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Waltzing into the living room, I underestimated  Chanhee's comment earlier. The other boys eyed the exposed skin as I passed them insecurely. Like a group of bacon-teased dogs, I watched as they mentally devoured my attire in hungry flickers of their eyelids. Pulling me on to his lap with an agitated eye roll, Chanhee pulled a blanket over me and let me curl up in his arms. Sunwoo snapped out of his stare first, throwing the boxy television remote at me with a light underarm throw.

"We weren't-" Haknyeon chuckled nervous as I at glared them with sharp and bitter eyes.
"Save it." I cut him off before he could make any pathetic excuses, flicking through the TV options and landing on netflix. I threw it back to Sunwoo moodily. "There's tonnes of movies on here, pick one and just press play."
"You can watch movies without casettes?" His mouth formed a shocked 'o' shape, browsing the catalogue in wild swipes. "Oh my gosh, there's an Indiana Jones 3?"
"You're in future, you could watch absolutely anything that came out over the past 40 years and you're choosing something from your era?" I chuckle watching him press play with a jolt of childish excitement.
"They say the classics are better right?" Younghoon laughed in reply, covering himself with his own blanket and immersing himself in the screen.

As for me, I was tired. Emotionally and physically drained to say the least about the way my head rested heavy on Chanhee's chest. Patting my head delicately, his chestnut eyes were glued to the screen but his hands were making sure I knew he was there. - occasionally running the ends of his fingers through my hair, or tracing his thumb over my shoulder as he held me against him.

"You okay?" He turned his head to me, probably feeling my eyes burn a hole through his skull.
"Yeah, you're just stunning." I booped his nose, laughing when a dark rose blush spread across his cheeks. Smiling widely, he shook his head in embarrassment as I giggled to him evilly.
"Yeah?" He challenged the comment quietly, overcoming his shyness almost instantly. "Well you are too, and.." He buried his face into my neck, whispering to me darkly. "I'm still thinking about that my eyes only." Placing a kiss on my collar bone, he pulled away from me deviously and smirked at the shock written all over my face. Choi Chanhee? Who's your new bold friend? Can we tell him to go home now?

Returning his hand to my hair affectionately, the boy averted his attention back to the screen as if nothing has ever happened. Raking his delicate fingers through the strands one last time before dropping his hand to my waist and letting it rest there protectively.

Mirroring his actions, I placed my palm on his chest beside my head - watching my fingers tap playfully and listening to it echo with his heartbeat in his chest. Realizing what I was doing, he chuckled gingerly and pulled my hand up to hold - lacing his dainty fingers through my own and placing them back where my hand was. His heartbeat sped up momentarily when I pecked the back of his hand. Giggling sweetly, I moved my head to his neck and let my eyes flutter shut in his warmth.


Waking up slightly earlier than the rest did had become a small issue with me, listening to Chanhee's breathy snores could of almost sent me back into a deep sleep. However, instead I found myself sucked into my phone screen - mindlessly browsing as I cuddled into the boy beneath me.

"WonDas Psychic BookStore" , in the search engine I had scavenged for any form of local psychic or time travel expert at least. After about 10 minutes I was losing hope, until I'd scrolled upon this hidden and shacky little shop in town. An older lady was pictured, her mauve tinted hair flying out in a ballistic perm and wearing a pair of hefty glasses perched on her wide nose bridge.

"WonDa offers Spiritual Readings including Tarot, Palm and Astrological. WonDa can give you psychic visions through images in space and time. Book an appointment +1 213 030 030"

I almost scoffed at what I was doing when I copied the short number from the website and pasted it into the message bar. However, it was worth a shot right?

Hey WonDa,
Can I schedule an appointment anytime soon?
Many thanks, Y/N.

Hovering over send, I pressed my finger down and let the message send off before gently nuzzling my head back into Chanhee's nape. His hand ghosted over my own, placing it back over his chest as I let go of my phone. Realizing he was awake, I lifted my head slightly getting caught up as his hazelnut swirl eyes bored into my own. The faint essence of his vintage cologne lingered on the cotton material of his shirt, breathing it in as he leaned forward to peck my forehead.

Jolting harshly, the vibration of my phone caused the unknowing boy to almost jump out of his skin coat. With a pitying chuckle, I picked the small device up swiftly checking my notifications.

Sure Y/N, is 11am okay? Free Slot.
Hope to hear from you soon,

A thankful grin lit up my cheeks as I typed out a quick "Fine with me." before letting the metal fall beside me.
"What was that?" Chanhee laughed in confusion at my little cheeks lighting up in glee.
"I got us an appointment with a psychic. Hopefully she can help us out on the time travel thing." I replied as he returned a small nod, pulling me back into him in a tighter grip.
"What's the clingyness for this morning mister?" I giggled, turning over so that I laid almost on top his frame. Staring up at him with pretty doe eyes, I grew concerned when he placed his hand on the back of my head and chuckled bittersweetly.

"When things.." He bit into his peachy bottom lip anxiously, stroking through my hair with his soft fingers. "go back to normal.. if they go back to normal..." He was taking long pauses, refraining from the point with a wary hesitance as I stared back up at him obliviously.

"Don't move on too quickly.. Don't forget me.."

Before I could ask what he meant by the obscure and angsty comment, a pillow was launched into my back causing me to irately whip my head around to the perpetrator.

"It's barely 8am and they're already all over each other." Sunwoo groaned as the others began to wake up, rubbing his eyes limply before slamming his head back into the sofa arm behind him. "Get me a break."

Rolling my eyes, I throttled the pillow back at him with infuriated vengeance and drowned out his complaints by cuddling back into Chanhee as he deserved.



choi (clingy) chanhee ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

good evening my little daisy flowers..  just a quick a/n tonight to just wish you a wonderful conclusion to your week as it's drawing to a close..

sending my love always..

clover <3

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