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"Y/N!" A nasally whine echoed through the small living room, "Why didn't you tell me your friends were sleeping over? I would of prepared a breakfast spread." The familiar voice of my Mother caused me to wake up harshly, my eyes squinting in light adjustment. Stood in the doorway, something was off. Her wirey hair was neatly tucked into baby pink rollers and she adorned a pair of gold thick rimmed glasses.
"I thought you were at Aunts?" I asked her with a confused frown, wiping my eyes tiredly.
"I haven't seen your Aunt in two weeks, now get up it's almost noon." She gushed, fumbling with the rope to her towel dressing gown.

Scanning my surroundings, the boys were all still soundly asleep across the sofas - a few now waking up with groans due to all the catty commotion between my Mother and I. However, the entire room around them had changed. Instead of the modern flat screen, a bulky silver screened television replaced its presence. The walls were painted with a funky yellow vibrance instead of the newer sage green shade my Mother had picked a few years ago. Tapping around for my phone, it was nowhere to be found. I stuck my fingers into the crevasses of leather, hoping it had just by chance slipped down the side whilst we were sleeping - but nothing.

"What's wrong?" Chanhee beside me had woken up, groggily asking me what was causing the anxious jolts beside him.
"I think we've done it again." I muttered, reaching for the television remote bestowed on the mantlepiece. Pressing down on the power button, the channel flickered in static, eventually clearing up to present the news channel.
"Good Morning America!" A brightly smiled and well groomed news presenter, perched on a small stool chirped. "It's October 1st 1984! And this is your morning news! Today on the show, Getting your home ready Halloween-" A shocked gasp was shared across the room, all of the boys tiredness replaced with wide eyes and frozen postures.

"Why have we jumped forward? We left in July?" Changmin's brows arched in confusion, his voice was a higher pitch then usual as he sat forward anxiously.
"Well, since we warped through time I'm guessing it can't be actually accurate with where it places you." I shrugged, returning back to Chanhee's arms on the sofa.
"Well, what do we do now?" Juyeon asked blankly, casually leant against the armchair with his arms folded.
"What we normally do? Live like normal right?" Sangyeon suggested, folding his fingers together and resting them on his chin.
"Yeah and until what? We just warp back again? I can't keep doing this." Sunwoo snapped, getting up from the sofa. "Oh and since we're back. I'll see y'all around."
"Where are you going?" Juyeon asked, watching him go to leave the room in such an explosive mood with a curious glances
"Home, idiot. Call for me if something happens. I just wanna see my parents." He sighed in annoyance before leaving nonchalantly, with a slam of the living room door.

Following him out, I grasped his arm before he was about to leave stopping him from storming out.
"Wait." I spoke softly, flinching as he huffed but turned to me impatiently. "Can we hang out later? Just us?" He laughed with an airy chuckle, loosening his posture slightly.
"Don't you have a boyfriend?" He tutted, leaning against the door.
"It's not a date idiot. I just wanted to spend some time with you, as a friend. I think we have to clear some air." I replied, dropping his arm and folding mine over my chest.
"You're right. Swing by my place, when you're ready. Make sure the big guy is okay with it though." He smiled with a softer expression, pushing down on the front door handle.
"I guess, I'll see you later." I beamed back as he left with a quick goodbye, watching him pull out his keys from his jeans with a muted jingle.

With a short sigh, I returned to the living room - my bare feet sticking to the cold tiled flooring.
"You guys can get going, go see your parents, go home and enjoy your own time." I announced to the zombified boys, smiling as they all got up with small and tired nods.
"Will you be okay?" Juyeon asked, turning me around briefly as the others began to lead the way out with small goodbyes.
"Of course I will, Juyeon." I grinned, laughing as he chuckled softly.
"See you later Y/N." He returned a sharp smile, kissing my forehead and ruffling my hair as a friendly gesture.
"Okay handsy, paws off get going." Chanhee shooed the boy out of the room, watching him snicker teasingly with his denim jacket slung over his shoulder.

"You go see your parents too silly. I'm gonna go out with Sunwoo today if that's okay? He told me to ask you. We're just gonna clear the air." I explained, grabbing his hands and playing with his fingers cutely.
"Listen, I may not trust you with alcohol. But it's more than okay, for you go hang out with who you want to. I'll be back for you later though. For an actual date." He warned me with a joking smile, freeing his fingers from my grip and tilting my chin up slightly.
"See you soon, my love." He simpered, placing an elongated kiss on my lips.
"See you soon." I returned a timid giggle, resting my forehead against his before he eventually left too.

"Before you go." I stopped him on the porch way, "Where does Sunwoo live?"
With a smile he replied, "In the salmon pink house across the street from Eric's. Looks a bit like a barbie dream house, but don't tell him that he's a bit sens- you get the memo."  Chuckling to himself as I laughed at his incoherent rambling.
"Okay, thank you." I bit back a grin as he stepped down on to the driveway, "Love you." I almost whispered to myself that it was practically inaudible.
"Love you more!" He yelled back, smirking at my completely shocked expression - my eyes widened and eyebrows furrowed in perplex. Slamming his car door shut, he started his car with a small wave before speeding off down the street.

With all 11 boys out of my valued space, I shut the front door with a relieved sigh. Finally, I can get ready without the animalistic chaos and constant howling in the background (aka life without hyunjae and eric around). I got ready with a soft smile, tying a peachy pink ribbon in my hair. I wavered the mascara wand through my lashes and brushed through my eyebrows. Layering a shimmery baby pink gloss on my lips and pressing them together with a heart-shaped pout.

"Mom!" I yelled downstairs. The attempts of trying to be heard over the screeching of whitney houston being blasted at a thousand decibels proving almost impossible.
"Yes, honey?!" She replied, turning the radio down expectantly.
"Can you take me to a friends?!" I shouted back, listening to her footsteps approach the foot of the stairs.
"Sure! Hurry up! I've got a workout to attend in the mall soon!" She ushered me down the stairs with quick hands. Her rollers were now missing, her curly hair pushed out of her face with a bright magenta headband - matching her hot pink leotard, layered over some lime green tights and a pair of leg warmers. I refrained from laughing at the retro workout attire, instead shoving my sneakers on to my feet with swift slides.

Sunu's Barbie dream house, here I come.- tehe.



i'd be so scared in this situation.. like imagine not knowing whether or not you're gonna wake up in the same world.. (o_o)..

anyways wishing you a lovely close to your week.. i hope you're all doing well as per usual.. sorry for my short absence ! <3

sending my love always..

clover <3

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