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Chirping quietly, the birds whistled amongst themselves, fading into the background of a booming baseline sounding from the kitchen. My Mother was once again blaring the radio, enough to wake up most of the boys as the room vibrated in muted little tremors.

"Oh my word, does she do this every morning?" Chanhee groaned lazily, his tired eyes squinting in the strip of light that leaked through the window. Apart of missed the warmth of his arms when he nonchalantly detangled them from around my waist.
"Even in the future." I replied with a giggle as the other boys heads started to prop up - their little faces  scrunching up in annoyance at the loud stereo.

The outro to the previous song had finally faded to a conclusion, abruptly cutting to a chirpy radio presenters voice through the static. "Good Morning Listeners! Now on 91.1FM it's time for a new tune dropping into the studio just 20 minutes ago! This is George Michael's solo debut Careless Whisper, now premiering on 91.1..." As the iconic saxophone began to play, a look of alarm spread across all the boys' faces in the room.

"You're joking." Sunwoo had gone slightly pale, shooting me a glare as I held back a hysterical cackle.
"You've got to be an alien of some sort, there's no way-" Changmin added in shock, his prior half lidded eyes now jarred open in wide circular orbs.
"I don't think so." I chuckled at the completely idiotic theories they were beginning to throw at me.

"Okay in reality, if she did escape from area 51. What do we do about it?" Jacob asked from the corner of the room, peering over Hyunjae's head as he attempted to go back to sleep.
"Take her back?" Kevin suggested, all of their heads turned.
"Woah, Woah, Woah.. Where did this come from?" Chanhee scoffed at the ridiculous comments, sitting up against the back of the armchair we were sat in. "How can you believe in aliens over actual human life that got warped in time?"
"He's not wrong, she did go into so much detail with how she got here." Sangyeon furthered the comment, backing up the pink haired younger boy beside him.
"Government schemes aren't exactly poorly planned, she could be planning world domination in that little mind of hers. Look at her." Sunwoo argued gesturing over to me, I stared back blankly trying to choke back a chuckle.
"You're all idiots." Juyeon stood up as I did, swinging arm over my shoulder. "We have SO much to talk about." He added, earning a laugh on my behalf as we entered the kitchen together.


"I told you this was a bad idea!" Sunwoo yelled up to Changmin and Juyeon - the two boys stood up on a cliff of large rock above the waterfall and lake below.
The boys had suggested we go to the nearby forest, a spot they like to go to chill and spend summer days together when there's nothing else to do. Had I knew I was possibly about to watch two boys plummet to their deaths - I wouldn't of agreed to come.

"Just because you're a wuss, Kim!" Juyeon yelled back down arrogantly causing me to mentally facepalm at the stupidity of the two boys - stood how many meters high above such a shallow lake.
"Well, it is a bit high." I heard Changmin peep feebly, being told rather bitterly to "shutup" by Juyeon.

Pulling his shirt over his head, a hand was brought over my eyes before I could even watch anymore of the monstrosity waiting to happen.
"Hey!" I attempted to yank the hand off, however it wouldn't budge.
"You're not watching this, something bad might happen." The voice belonged to Chanhee, I should have known from the chunky golden rings adorning all 5 of his fingers. I sighed in defeat, folding my arms over my chest as his hand stayed put over my lids.

"Chanhee just doesn't want you to see Juyeon without a shirt, you might end up going after him instead." I heard Hyunjae chuckle evilly, causing Chanhee to drop his hand from my face and swat away the ashy blonde boy in annoyance.

As I looked up, Juyeon glanced over the edge with a smirk - how was he so unfazed? 
"Stop looking at him like that." Chanhee turned to me as he returned from brutally attacking Hyunjae.
"I'll look at him how I want." I replied without much thought, letting him sigh grumpily.
"Stop bickering like a married couple, you sound like seagulls." Haknyeon butted in, causing both Chanhee and I to snort simultaneously.
"They're literally the same person." Kevin shook his head in disbelief, elbowing Hyunjae beside him who nodded in agreement.

Walking back a few steps to ready himself, he sprinted up to the cliff edge, all of us never blinking a second as he jumped over the edge. With an arrogant flip he landed in the water with a chaotic splash. He looked cool, but was he okay? That's the main question. All of us rushed over to the lake side, exhaling an exaggerated sigh of relief as his head peered above water.
"THAT WAS SO FUN." He howled, shaking his hair off with a boisterous cheer from the boys erupting. Changmin followed, landing behind him with another mammoth of a splash.
"It's actually deeper than you think." He gasped above the water, shaking his hair off like a soaked Labrador.

All the boys wanted to go, making their way up the stairs to the cliff excitedly.
"You don't have to do it, if you don't want to." Chanhee nudged me reassuringly, as I looked back up to the cliff and then to him.
"I want to, it's just extremely high." I bit my lip nervously, running a hand through my hair.
"Baldness." He took my hand away from my head once again. "Listen, if I hold your hand. Will you do it?" Watching his eyes glisten off the water behind in little golden flecks, I just couldn't resist saying no to the cotton candy haired angel in front of me.

"I'll try?" I laughed slightly, watching him lace my fingers with his own - a small grin perking at his cheeks. He pulled me up the set of stairs that reached up the top of the hill. The boys were busy taking turns to jump off the rock, Eric taking it upon himself to do a double backflip into the water.

"I can't do it." I stuttered looking over the edge, shying away from the insane drop below.
"It's nothing Y/N. I promise." Juyeon chimed in from behind, leaning against one of the rocks cockily.
"I'm holding your hand, nothing bad will happen. Even Haknyeon is in one piece." Chanhee pointed out Haknyeon, the soaked boy waddling up the cliff in little excited stomps.
"Okay, yeah." I exhaled confidently, hyping myself up mentally for the drop about to happen. "I got this."
"You ready?" Chanhee asked, gripping my hand tightly, "3... 2... 1." With that I leaped off the cliff with him, our hands unlocking as we dropped into the water. All my senses were filled with the clarity of the fresh river water, gasping sharp inhale as I was pushed above water by somebody beside me. Chanhee surfaced after me, hands still gripped to my waist tightly. His pink hair was wet through, a smile painted across his face.

"You did it!" He smiled as I wrapped my arms around him in an overcoming relief. Spinning me around with my legs wrapped around his torso - we both giggled as the water splashed around us. Pulling away from his neck, I looked at him as the spins began to gradually slow. Leaning in subconsciously, it was one of those moments where it just happened again. The both of us sealing our lips together in a soft kiss, with both of his hands still on my waist as I cupped his cheeks. Pulling away only to lean in again? as he sank down slightly only for me to follow. This would of been intimate, if it wasn't for Kevin's yelling, of course.

"WHAT AM I SEEING?!" He yelled beside us for all the other boys to whip their heads around, "MY EYES, ohmygooodnessoh-"
"I thought it was meant to be secret." Sunwoo called over to Chanhee, I cocked a brow up with a laugh - exposed for kissing and telling mr Choi.
"What's a secret?" Haknyeon perked up, being piggybacked by Younghoon, who was happily wading his way through the water.
"Nothing." Chanhee splashed him, starting an intense water fight between the boys as they all laughed together boyishly.

However, something felt off, something wasn't right. I had no idea what it was, it was just a gut feeling...



hey my loveliest of readers..♡︎

oh my gosh it feels so good to be getting back to regular updates MWAH... i've missed writing and publishing so much ♡︎

but what could possibly be wrong?.. in such happy times?..

have an amazing rest of your day or if you're under the stars plenty of sleep for the day ahead.. ♡︎

sending my love always..

clover </3

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