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"Girly, you gotta add more hairspray than that. The curls are just gonna fall right out." Cindy laughed as I let her completely mat my hair in cheap hairspray. "You should consider getting a perm." She hummed, brushing through a small cotter.
"Will not be doing that." I laughed with wide eyes. "Are you about finished?"
"Yes and you look stunning doll. Now go get your fake blood and dress on." She replied, her lips smacking as she chewed her gum puckishly. It was hard to take her seriously when she'd chosen to dress up as Princess Leia for her own Halloween party. Her two space buns over each ear twisted around like a ridiculous pair of over ear headphones. I giggled before going to finish my makeup and eventual outfit change.

Seas of black crushed velvet fell to my feet, a lace trim collar adorning each seam of the dress. Pouring fake blood from the corner of my lips, it complimented the matte red lipstick I'd smeared over my lips perfectly.
"YOU LOOK INSANE." Cindy laughed as I walked out with a timid chuckle, pulling at the few creases in my dress.
"You ready to go? or is the force still awakening?" I asked, making a star wars pun the girl in front of you clearly didn't understand as her face contorted in puzzlement.
"You're not funny. Let's go." Cindy laughed, shaking her head and grabbing my wrist. It was almost 7pm, the party would begin soon giving you roughly 3 hours to kill before the boys and I would have to leave.

As guests began arriving, Cindy must have scattered party invites across the entire school as people I'd never even seen before dressed in ghostbusters, dracula and freddie krueger costumes flooded through her front door in manic tidal waves. The stereo had been cranked up with Halloween classics amongst the many pop songs usually played at parties back then.

Soon the house was booming and trying to find the boys would be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. "Excuse me." I winced, squeezing past another group of party-goers congested into Cindy's living room. I huffed, walking into the hallway, about to give up and go follow Cindy around. That was until I felt somebody slip their arms around my waist, causing me to almost jump out of my skin. Turning around to see Chanhee, I laughed pathetically at his matching vampire outfit.
"This is so cringe." I laughed as he chuckled along.
"What does cringe mean?" He asked with confusion despite giggling along to the joke a few seconds ago.
"It means like embarrassing, disgust." I explained with a roll of my eyes as he gasped in offense.
"How dare y-" He began to scold me, however was cut off by an obnoxious yell beckoning from behind us.

"Y/N!" Sunwoo smiled, followed by a small group of others. He was dressed in all black, no costume in sight, just some wide legged distressed jeans and a turtle neck sweater.
"Where's your costume?" I laughed, looking at him in curiosity.
"Oh hold on." He perked up, pulling a headband out that was tucked into the waistband of his jeans. "I'm a cat." He added, the two flimsy ears sticking up funnily.
"Well that's not very scary-" I giggled as he pointed up to them obviously. "Oh my God." I cut myself off when I saw Changmin waddle up from behind him dressed up as Chucky. His cerulean dungarees slung over his skinny frame and a frizzy ginger wig glued to his head. His fingers clung around the handle of a bloodied up knife - thankfully made of PVC and not anything he can impale anybody with.
"That's how you do Halloween, Sunwoo." I giggled to the cat ear adorning boy, as Changmin gave us all his best psychotic eyes across the room.
"I look good though." He frowned flicking his cat ear cutely, earning a look of disgust from me.
"I just cringed." Chanhee smiled, elbowing me since he was proud of his new vocabulary.
"You look like you've raided Claire's." I scoffed as he looked at me with shock, a fake look of hurt wiping across his face.
"What does cringe mean-" Sunwoo went to ask but was interrupted by a chaotic "YEEHAW" in the distance.

Hyunjae and Juyeon strolled over to us, both dressed too similarly.
"I'm trying to figure out which one of you is Indiana Jones and which one is the Cowboy." Sunwoo snickered sarcastically, earning a harsh elbow in the stomach from Hyunjae.
"How are you relate my authentic one of a kind Indians Jones whip to a 'Cowboy'." He stressed, throwing out the leather recklessly. Chanhee pulled me to the side out of the way, his arm wrapping around my waist securely.
"See. It's a killer." He smirked taking it back in with a smug look wiped across his face.
"So the other one is the yeehaw?" I asked glancing to Juyeon with a cocked brow.
"Indeed. I am." He laughed, adjusting the saucer of his brown cowboy hat with a proud flash of his teeth.

As the two left to most likely scope out Hyunjae's Princess Leia counterpart, I realized Chanhee's arm was still tightly latched around my rib cage.
"I don't think Indiana Jones can spark me out from all the way over there loverboy." I sneered, loosening his wrist from around me and intertwining my fingers with his.
"Sorry. I just didn't want to let you go just yet." He bit back his bittersweet giggle, looking down at the floor solemnly.
"You're not getting sappy yet are you? The nights barely just begun." I titled his chin up with my index finger, leaning my forehead against his own sweetly.
"I know. So my vampire bride may I take you to the dance floor?" He pulled away with his sarcastic smooth voice, yanking my arm through the living room to where the rest of the group was mingling.

Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac

The atmosphere wasn't one of chaos, but one of togetherness. Despite the night only just beginning for all of us, it was going to be one full of memory, our last moments together, the entire thing playing out like a burst of vintage polaroids. Wrapping my arms around Chanhee's neck, it was a shame we'd found love in such a hopeless place. As we giggled and were taunted by the others for being so lovey-dovey. We couldn't of cared less, especially when it was coming from a boy in claire's cat ears. Everything was bittersweet, but only just enough to keep us all happy. As we danced into the late night, drinks in hand and smiles half a world away.

♪ "She was just a wish and her memory is all that is left for you now" ♪

Lyrics that would hit far too close to home for a night like this.



guess who's back ^_^... back again..

it's your terrible author clo.. hello <3 i hope you've been doing well and i once again apologize for my breaks ! do enjoy this chapter and i do hope to see you very soon again..

sending my love always..

clover ! <3

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