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Dangling my legs off my mattress in a giddy glee, it was only a few hours after I had took Y/N home that everything overwhelming kicked in at once. Calling Sunwoo up immediately over the muffled landline and telling him to swing by a sec. Now, the honey skinned boy in his bright red tracksuit was sprawled out in the indigo bean bag opposite me - listening attentively as I broke down the entire day.

"You're telling me, you made out with a girl and your freaking out over it?" He knitted his brows together with a sarcastic chuckle, pulling the thin glass frames of his sunglasses down his nose bridge slightly.
"Yes." Resisting the urge to storm across the room and slap the amusement from the younger boys face - I giggled to myself and sat up to face him.
"So what's the big deal?" His eyebrows creased as he laid himself back, "You don't get giddy like this over anything."

I sighed deeply, my hands gripping the cotton sheets with an indecisive fiddle.
"The thing is.." I trailed off, falling silent for a split second before being cautious with my choice of words.
"Is.." He fluttered his palm, ushering me on, as I contemplated telling him.
"She's not from here." I spoke cryptically, the withhold of information not proving well with the boy in the black bucket hat opposite me.
"You mean because she's new? you can still date he-"He furrowed his brows in confusion, a soft chuckle escaping from his chest - rattling up and down in amusement.
"Not that, it's completely idiotic." I shook it off watching the curious Sunwoo lean forward, his pupils dilated eagerly and a cheshire cat like grin adorning his thick lips.
"In our 12 years of friendship you've never bullshitted me once now spill." He dictated with an arch of his left brow. I sighed for a moment, How do you even phrase something like this?

"So, Y/N. She's actually from 2021, but she woke up one morning and she'd been sucked back in time. Yeah I know what you're thinking, I was like You're Crazy. So I got her to prove it, I took her to the ghostbusters premiere, she knew the plot exactly. It was scary, she named every president up to the recent election and everytime we say something in slang she looks at us like it's alien language." I explained in a clumsy spill of words, Sunwoo staring back at me blankly.
"No so now you're telling me she's a time traveller? What kind of sick prank is this?" Sunwoo burst out into a cackle, face straightening up when he saw I was being serious.
"Really?" He raised his brow in surprise, as I returned a definite nod. "This is insane."
"Yeah, just don't tell the others. I can get her to prove it, if you still don't believe me." I breathed out again in elongated sigh, probably the wrong person to tell.
"Oh don't worry, I won't tell a soul." Sunwoo smirked, feeling slightly powerful with his newly found piece of knowledge.


"Did the dinosaurs return?"
"Oh my God. Do cars fly?"

I won't tell a soul.. My ass.

"Stop stop, the real question is, has an asteroid come plummeting into earth yet? Or is that just specu-" 10 voices chaotically chattered amongst themselves in the room.

"Shutup, all of you." I groaned in annoyance, watching the boys who've now gathered around my bed in a circle. Y/N sat cross legged on top of the duvet, glanced over to me as if to say "Who the fuck did you tell?" I shrugged back, shooting a vindictive glare back over to Sunwoo across the room.
"She's not a show horse, now quit asking questions." I rolled my eyes, leaning back on to the duvet behind me with all of them sat in front.
"But there's so much to ask, how do we know she's not pranking us?" Haknyeon suggested, gesturing over to her then back to myself.
"We'll go ask her a question only she would know." I challenged him, Y/N smirked slightly as Haknyeon thought intensely.
"Name a group or artist that's together today, but will disband in the future or have like a tragic ending. " Haknyeon had came up with an ingenious suggestion, something terribly specific and would put any hoax on the spot.
"Wham! ." She answered almost immediately, "Despite being so successful they disbanded in 1986. George had his own solo career whereas the other guy kinda stayed under the radar."
"There's no way- They're too famous for that. There's no way George Michael would go solo either:" Younghoon scoffed folding his arms over his chest.
"Yeah and how do we know we can even believe you?" Changmin now piped up from the back.

"Wait it's 1984. Isn't Careless Whisper released yet?" She furrowed her brows in confusion as they all looked at me with a gormless blank pasted to their faces.
"Well, if you really don't believe me. Just wait until that song comes out. It's iconic even in 2021 people still listen to it."  She gushed with a chuckle, Sunwoo cocked an eyebrow.
"I'm expecting big things Y/N. To prove something sooner, it's the billboard chart refresh tonight at midnight. You seem to know your music, what song will be number 1 this week? We'll all stay here and listen to the radio until it's announced." He proposed with a intelligent smirk poking at his shallow dimples.

Come on Y/N... You must know. I relied on her knowing this info, to disprove the skeptical gazes glued to the boys faces - watching her think to herself longingly.
"OH, Prince, When Doves Cry. That's number one, it has to be. It flew through the charts at this time and my mom used to be a huge fan. " She burst out all of a sudden, a gleeful smile breaking out of her lips.
"Oh, that's a stretch. If you're right I swear to god-" Kevin shook his head with a smile at the statement.
"If I'm right, you all have to help me get back. I'm literally stuck almost 40 years in the past." She chuckled as she observed Sunwoo get up from the bean bag in front of her.

He picked up the small metal box from beside my dresser, pulling out the thin metal antenna and messing with the channels - erupting in a loud static across the room. Reaching a channel that was announcing the chart, he turned the volume down slightly and sat it beside the group.
"What's the time?" Sangyeon asked putting down his bare wrist as if he'd forgot his wristwatch.
"11:30pm. We have 30 minutes to kill." I replied looking at the golden hands of the watch on my wrist as it flashed under the light above.

"So, What's it like then? The future. If you aren't an imposter of course." Sunwoo added as he sank back into his bean bag curiously.
"Well, no the dinosaurs don't return, cars don't fly and no, no astroids yet." She chuckled lightly as they began asking her more questions, completely invested in her talk of  'social media' and technological advancement.

All of us knew. This was far too detailed to be fake.
That's when midnight struck. The two hands hitting north on my wristwatch as the previous song faded into the background.

"The moment you've been waiting for listeners, this is your billboard chart number one announcement for this week." The radio presenter hushed the entire group through the little holes in the plastic cased speaker, all of the boys hanging on in anticipation for number one to be announced. "Your billboard chart number one is... When Doves Cry Prince."

A chaotic electric guitar erupted from the static haze,  a moment of shock fell across the group. Even Y/N seemed to be surprised, a small gasp leaving her lips when the song began.

"So, you're probably not a fraud huh?" Juyeon laughed in disbelief as the others just looked between each other in shock. 
"I seriously thought you were crazy." Sunwoo choked out to me, grabbing his bucket hat and taking it off in a taken aback jolt. I smiled and wrapped my arm around Y/N'a shoulder beside me - watching her giggle as the others confined to ask her questions this late into the night.



oh my gosh.. hey.. it's been a while ! <3

i hope this update wasn't too long awaited and that you're all doing well as per usual !

it's been a long few months, i'm praying you all make it to the end of your semester/breaks with happiness and 0 regrets <3

sending my love always...

clover </3

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