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Blackened sunflowers starred my vision, my eyelids glued together and my shoulder blades bruised from the surface beneath me. It was light outside again, adjusting to the brightness was almost impossible with the excruciating pain between my eyes. The plaid material of the blanket draped around me scratched at the softness of my skin. Propping myself up on my elbows, an arm around my waist prevented me from getting to my feet. An arm that certainly didn't belong to Choi Chanhee.

Forgetting every memory of my hangover, I scrambled out of their grip - my stomach plummeting through the depths of hell. Juyeon. Groggily waking up due to the commotion, he wiped his eyes with a hungover groan passing his lips.
"No,No." I chuckled in disbelief, fixing my appearance and jumping off the back of the pick up truck. "No- No-"
Juyeon soon caught on, his eyes widening and panic setting in at what appeared to of happened - the issue was, we could only assume.

"There you are." A groggy voice sounded nearby, causing me to jolt in guilty conscience. It was only Sunwoo. "What the fuck?" He paused, looking between Juyeon and I. "Am I looking at what I think I'm looking at?"
"We don't know, Sunwoo." I replied in a feeble voice, racking my memory of last night but failing to remember anything.
"Oh my gosh." Changmin now came bounding over to us, seemingly not facing any kind of hangover at all.
"What do we do?" Juyeon asked with guilt written all over his voice.
"I have to tell him." I choked out, my hand running through my hair.
"Are you joking? You don't belong to him. You two were drunk, this doesn't have to turn into some huge deal. If he's angry, he should of made you his sooner." Sunwoo scoffed, folding his arms arrogantly and playing his usual chaotic evil role.

"No, you have to tell him." Changmin argued, softly suggesting from a moral point of view.
"How do I even say that?! Oh yeah by the way I slept with one of your friends." I chuckled bitterly, snapping at Changmin unintentionally.
"I'll tell him." Juyeon chimed in, pulling his shirt over his head again. "But I'll make it as honest as possible, none of us knew what actually happened."

I chewed down on my lip nervously, I couldn't watch Chanhee's heart be undeservingly crushed - not after all he's been through, not after the way I watched his parents treasure every moment with him, not after the way he told me it was love from first sight.

If only I could go back in time and change everything that happened last night...

"When do you even bring something like that up?" I chuckled comically at the prompt, the other boys shrugging nervously.
"Listen. This stays between us for now, until we find the right time to tell him. We can't now." Sunwoo took control of the situation, making the plan clear and elbowing Changmin when he began to object.
"Can one of you ride back with him? I don't think I can do it without guilt eating away at me." I sighed, almost on the verge of tears at the situation.
"Say you've argued with me. I'll drive her back." Sunwoo directed Changmin back over to where the rest of the group were, before looking at the both of us a moment and walking off himself.

Juyeon and I shared a tense glance. It wasn't spiteful or bitter, more guilty with nothing but fear behind it. It would probably never be the same between us, all because of too much alcohol and a shared habit of getting caught in moment.

Dragging my feet across the sand, the overcast sky above began to growl aggressively - opening up into a vicious cascade of rainfall. Already spent up emotionally, I let the pent up tears fall as I walked back to the group.  However the rain was an excuse to sprint to Sunwoo's car without any questions being asked. Getting into the passenger side, my sobs could only intensify when I caught a glimpse of Chanhee in the driver's seat of his own car - he was completely oblivious to why Changmin was actually in the passenger seat. His eyes sparkled, adjusting his wind mirror, he pressed his lips together whilst he concentrated. His pink hair was damp, elegantly swiped into curtains. I could almost hear him sigh when he did, his cherry lips parting in a small line. Whilst my heart was shattering, it was also fluttering like an injured butterfly trying to take flight without its wings. It's fragile, delicate spine crushed by the indecency of human nature.

The drivers side swung open with a loud slam, almost causing me to almost completely jump out of my seat. Sunwoo slid in, twisting his keys in ignition with a grumpy huff.
"Are you crying?" He looked over with a flash of concern in his fawn eyes. I wiped over my face with my wrists, roughly drying my tear stained cheeks.
"I'll be fine." I shifted, looking outside of my window instead of his. However even on the other side, it was difficult to look out. Juyeon was in his own car, clearly zoned out as Eric's mouth ran eagerly - telling him some sort of bizarre story that the dark haired boy clearly wasn't interested in. Sunwoo tugged his car off the sand, the wheels jarring and spitting out grains as we moved.

"As I said Y/N." He sighed reassuringly, patting my hand momentarily. "You're not his, no matter how bad you feel, he never set anything in stone. So what? You kissed a few times? Now he controls everything you do? Is that how it goes?"
Thinking about what he said, there was some sense in what Sunwoo had said. Chanhee had become slightly controlling, he dictates what I can wear, he pulls me away from the other boys when nothing is even happening.
"He has been a bit controlling." I admitted timidly, tapping my hand against my knees nervously.
"A bit? All I ever see is him telling you what to do or getting jealous in some way. Maybe this is just setting a boundary, if you guys are gonna be in a relationship you're gonna have to find a way to overcome this. You're not in a relationship right now and he doesn't get to have that dictation. Yes you shouldn't of done it. But in reality you were black out drunk and technically single? Yes." Sunwoo elaborated, laying out the facts as they stood on the table.

Pulling on to the curb, Sunwoo's worn tires screeched as his breaks came to a noisy halt. My trembling hands could barely fit my house key into its narrow lock. Wandering straight into the kitchen, it seemed Mom wasn't home 'staying at your Aunts house Y/N. The aspirin and advil is in the top cupboard. x" With a knowing sigh, she's too smart. I pulled open the top cupboard, yet the medication box was too high for me to reach. I stood on the tips of my toes attempting to reach the plastic weaved box, that's when I was stopped with a hand on my waist and a much taller boy reaching it down for me.

"Where did you go yesterday?" It was Chanhee, his signature honey voice dripping from his lips and his head nuzzled in the crook of my neck. "I missed you." He said within the silence of me trying to figure out what to say.' Turning around in his grip, the only excuse I could think of was that I was going to throw up - that wasn't a lie - I felt like I was about to vomit up the entirety of my internal organs, unbeknownst to whether it was the alcohol or the pending guilt. I darted at full speed to the bathroom, locking the door with regrettable wince.

"Y/N are you okay?.. It's not him, it's me."' A low voice asked from the other side of the door, my head hung over the toilet bowl defeatedly.

Ambling over to the bathroom door, I pushed open the silver latch to see Sunwoo. Letting him in, it wasn't long before I felt the need to vomit once again. Standing beside me, he pushed my hair aside holding it in a makeshift ponytail. With a disgusted smile he chuckled when the toilet flushed.
"Sorry." I sighed, beginning to freshen up by brushing my teeth with a thick cerulean layer of toothpaste.
"No worries. I wouldn't stay here if I minded it." He shrugged the entire thing off, grabbing the handle to the door and pushing it down warily, "We do need to talk though."



sunwoo giving me mixed opinions here: on one side best boy, on the other.. overstepping?.. (**)..

nevertheless hope you're all doing beautifully as per.. keep yourselves hydrated and get enough rest in your week ahead..  (˂̵ ̑̑)..

sending my love always..

clover <3

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