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Becoming frosty, nights in April tend to cool down easily. Brushing the sides of my thinly knit cardigan, the goosebumps forming on my arms, rippled with the chilling breeze. It was around halfway through the movie and the coral haired boy next to me wasn't completely invested in the screen. Catching his gaze, I sent him a furrowed brow glance.

"Are you cold?" He asked leaning over slightly to speak to me, the speakers blaring out the film audio in static spits.
"Slightly." I chuckled as he moved over, finding somewhere in the middle - he pulled the blanket over my arms and pulled me closer towards him. He wasn't very warm himself, but the large jacket he wore around him conserved some form of heat. He opened his jacket, bringing me into some warmth. I didn't think anything of it, after all he's just the pink haired popular boy I befriended right? right.

The screen flickered every now and then with age, not that I could notice anymore due to my eyes twitching nervously. There was also a warm feeling in my chest as the soft material of his shirt swiped past my arms. My heart was running a 100m sprint, thumping my rib cage in aggressive beats. Moving my gaze from the screen, I turned my attention to the pink haired boy. Already watching me with his caramel flecked irises, I snapped my head back to the screen nervously. Turning my head back with his hand, he traced along my jaw with a delicate slide of his finger. The final scene was playing in the background, if you were here - the Thompson twins. I had no idea what had been brought upon the boy beside me, the 80s heartthrob I'd befriended who was now bringing his face closer to mine.

"Oh, we're interrupting." A voice cut between us, the back of the truck making a metallic thump as someone leaped on. Sunwoo sat down in the truck, Juyeon and Eric following closely behind.
"Uh, we're not giving you a free ride." Chanhee wasn't too bothered about the scene they walked in on, more the 3 boys piling into his car.
"Younghoon kicked us out of his." Eric pouted glancing over to the back of the car lot where the rest of the group must be.
"It was deserved." Younghoon appeared at the bottom of the truck, also leaping on to the back.
"We only hid your keys once, it's not that dramatic." Sunwoo retorted with an agitated eye roll, sighing and rubbing his palms on to his denim jeans.
"You hid them in the middle of the woods, in a red ant nest." Younghoon replied, folding his arms across his body sternly.
"You had spare keys though." Juyeon backed up the others.
"That's like losing a limb and making the excuse you can but a new one." Chanhee defended the elder boy, shooing them out in the process - kicking at Sunwoo's legs and fanning them off his car.

"Get the bus or something." He added, when they began complaining that they had no ride again.
"We get it, we'll leave you and your girlfriend alone." Juyeon smiled sarcastically, earning a chuckle from the rest.
"Not my girlfri-" He snapped as his hair was ruffled by Sunwoo who stood from his seat.
"Mine then." Eric cut him off, making me jolt when he ran over and pecked my cheek over the side of the car unexpectedly.
"Paws off." Chanhee reached over, swatting him away as the younger one giggled mischievously.
"We're pulling your leg. Liven up." Sunwoo commented with a joking snicker before jumping off the back of the truck with the rest.

"Get in, I'll take you home." Chanhee nodded towards the back of the pick up truck, helping me jump off and sliding behind his car door. I smiled to myself with a hint of embarrassment as we set off home. It was dark out now, the low quality street lamps flickering in orange ambers on to the main road. The houses that passed by were rendered in bright pastel colors, a palette that had faded and washed out in the modern world. It was strange, seeing the same place I live but in a time where it was so new and vibrant.

Reaching the end of my street, I tapped Chanhee's hand on the gear stick.
"Drop me here, I'll walk the rest." I gestured towards the end of the curb, waiting for him to slow the car down to the speed limit.
"You're not walking all that way when you've got the night stalker and all sorts of weirdos running around. I'm waiting until you get inside." Chanhee warned me, I laughed at the ridiculous statement, although thinking about it - he was right. He drove further down the street, reaching my house where he pulled up on to the sidewalk.

"Goodnight, Miss Future." He smiled out the window as I opened my door and closed it with a soft slam.
"Goodnight Mr Choi." I walked up the pavement to my porch, fanning a small wave to the boy who was leant over the window in his dad's truck. Unlocking the door, my Mother stood on the other side - causing me to jolt in shock.

"You think I didn't know you would be with him and not Cindy." She chuckled waving to him and stepping back inside.
"You're not mad?" I asked, jumping on to the first step of the carpeted staircase with a light bounce.
"For you to be hanging out with a boy your age ? Course not, now go to bed. I wanna go back to sleep." She shooed me up the stairs with a giggle, closing the door to my room with a sweet 'goodnight' .

Throwing my nightgown over my head, I splashed my face with water from the faucet in the en suite. Patting my face with the baby pink towel hung on the side rack. Tap! Tap! There it was again, the familiar knocking on my window pane. I stifled a short laugh before pulling up the wooden frame by its latches.
"I'm gonna have to axe that tree down for you to stop  doing this aren't I?" I cocked a brow in a low whisper.
"Perhaps even block the window." The peach haired male replied, stepping through under the ledge and returning the chuckle.
"You're so annoying." I rolled my eyes with a snicker,  sitting opposite him cross legged on my bed.
"You wouldn't want it any other way." He scrunched his small face with a smug lil' smile plastered to it.



i missed the update on chanhee day :(( oh well i'm here ! i'm sorry it's been a few more days awaited !

this week has been incredibly slow but i hope you're doing well.. whenever you are reading this..♡︎

sending my love..

clover <3

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