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"Y/N wake up! You're late for school!" Mom yelled from the other side of the door, "Also honey why is your door locked?"
The sound of my Mother trying the loose metal handle made me jolt from the sheets. Peering beside me, a sleeping pink haired boy stirred softly - releasing his grip from around my waist and rushing to turn the lock back fully.

"I'm just getting ready Mom!"  I replied frantically, hearing her reply a small 'Ok' before her footsteps approached the end of the hallway.
"Chanhee." I whispered lightly, tapping his chest with the bottom of my palms.
I don't remember how we got here, I don't even remember falling asleep the evening before. Nevertheless, the boy's eyes fluttered open and began adjusting to the stripe of sunlight that licked through the mesh curtains.
"We're late." I observed the alarm clock on the side of the bed, its two thin and golden hands pointing to 8.20 in elegant roman numerals.

"Wanna ditch?" He only kept a singular eye open, his head rested on his forearm lazily.
"My Mom's home, she'll kill me." I retorted ridiculously, with a sarcastic cackle.
"My parents aren't. Just get ready and tell her you're going." He shooed me off the bed in my nightgown, the silk slipping against the cotton swiftly.
"Won't school know?" I felt slightly stressed at the proposal, putting my hands on the sides of my hips and crossing over my legs expectingly.
"And what will they do about it? Give us detention? Ooo scary!" He opened his palms and shook them in a sarcastic tremor of jazz hands. I scoffed flicking his forehead with my middle finger before grabbing clothes from my drawers.
"Go get your car, I'll be down in 5 minutes tops." I shooed him to the window, earning a victorious smirk from the boy as he jumped on to the oak tree branch - stretching tenderly onto the window ledge.

Throwing a blush sweater over my head, I pulled my hair from the wool neck and huffed out melodically. Denim jeans scratching against each other as I sprinted down the staircase, swinging from the side of the banister.
"Gotta go Mom!" I yelled into the sun lit kitchen, hearing her small heels tap against the tiles annoyingly.
"Without breakfast?!" She seemed alarmed, popping her head through the ajar crack momentarily.
"No time, sorry! I'll get some at break." I replied with a short smile, throwing on my lemon patent raincoat before throwing open the front door.
"Have a good day honey!" She replied seemingly taken aback by my sudden rush of energy, cutting her off with the slam of the front door.

"Could you play your music any louder?" I laughed sarcastically getting into Chanhee's car, he was blasting music at an outrageously loud volume. Dancing with myself - Billy Idol, to be exact. Sliding on his thin rimmed sunglasses, he bopped his head to the beat jokingly. Gripping his fingers around the plastic volume setting, he wound it all the way up. I covered my ears with a squeal as he cackled.
"YOU ASKED IF IT WENT ANY LOUDER." He yelled over the music, with an evil cackle before turning it back down.

Driving straight past the school gates with a roar of his engine, a few strange looks were passed among classmates strolling the sidewalks - we seemed to be going entirely wrong way to them. We were around a block away from Chanhee's house, it was when I realized what a terrifying driver he actually he is.
"You can't just run every stop sign!" I complained, watching him fly past another bright red hexagon in the air.
"I see no traffic." He replied smugly, a singular hand wrapped around the worn leather of his steering wheel.
"You just totally cut off that busted up Toyota." I pointed behind us to the dented silver car that had just halted at the junction ahead.
"He was going above the speed limit anyway." He shook his head, continuing to drive recklessly before we'd reached his driveway.

Typically, his home was pristine, polished to perfection and decked out in marble interior. For a vintage home, someone in my own era couldn't complain much about living in a house like this. It was stunning, although the eye-sore patterned rugs made it hard to see straight if you looked at them for too long.

Slouching on to the caramel tinted couch, the blankets beneath held the texture of real animal fur - it was prickly and unbearably discomforting - causing me to move the sheets aside and allow the skin on my thighs to stick to the cold leather beneath instead.
"Can I interest you in a glass of water?" Chanhee reappeared into the empty living room, carrying two flute glasses of water between his fingers.
"Thank you kind sir." I took the thin neck from his hand and sipped it briefly.

Beside the TV there was a long maroon cabinet, crammed with slim paper wallets and large cases. Strolling over, I began flicking through each section, there were tons of vinyl records and I was starstruck by his collection of classics. Chanhee giggled shortly, following me over.
"You listen to any Prince at all?" He asked taking a violet piece of card from the shelf and tugging a rounded vinyl out from between the folds.
"Does Purple Rain count?" I chuckled watching his smile widen slightly.
"Of course it does, that's exactly what I had in mind." He never dropped the toothy grin, taking up the record player needle and placing it on to the selected record. As it spun steadily, I smiled at the melancholy guitar began sweetly.

Grabbing my hand, he took the glass from my diminutive paw and set it up on the mantlepiece beside him. Pulling me into him, he seemed so gleeful "Can I have this dance?" He asked with a short laugh at the vigorous nod I replied to him with.
"I'd be more than delighted." I responded with a warm upturn of my lips, letting out a soft chuckle as he took both my hands.

Swaying slowly, each of our feet alternated in a synchronized rhythm - unclasping one of my hands he moved it to my waist slyly and brought me closer than before. His head peered over my shoulder, intoxicating me in that vintage cologne of his. It was a mixed scent of pinecones and a thick chemical that made you feel as if you were drunk. I moved my free arm to his neck, it was slightly early for slow dancing, but as the rain began to pour outside - I don't think any of us really cared.

When the interlude began, I turned to face the boy who's face was so close to mine. I could feel his breath hitch, exhaling a gust that ran down my neck in shivers. Neither of us began what was inevitable, it seemed to be mutual agreement that we leaned our foreheads against each other. I opened my eyes shyly, looking into his own swamped mocha orbs. With that, he turned his head pushing his baby pink lips to my own. It felt as if that had just lit off a new year's eve firework  display in that one living room. Reciprocating his actions, I pressed my palm to the back of his neck and moved my lips in the way he did. Purple rain is a song that never truly ends, so when it began to fade out the both of us pulled away with a soft smile - not a word was spoken, just the close proximity and little laughter each odd between us.



awh.. this was such a cute write.. stay in school kids :)) ♡︎

hope your week becomes less crowded as the week is drawing to a conclusion.. i hope you have something to look forward to coming up and that it goes well as always..♡︎

sending my love always...

clover <3

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