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Wrapping my hair around the hot iron, I slightly burnt my hand on the piping metal - painfully wincing at the burn left on my finger.
"Y/N be careful! Those things can get up to 200°." Cindy said taking the wand from my hand and beginning to curl the rest for me herself.
The side of my index finger began to blister a scarlett red and it stung unbelievably.
"Can you do my makeup?" I asked Cindy, who stood behind me in the bathroom mirror. I had no idea how to use the vintage products left on the counter, half my real time makeup drawer hadn't been invented just yet.
"Sure thing." She chuckled being ready herself, her hair pinned half up and half down. She wore a pungent red lipstick across her lips and an eyeliner swipe of a fantastic blue. Her pink sequin dress dazzled violently, glinting in underneath the small light hanging in the bathroom.

Turning me around to face her, she concentrated whilst illustrating my face in makeup from the bathroom drawer. Finishing off by picking out a baby pink gloss, she swiped it across my lips in quick dabs. She stepped away from me and clapped her hands in satisfaction.
"You look gorgeous Y/N." She squealed excitedly whipping me around to face the mirror.
"Woah. Thank you so much Cin." I smiled looking in the mirror, a peach blush dusted upon my cheeks, on my eyes sat a coat of black mascara and thinned eyeliner.

"You girls going to Cindy's soon?" My mom shouted up to the bathroom, her footsteps approaching the the bathroom in faint stomps.
Urgently, Cindy and I rushed to throw on our long coats to cover our attire. Leaving the room, we narrowly swiped past my Mother on the corridor in a hurried scatter.
"Bye Mom!" I shouted upstairs, to where she stood at the very top of the bannister.
"Bye sweetheart! Have a fun sleepover!" She smiled, waving as we left the house giggling with each other.

Cindy lead the walk to Eric's house around the block,  the faint booming of the stereo system blared throughout the street. The gated home was just like Cindy had mentioned HUGE. People spilled out from the entrance of the party, disco lights flashing various hot pinks and blues.

Call me, on the line, call me, call me, anytime, i'll arrive -  Call me ,  Blondie

Strutting into the front porch way, Hyunjae greeted us. He was leant by the doorway with a half-drunken bottle of beer and lit cigarette between his lips. His unbuttoned dress shirt was paired with blue high waisted jeans and a chunky gold chain that sat upon his exposed chest.

"You lovely ladies sneaking out tonight?" He laughed taking the cigarette from his lips and began helping us with our coats.
"Like always." Cindy giggled as he smiled sleazily, putting his cigarette out on the pale door frame. Inside the party was only louder, there must of been over 100 people talking and drinking. Dancing along to the radio that was blaring at a freakish volume throughout the house.
"Wow. May I say you look ravishing tonight?" A brunette dimpled boy from the mall earlier approached me - slinging his arm around Hyunjae boyishly.
"Thank you very much. May I ask your name?" I laughed as he smiled - taking a swig of his drink.  "Changmin. Nice to meet you doll." He laughed endearingly, taking small sips from the glass neck of his beer bottle.

Breaking the moment, Juyeon rushed in sweeping me away with his hand around my waist.
"Not on my watch Mr.Ji." He chuckled before whisking me to the room next door, where people were dancing around the crowded dance floor.
Yeah I wanna dance with somebody~ ...
Don't you wanna dance.. say you wanna dance.. - Whitney Houston .. I Wanna Dance With Somebody.
Juyeon spun me around, causing me to laugh as I was brought back to his chest in a quick twirl. Jumping along to the baseline, he held my hands on either side of my frame twisting them back and forth rhythmically. I smiled as he laughed deviously, he was a total playboy that was for sure - they were less discreet back in this day. I held on to the bottom of my dress to prevent it from swiftly riding up when I moved. This boy could dance, that was for sure.
When the song drew to a close, I slipped away from the dark haired boy, who followed me in my glide back towards Cindy.

Cindy was stood with Hyunjae, some of the boys from the mall now gathered around the two in a boisterous flock.
"Cin, where's your pretty lady friend?"
"Yeah, where's Y/N?"
"She's here." I yelled sarcastically, as they all turned in my direction keenly.
"Hello beautiful." A lighter haired boy smirked eagerly, "Of course you couldn't keep your paws off Mr Lee."
"Are you jealous Sangyeon?" Juyeon teased him chaotically ruffling his fawn hair. The elder boy sighed batting his arm off of him in annoyance.
"You're a popular lady tonight Y/N." Cindy laughed, I chuckled in response glancing around the room.
"Do you know where Chanhee is?" I asked, once again noticing him and Eric were the only ones not in the gaggle of boys around us.
"I haven't seen him." Hyunjae said looking around the room, one arm slung over Cindy lazily holding his bottle in the other.

My eyes darted the room to see if I could see the pink haired boy anywhere through the flashing lights and various groups of people.
"Wow, hello beautiful ladies." Eric suddenly appeared from the crowd approaching us.
"Was Chanhee not with you?" Cindy asked the boy who wore a sleeveless black tank top and skinny jeans. His shook his head, his blonde hair sweeping frantically.
"Oh yeah, he's in the living room talking to your friends." Eric replied to her looking back in a swift motion to the living room.
"Oh, well let's head over Y/N." Cindy smiled dragging me by my arm through the crowds of people stood partying.

There he was the pink haired boy, perched upon the brown leather sofa surrounded by a group of girls speaking to him keenly. His silk shirt was unbuttoned by two, a pretty gold chain hung upon his neck. He wore a pair of dazzling jewel earrings and a set of chunky gold rings that matched the chain. His high waisted velvet trousers rose up to his waist, a narrow belt tying around his waist neatly. He looked up warmly noticing us approach, a dazzling smile pasting his features as we caught eyes.



hey ! i bet you weren't expecting me to update this book today... ( ˘ ³˘)  i did anyways..

i hope you enjoyed the chapter ! have a lovely evening i'm wishing you the best always ..

clover <3


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