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Trying to allocate rooms between 11 boys proved difficult, but we finally got settled - even if that meant lying to my Mother about Chanhee's sleeping arrangements. The loud chaos of the others had died down, it must of been around midnight when the door creaked open to reveal the gleeful pink haired boy. Giggling quietly, he closed the door softly making sure the handle didn't creak obnoxiously.

Lifting the cotton duvet cover, I smiled as he timidly slid next to me with a brazen grin flashing the top row of his teeth. Snuggling up to him, he soon relaxed and let his arms rest over me sweetly.

"You know future, I'm scared you'll give me a heart attack one day." He laughed with an airy chuckle, moving his head against the pillow so he could see my now flustered rosy cheeks clearly.
"I had one from the moment I saw you." I whispered back, watching the blueish moonlight illuminate his crystal features.

"Really?" He asked in confusion, his thumb grazing over my shoulder delicately.
"Yeah. I asked Cindy, I was like who's that boy over there. She warned me you were popular and your group just happened to come talk to us." I replied, shrugging of my own words shyly. His eyes glimmered in fascination, moving closer than he already was to rest his forehead against my own.
"I hope I haven't let down your expectations." He breathed out insecurely, tucking my lose hair behind my ear affectionately.
"You've done nothing but exceed them." I spoke even softer than he did, my hand tenderly resting on his nape.

Pulling him into a long honeyed kiss, I uncontrollably grinned throughout. Beginning to pepper his lips in soft pecks that made him giggle of stupidity. He hated things like this, but the way he smiled during them said otherwise.
The moonlight sauntered through the shear material of the precisely draped curtains , a monotone scene to an exterior perspective. In my own mind, there were billions fireworks, ones that obliterated into a flamboyant outburst of bright red tongues and spat out in all directions. That's the only way I could describe being with Chanhee Choi. It was an unnatural feeling and I couldn't tell you what it was.

Falling asleep like this had become a bitter reoccurrence, knowing one day it would end...


Being woken up to the raucous shrill of laughter, it was the first time the boys had woken up before Chanhee and I. The weight of Eric falling on top of us as he flopped like a fish out of water was a terrible way to start the morning. With a tired groan, I sat up rolling him off the mattress and land on the floor with a harsh thud.

"Ouch." Sunwoo laughed sarcastically strolling into the room with a few others trailing behind him. With a helping hand, he yanked Eric's arm and brought him to his feet.
"Good morning." I yawned tiredly, stretching my arms as they all sat towards the foot of the bed. Chanhee behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer.
"You guys wanna do something today?" I asked looking at the few boys that had gathered, Sunwoo, Eric, Changmin and Juyeon.
"Can we go to the beach?" Changmin asked with a bright smile, his post bed-hair messily sticking up in random directions.
"I don't see why not." I returned the grin with a soft chuckle, watching him run off in a little scuttle to tell the others.
"You guys, leave so I can get ready." I shooed the others off from the foot of my bed, wafting them out the room like an inconvenient gaggle of geese. Picking out clothes, I hummed in curiosity of what to choose.

"Oh my goodness, it's like a different world in here." Chanhee gasped at the difference in clothing, having modern times changed everything about the way people dressed. I picked up a plaid tennis skirt with a monotone palette, I placed it over my arm to change into. Throwing a white sweater over it, Chanhee soon took it off me and hung the piece back up.
"You're going to the beach, not the alps." He commented sarcastically, picking out a white spaghetti string cami top from the top rack.
"What if I get cold?" I frowned looking down at the top with slight worry behind my eyes.
"It's the middle of the summer, it's like 100 degrees outside." He replied, leaving the wardrobe with a chuckle, "Trust me."

1984 | choi chanhee ♫Where stories live. Discover now