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"You're telling me there's a virus that's worse than the spanish flu, MJ died in 2009 and Donald Trump was president? You gotta be shitting me." Chanhee chuckled, his teeth glowing and eyebrows puckering in upwards curves.
"I tell you all truths my friend." I responded sarcastically hoping he wouldn't be too afraid of me after all of the previous conversation we'd had.
"You know, this would be easier if you just told me some embarrassing secret." He continued to laugh ridiculously, sipping on the golden neck his beer bottle and shaking the hair out of his face dapperly.

This wasn't enough to make him believe me, I thought for a short while... how could I prove I'm telling the truth... then it hit me. 1984, like my mom said movie theaters were only places to watch released movies.
"Hey, I think I know a way I can prove it." My eyes widened in eureka as he turned to me expectingly.
"Do you wanna go see a movie?" I asked as he turned to me with a questionable expression glued to his gestures.

"Are you just using this to ask me out on a date Y/N?" He cocked an eyebrow up arrogantly, a diminutive smile perking at his dimples.
"No, I'm saying, I'll tell you the plot to the movie you want to watch, you choose and I'll tell you exactly what happens and then that will prove I'm telling you the truth." I explained diligently, the boy looked back at me astonished at the intelligence I bestowed.

"Deal, but how will you know the plot if you're from 40 years in the future? Why are you still watching these films? Are they not too old?" He questioned the statement, bombarding me with a series of curious comments and exaggerating each word elegantly.
"Please, footloose, ghostbusters and the breakfast club are classics amongst our generation everyone's seen them." I furthered the comment as his face twisted in even more of a perplexed gaze - taking another swig of his half - empty beer bottle before for beginning.

"Footloose came out this year, ghostbusters comes out in a few days, but what's the breakfast club?" He asked intriguingly, leant against the fatigued wooden spindles of the balcony ledge.
"Oh, I think that comes out next year, but it's about a group of opposite teens from all ends of the high school social hierarchy that get a Saturday detention and end up coming together." I elaborated as he nodded, believing me more since the large amount of detail I emphasized on the plot.

"Ghostbusters. I wanted to go see it. What happens in it? If you're right, I'll believe you word for word." He added, thank god he'd chosen something i'd watched, tapping his whitened finger nails on the surface and awaiting my well mapped out answer.
"Okay so a group of scientists were fired from their jobs in New York, they decide to become ghost busters instead. This girl called Dana calls them to help her figure out why there's a possessed dog named Zuul living in her fridge. They turn up and it's not there. They hire a new ghostbuster, they find out Dana is possessed by Zuul. At the end they square off this ghost called Gozer who takes the form of this giant marshmallow man and zap it back into its dimension saving Dana and the entire city." I went through the entire plot, sketching out the story in small hand gestures as I tried to pack as much in to the summary as I possibly could.

"You know, I came here tonight to party and get a little tipsy. I didn't expect to be meeting some pretty girl claiming to be time traveler." He chugged the last of his fizzing alcohol down, resting the trunk of his glass bottle against the shabby timber beneath him, his pearl cufflinks glinting in the moonlight.
"You'll see, when I'm right." I sighed proudly, knowing exactly how ghostbusters started and ended thanks to the countless torture my mom put me through as a child to watch it with her.
"If you are, you have me sold Miss Future." He giggled, not thinking too much of the ordeal as someone from our era would.

"If I am, will you try help me find a way home?" I asked hopefully, the whites of my eyes stretching out on a doe-like wish.
"I'll try my best." He smiled with a melancholy undertone, apart of him seemed slightly saddened.
"Our secret though okay?" I stuck my pinky out awaiting his link to promise me he'd never tell the others.
"Our secret." He intertwined our pinky fingers surely, picking up the empty glass bottle again, ready to head back to the chaos erupting downstairs.

Linking his arm, he escorted me down the spiraling of the staircase we'd breached - the silk of his shirt creasing at his elbow as I slipped my arm through the cozy gap. Cindy caught a glimpse of us as we appeared at the bottom step, she smirked and carried on dancing with Hyunjae closely beside her.
Oo Baby do you know what that's worth? Oo heaven is a place on earth~
Approaching them towards the center of the ruby polished floors, my heels clicked the floorboards beneath in cacophonous taps.

"Can I have the pleasure of taking your friend home tonight Y/N? Or do you need her presence more than I do?" Hyunjae asked, leaning down to speak to me over the booming of the stereo speakers.
"Kinda need her to get me home if I'm honest." I chuckled as he nodded, his lips in a saddened line - the messy hair on his head falling to his forehead in crisp sections.
"I can always get you home Y/N." Chanhee beside me suggested, i'd just met him - is he crazy ? wait. like my mom said, there was barely "any danger amongst teens, we all trusted each other, there was no phones back then and taxis were more dangerous than taking rides from strangers."
"Oh sure, thank you." I smiled with a nod as he grasped my waist for another dance, spinning me around on my heel and bringing me back into his chest.

Dancing extravagantly in to the early hours of the next morning was better than my mother ever could have described to me. Everyone was lit joyfully, they cared about each other, music fueled the lives in the room - it was a shame this was left as a figment in their youth. For people like my mother, she was heart-set on trying to relive her teen years - for other people her age, it was just a sad memory.



i told you we'd be in for a ride with this book ahhh.. i hope you're all enjoying so far! ♥︎

cindy best hype girl.. ♡︎

i love just sitting down, listening to 80s music and writing this - it truly is one of my favorite pass tones - as much as i hope you enjoy reading it of course ! ♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3

1984 | choi chanhee ♫Where stories live. Discover now