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"Hello again, you two." The coral streaks in boys hair lighting up the chandelier that sparked above us in the room.
"Hey Chanhee." Cindy smiled introducing us, the girls around him seemed rather envious as I approached - rolling their eyes and flicking their bouncy curls to the side. Flocking away in pairs, as they grew bored of the conversation.

"It's lovely to meet you again." He grabbed my hand planting a small kiss out of courtesy, my heart fluttering at the way he spoke in the tone of a vintage movie star.
"You too." I smiled as he leant back into the tinged patent leather of the tan couch behind him.
"I'll leave you two, Hyunjae's calling me back." Cindy gestured over to Hyunjae who leant against the door frame waiting for her through the crowd of people.

Apart of me didn't want her to leave, she was the only familiarity I had in this retro world I'd been sucked into.
"Have a seat gorgeous." He shuffled over so I could sit beside him, I smiled sinking down into the couch.
"So you're new, where are you from?" He began with the question I didn't know how to answer, I gathered I should just apply my real life to this one.
"Oh well, I've always lived here until my dad got a job abroad. We just moved back." I smiled as he nodded attentively, fiddling with the bracelets around his wrists.
"You look stunning tonight may I add." His smile was bright on his lips, his arrogant demeanor becoming anxious and timid as he shared the compliment.
"You too." I giggled shyly as he caught my eyes delicately.
"It seems your conversational skills are just as useless as mine." He chuckled causing me to laugh at the backhanded insult, nervously rubbing my hands against my bare knees.

"Do you wanna dance?" He asked as gimme gimme - abba blared through the speakers in the background. I thought about it for a second, biting my lip cautiously watching pairs of boys and girls dance on the across the floor.
"Sure thing." I finally came to an answer, sitting my glass down on the stone mantelpiece beside me.
"Well then, let's go." He stood up extending his hand out to me, I grasped it as he pulled me to the dance floor. He smiled at me brightly, that full sparkling smile that made my heart skip ten thousand beats. It was different to the boys I knew at home, none of them made my stomach flutter and churn the way the boy in front of me did.

gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight, won't somebody help me take the shadows away.. ~

Throwing my hands over his shoulder, I swayed my hips to the beat as his hands ghosted over them. He giggled, pulling me closer and moving his hands to the back of my waist. I briefly swiped my head to the side to see Cindy watching with smirk, Hyunjae beside her seemed surprised. My head was brought back to the boy in front of me by his hand gently turning it. He smiled, observing my features gently.

Take me through the darkness to the break of the day ~

Pulling me to the side, he cracked open a beer bottle and handed me one. Flicking his hair out of his face in a feathery swipe and sipped the bottle slightly tired out.
"You seem cozy." Younghoon walked over with Haknyeon, both of them separating from the group that was whispering behind them.
"Yes and must you interrupt?" Chanhee swung his arm around my waist, replying to them sarcastically. They seemed taken aback, walking off back to the group - most likely to report the conversation. He took his hand away from my waist as soon as they left, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Can we go somewhere quieter? To talk?" I asked him nervously, he caught on slightly concerned to the wavering tone I spoke in.
"Sure, are you okay?" He furrowed his brows worried, lifting my head carefully.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just need to tell you something." I didn't know how to phrase what I needed to, regardless he took my hand and led me out the crowds.

"Is it okay if we go out on your balcony? Nothing sketchy." He approached Eric who was stood playing beer pong at a table in the kitchen, clearly winning as he leant in to listen to Chanhee.
"As long as you're not having sex in my room I don't care." He replied loudly causing my eyes to shoot open, Chanhee didn't think much of the comment instead just guiding me up the spiraled staircase in the center of the house.

Approaching a set of wide glass doors that stretched across the back of the building, he stepped out on the balcony and waited for me to step out. He jumped on to the pillar and swung his legs over the side, he pulled me beside him and awaited my words.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked, his doe eyes sparkling in the moonlight as I breathed out anxiously. He grabbed my hand reassuringly, grazing over my thumb lightly.
"Did something happen? Has somebody bothered you?" He asked further when I didn't reply, turning my head to meet his eyes as I avoided them.
"What if I told you- ugh never mind it's ridiculous." I sighed not knowing how to begin without having whatever I said sound completely unbelievable.
"Tell me." He leaned closer, practically on the edge of his seat as he anticipated what I needed to say.

I exhaled shakily finally finding somewhere to begin,
"What if I told you I got sucked back in time from 2021? That I've been taken back into 1984, where the only girl I know is Cindy and I'm just pretending to go along with it because I have no idea on how to get back." I laughed pathetically, worrying about how he'd take the comment.
"I'd think you were crazy." He looked at me confused, his brows knitting together as he chuckled.
"Well it's true." I said flatly, he just looked at me slightly shocked - he probably thought I was insane.
"Oh yeah? prove it." He was skeptical, the larger portion of him probably thought I was just joking.

"I don't know how I can." I chuckled not knowing how to exactly.
"Okay then name every president from right now until 2021." He challenged me cocking an eyebrow up daringly, thank god hours of history class paid off.

"Okay so it's 1984," I thought for a while before answering, "Ronald Reagan, in 1989 it will be George Bush, 1993 Bill Clinton, 2001 George Bush again, in 2009 Barack Obama, in 2017 Donald Trump, finally the most recent election was Joe Biden."
He seemed impressed as I listed them off as best as I could, watching contently as I sat deep in thought.
"A few more questions and maybe I'll consider believing you." He leaned in closer, whether it was the alcohol speaking or he genuinely had the time to keep asking - he listened anyway and continued to pry away as the night only grew darker.



1984 is back tehe.. we're finally getting to Chanhee a bit more.. however will he believe y/n?♡︎

not @@ me on wikipedia bc i paid no attention in history class before i dropped it a few years back.. i cannot name presidents lmao..

i hope you've all had lovely weekend ! wishing you the best for your next week ..

sending all my love...

clover <3

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