at him in perplex, I'd completely spiraled from his theory as he stared back at me in wonder October 30th?!
"You're telling me I'm gonna be stuck here for 6 more months?!" I almost yelled in utter shock, my eyes widening as if they were about to pop from their sockets.
"Possibly, it's just a theory though. We can come up with more solutions though." He replied tugging at his cherry lips with the top row of his teeth.
I huffed out falling back on to my bed in a frustrated flop, my back hitting the mattress with a echoing bounce.

Knocking at my door with a pattered thud, my Mother poked her head around the door with a short smile.
"Not that I don't trust you both, but I'm going to sleep soon and it's a school night for you both. So Y/N could you show your friend out please?" She asked as I sighed in annoyance at her.
"Okay." I rolled my eyes as she tutted at my attitude.
"Thank you for having me over Ms L/N." Chanhee gave her a sweet smile before we proceeded down the staircase.
"It's been a pleasure! Make sure to swing by again!" My Mother yelled back down the corridor, closing her bedroom door with a tired slam. I unlocked the front door to see Chanhee out, looking at him slightly solemnly as we still had so much more to talk about.

"Well Miss future, it's been lovely seeing you today." He flashed his million dollar smile and took my hand in a farewell grasp.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Mr Choi." I laughed slightly at the vintage formality he displayed, taking his hands and letting go as he walked back to his car.

Closing the door behind me with a jarring slam, I locked the door with a click of the keys and made my way back up the stairs. As soon as I reached my bedroom, I yanked my silk night gown out of its drawer eagerly. There was something about Chanhee Choi's energy that sent these electrifying bursts of energy through me whenever we were together. Despite him being from an entirely different era, he felt like a high school crush every girl would dream of in the modern world.

Contently slipping myself underneath the covers of my bed, my eyes fluttered shut in a gleeful flicker. The tranquil silence of the night was soon interrupted, Tap, Tap... Tap. A reoccurring knock sounding from the glass pane of my window. Crawling out of my bed covers curiously, I pulled open the shear material of my curtains open. I almost could of laughed aloud when I saw Chanhee perched upon the oak tree branch outside my window like in those old school teen movies.

Pulling open the chipped frame of my window, the crisp breeze hit my bare legs cooly causing me to shiver slightly as Chanhee clambered inside.
"You're insane." I laughed pathetically, keeping my voice quiet to avoid waking up my Mom across the hall. Chanhee just giggled in reply before sitting on my bed once again, the both of us spending the entire night discussing what could of possibly happened and how to get back.



hey ! so i took a day off after finishing my other books <\3
my classes start again on monday so i don't know how much that's gonna affect my posting..

anyways i hope you're all well per usual and that your weekend has been spent well rested ♡︎..

sending my love always..

clover <3

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