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"He's on his way up." Changmin entered my room with an elongated sigh, the denim of his jeans scraping together as he plodded in.
"I can't do this." I held my head in my hands, an uneasy shift clawing at the depths of my stomach.
"Well we can't back out now." Juyeon vacantly replied, sat on the other side of my cotton bedding with his arms around one of my pillows.

A metallic click caused us all to whip our heads up to the door, creaking open with a soft squeal.
"Uhh... What's going on?" Chanhee looked at us all with a weird glance, chuckling slightly at the silence and statue-like composure we were exhibiting.
"We've got something we need to tell you." I rubbed my hands over my leggings with a deep breath inwards, my lips trembled feebly and eyes not daring to look up from the crooked floorboards beneath me.
"Should I say it?" Juyeon asked, panning across to me with a concerned look. I shook my head, finally finding the strength to glance at the boy.
"I will." I denied the gesture, composing myself and adjusting my posture. Chanhee blinked in a worried curiosity, folding his arms together readily. "Last night. From what I can remember? I was drunk, so drunk. Juyeon and I were together whilst you and the others were across the beach. We weren't really thinking about our limits, we were too intoxicated to. The next thing I remember, I woke up with him not how I found him the night before. I'm sorry-"

"What do you mean, not how you found him the night before?" Chanhee scoffed cutting me off abruptly, the contrast to his usual tone causing me to flinch slightly.
"You know what I mean." I retorted weakly, placing my head back between my hands with a stressed huff.
"You're joking." He spat with a bitter sneer, looking between Juyeon and I. "Tell me you're fucking joking." Chanhee cursing sent us all into a state of regret, even Sunwoo and Changmin who had no part of this whatsoever.
"Listen we were too drunk to eve-" Juyeon tried to dial down the situation, placing his hand out to explain calmly.
"Shutup. I don't want to hear it." He strode to the door, sharply pulling it open and closing it with a deafening slam.

Sunwoo followed him out with a light jog, leaving Changmin, Juyeon and I to sit in our own thoughts.
"Y/N. I'm so sorry-" Juyeon began, cutting him off I shook my head repeatedly in refusal.
"It's not just your fault. It's mine. Don't apologize to me, I don't deserve one." I explained, closely pulling my knees into my chest and cradling myself comfortingly. Changmin was hesitant, wanting to chase after his best friend, but it was clear he didn't trust the two of us alone.

"Go. Leave the door open if you're so suspicious." I snapped at him irritably and watched as he left with a saddened glance. As I said, he left the door wide open - not trusting either of us. On cue, Sunwoo strolled back in seemingly stressed, sweeping his hair out of his eyes momentarily.
"He's not talking." He announced, standing in front of the both of us with an exhausted sigh.
"Give him time." I replied blankly, still hugging my knees to my chest lowly.

"We're gonna watch a movie, you guys coming?" Eric swung his head around the door with a naive grin, unbeknownst to any negative atmosphere amongst us.
"I'll be down in a second. You coming Juyeon?" Sunwoo replied, Juyeon nodding with a soft shrug. "Y/N?"
"I think I'm just gonna get some alone time. You guys go ahead though." I broke a half smile, as they nodded understandingly.

As soon as the door closed, I crawled into my bed covers that smelt like a familiar vintage cologne. Indulging in the heavenly essence, I couldn't help but quietly sob to myself as I let the material engulf me. My vision started to blacken and I let a melancholic sleep consume me.


"Y/N?" A mellow voice sang through my room, causing me to tug my eyelids open. "Please come watch a movie with us?"
"No." I bluntly replied to whoever was standing by my door. A few footsteps didn't alarm me, however when the perpetrator leaped on top of me I jolted harshly.
"Come watch a movie. With. Us." It was Eric, his vibrant eyes looking up at me eagerly.
"No." I pulled under the covers over my head grumpily, only for somebody else to jump on top of me.

"Come and watch a movie now." Sunwoo yanked the covers from my grip, revealing my tangled hair and puffy red eyes.
"Is Chanhee with you?" I asked curiously, clearing my voice with a small sniffle.
"Yeah, but he didn't object to us coming to get you." Sunwoo replied with an unbothered shrug.
"He wouldn't. He doesn't want me there." I rolled my eyes, turning over so I didn't had to look at them both.
"Just come down please." He pleaded trying to make eye contact as I hid away from his attempts.

"Is somebody refusing?" A mocking voice erupted from the door, causing the boys to giggle. Hyunjae stood in the door frame, sizing himself up jokingly. "Please move whilst I perform a professional removal." Jumping off the bed with an evil giggle, the boys gave me no time to protest before I was scooped up by Hyunjae and threw over his shoulder with my covers.

"Please put me down." I murmured bluntly into his back, kicking my legs in frustration as I was carried down the hall.
"Will you just run back in your room?" Hyunjae asked with a hint of sarcasm.
"Yes." I huffed, giving up completely as he carried me all the way down the flight of stairs and into the living room where the rest were.

"Did you kill her?" Younghoon laughed at the way my limp body flopped as Hyunjae threw me on the black leather couch next to him.
"Almost had to, to get her down here." Sunwoo replied, sitting the other side of cotton cocooned body. "Also take the remote off him, no way." He added, pointing across the room to Changmin who chuckled demonically with the little metal box in his hands. Only to be snatched away by Kevin, who browsed the movie catalogue - selecting something random and letting it play. He was sat on the back of the opposite couch, flicking the light switch right beside him off.

A pair of eyes burned through me, I knew who they belonged to but I didn't have the courage to catch his gaze. Trying my best to focus on the screen, the brightness flickered throughout the darkened room - reflecting off the window panes and off the glass of my eyes in vibrant and jarring streaks. Curiosity had gotten the best of me, glancing across the room to which the pressure on me began building.

Chanhee across the room wasn't looking at the screen, he never did the entire movie. He had an entirely different demeanor, sprawled out across the cushions across from me - usually cradled and cooped up in his own bubble. He just looked, occasionally talking to Changmin and rarely flickering back to the screen. His gaze was terrifying, something I'd never thought I'd see come from him. It was an unwelcoming reminder, this wasn't going to resolve easily.

"Y/N." Sunwoo tapped me briefly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Could you go get us some snacks? I would but I don't know my way around your kitchen."
"Of course." I replied faintly, lifting the duvet off me and making my way into the kitchen.

Yanking open the pantry door, I looked around for snacks, scanning the shelves and picking out small packets of food my Mom had bought in. With the packets in my hands, I pushed open the pantry door with my back. Someone being stood by the sink almost made me drop them all in shock. With a glass of water in his hand, Chanhee watched me walk over to the counter and drop them on to the tray.
"Hi." I broke the strange silence, since it was too uncomfortable to say nothing. Gulping down the water, he went to leave the kitchen without a word, but stopped before he could grab the handle.

Slowly turning himself around on his heel, he stepped closer, only for me to take steps back until I was cornered into the granite counter. His face centimeters away from my own, his breathe lightly fanning over my cupid's bow. My stomach twisted as he smirked bitterly.
"If you're gonna pretend nothing ever happened. Then don't talk to me." He gnarled with a soft scoff, scanning my features intimately for a moment, before pulling away. He never looked back as he left the kitchen, slamming the door and returning to the other boys - immersed in their own worlds in the living room.



..well.. that didn't go down well.. ᵒʰ(・̆・̆)ɴᴏ

i hope the first half of your week has been lovely and that things have been calm despite whatever hectic chaos has been going on around you.. ʚɞ

sending my love always..

clover <3

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