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"What causes accidental time travel?" I read aloud for everyone to hear, I mean half of them were more interested in the phone than the words at hand. Their little faces gawking at the bright screen in infatuation. "Time travel can be caused when energy is shifted from one point in time to the other... A main reason energy shifts is because time is directly proportional to space.. so when one pauses so does the other causing someone to either be pulled back in time or pushed forward. However when somebody is able to change the fate of the past, a ripple in time is occurred causing the two to glitch."

"Do you think we've glitched?" Chanhee asked curiously, snapping the other boys out of their stare off with the screen in my hands.
"It's possible, but what could of changed in time to bring us forward?" Sangyeon replied, peeping his head up from the back of the group inquisitively.
"Was something meant to happen at the lake?"Juyeon asked further, his brows knitted together in a  furrowed line.
"How would we ever figure that out? How do we know what was meant to happen?" Sunwoo sneered in frustration, leaning back against my headboard and letting out a low huff.

So we're in 2021 now.. If we've been brought forward does that mean the fate of the past would stay the same?...

I quickly sprung up in realization, snapping open my  door handle in anticipation as my feet glided against the polished floorboards below.
"Mom!" I yelled downstairs almost in a high pitched squeal, "Where is that box of documents, you know the metal crate?"
"Under your bed isn't it? Why?" She replied from downstairs, her voice dropping an octave in suspicion as I screamed back a quick "Nothing!" before closing my door again.

Flinging Juyeon's legs from off the foot of my bed, I yanked out the metal box by its silicon handle, a thick layer of dust dispersing from beneath the bed in a puffy cloud. With a sharp creek, I busted it open, much to the confusion of the other boys.
"What are you looking for?" Changmin asked crouching beside me, taking one of the letters that fell by the side.
"My Mom, she keeps things like newspapers from years ago with important things on, yearbooks, official documents, letters from work, school , every piece of informative paper is in here." I responded as I began to eagerly dig through the separated piles inside the crate.
"So we just need to find 1984 and we might find something." Chanhee added, also kneeling beside me and scanning the piles, I laid out on the floor in front of him.

"Bank statements... Insurance... the 1996 telegraph... Are you sure we're going to find anything here?" Kevin asked sarcastically, observing the piles in front of him with a low chuckle.
"Ah.. over here!" Jacob raised his voice in anticipation, "These letters are dated 1984.. there's a newspaper here too!"
Rushing over to his side, I grabbed the other side of the letter he was holding, titling his hand briefly so I could read what was on it. A pair of hands gripped my waist firmly, unbeknownst to who it was, I turned slightly to see Chanhee - he overtly eyed mine and Jacobs hands before turning back to me.  I took the hint and let go with a pathetic eye roll. There was a sharp spark in my stomach when he pulled me onto his lap, hands still on my waist tightly. He perched his chin on my shoulder and planted a sweet kiss on my neck.
"Quit distracting me." I snapped in a whisper to the pink haired boy beneath me, blood boiling at the innocent smirk that poked at his lips afterwards.
"Focus then." He said before continuing to pepper kisses across my collar bone softly.
"Does anyone else feel sick?" Sunwoo looked across to us with a scrunched nose and pointed lips.
"Just choose to ignore it, pretends it's not there and you won't notice it." Hyunjae replied, not glancing at us once causing me to giggle briefly.
"I can't ignore it. It just keeps going." Kevin added, disgusted by the way his hands moved around to my stomach possessively.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes grabbing the pile from in front of Jacob and beginning to scan through.

School award.. Irrelevant.. Yearbook.. Irrelevant.. I threw what I didn't think was necessary on to the pile in front with a soft clatter.
"Wait." Changmin pointed out, crawling towards the discarded items with a confused look. "Your Mom went to the same school as us."
"She did?" I glanced to him curiously until I realized - he's right and I had no idea.
"Yeah hold on." He replied before beginning to flick the pages roughly. "Hyunjae Lee... Juyeon Lee... Sangyeon Lee... Jacob Bae... Kevin Moon... Changmin Ji... Haknyeon Ju.. Younghoon Kim... Sunwoo Kim... There's your Mom Y/N.." He read out the names of the photos, each of the boys smiling emptily in front of a dark blue marble screen for their senior photos. There's something missing...
"Where's Chanhee?" Changmin filled the gap in the air, reaching the end of the senior photos with a gaunt look of confusion adorning his features.
"He's not in there?" Juyeon added, snatching the book away from him and beginning to frantically search through the pages. Beneath me, Chanhee's grip had tightened, a slight tremor in his fingers caused me to grab them securely. His face looked washed out, replaced with the overwhelming feeling of fear as nothing in his memory was found.

I began to scramble through the other documents, as the boys read through the yearbook tirelessly.
Bank statements... Insurance... Newspaper... Newspaper.. perfect. Skimming through the headlines, nothing on the front was anything striking - meaning I'd have to begin reading the newspaper in order to find anything. That's when I landed on something, something terrifying, on page 26, the memorial page. With a fearful gasp I threw the paper in front of me, the boys around me taking the hint and looking upon it themselves. Chanhee had no time to even read what I'd found either, waiting until Sunwoo took the paper to read out for himself.
"In loving memory of Chanhee Choi.. Too young to be taken from us so soon.. The fatal drowning of a high school student... A life lost when he was out hiking with friends.." As he said that, silence echoed around the room, expressions of horror and fear pasted on to every face in that room. Gripping the hands around me, I did my best to conceal Chanhee from the horrifying words leaving Sunwoo's lips.

"That's why." Sangyeon pointed out, gulping in astonishment before carrying on. "He was meant to drown at the lake, but we changed his fate. We changed time and therefore.. moved through space."

That's when another piece of paper fell from between the pages the newspaper, it was sturdy and more card like. Reaching out from beneath me, Chanhee grabbed the card with a quick snatch and rotated around with a twirl of his fingers - only to drop it seconds later.



it's all unraveling uhoh.. where do they go from here?..( .•́ _ʖ •̀.)..

as always i hope you enjoyed the chapter.. i hope you're all feeling positive about the week ahead and that stress isn't getting the best of you in whatever situation you may be facing..♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3

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