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"We're not matching. No way." I chuckled to Chanhee as he browsed through the racks in the costume store - the metal hangers clicking together and scraping across noisily.
"Of course we are. Look we can be matching vampires isn't that cute?" He gushed with glistening eyes, his lips pouted adorably. I looked at him with visible cringe, my nose scrunching up as I continued to browse the silver racks for my own costume.

"I don't even know if I wanna dress up. These costumes are just too wacky, I don't wanna look stupid." I complained, grumbling to the boy beside me. Turning around on his heel to face me, he scoffed at my attitude before batting it back with even more force.
"That's why you should match with me. This is literally the most subtle thing you could be." He lectured me, attempting to get me to cave into being his vampiric counterpart. "We'll buy you a black dress and then all you need fake blood. Wal-ah! No outrageous costumes for Y/N."

With that being said, he had magically wormed his way around me once again. After picking up some tacky little items from the costume store: fake fangs, sfx blood and a few other bits 'n' pieces - we headed to the dress store, the one Cindy and I had been in only just a few months ago.

The issue was, the 80s fashion scene was definitely a very hit and miss market. Browsing through, rack after rack, I had found nothing. Sighing defeatedly until I heard a bright voice yell my name from across the store.
"I found one! Do you like it?" Chanhee asked with his index finger hooked through a thin hanger, bestowing upon it a classic black dress, styled exactly the way I like it. He knew me too well and had an incredible eye for fashion. Smirking to himself smugly as a smile crept across my face at the gorgeous dress in his hands.
"I love it." I beamed as he ruffled my hair sweetly.
"I thought you would." He chuckled, giving me the hanger to hold. I pecked his lips before we began to scavenge the shop for more dark accessories and anything to enhance our outfits.

It didn't take us long to wrap things up, meeting the others at the food court soon afterwards. Younghoon was working another afternoon shift at the Ice Cream Parlor as we all crowded around one of the tables in the center of the mall.
"And history repeats itself." Kevin joked as Younghoon sat down beside us, taking his hat off with a frustrated huff. "Ahoy!" Kevin added with a teasing giggle, running away when the black haired boy threatened to chase him.

"So, couple costumes?" Sunwoo asked Chanhee and I, gesturing to the bag slumped beside my ankles.
"Guess who's idea that was?!" I smiled sarcastically, picking from the basket of fries between us.
"I would never know!" He chuckled back, earning an appalled look from Chanhee across the table - his mouth hung open with a sneer leaving his lips at the comment.
"I love you." I turned to him with a giggle, his stern gaze blessing me with the inability to keep a straight face. Wrapping my arms around him with apologetic laughter, he soon loosened up and placed a kiss on my forehead. Once again, the much appreciated barfing noises from the boys bellowed down the table - causing me to roll my eyes pull away sadly. Chanhee seemed to notice, therefore wrapped his arm around my waist - casually draping it behind my back and grasping my hand on the other side.

It was Cindy's party within a matter of one day, the day I planned on returning to normality. So maintaining closeness and proximity with Chanhee had become my main priority. Holding him closely and enjoying his embrace as he swatted away any comments from the other boys on our relationship. Everything felt so bittersweet, melting into his touch as he grazed his thumb over the back of my palm. Who knew, I would fall in love with somebody so off limits, somebody I couldn't have. Had I realized I was zoning out? No. However he did, watching my expression droop in solemn thoughts. Pulling me closer into him as the conversation proceeded around us.

"Boo!" A voice yelled from behind me, causing me to almost jump out of my skin as my shoulders were grabbed momentarily. With a short giggle, Juyeon joined the group, dumping his jacket on Eric across from me before sitting down.
"Where have you been?" Hyunjae asked him with a raised brow, sitting back into his chair with furrowed brows.
"I," He began with a clever tone, everyone leaning forward in anticipation. "Have been scouring the mall, for this." He pulled a bag from behind him before placing it on the table - the entire group looking at him cryptically as he grinned.
"Wow it would be amazing if you could tell us what it is." Sunwoo replied sarcastically, watching the boy's face drop from pride to an unamused stare as he joked.

"It's for Y/N." He handed me the bag, the paper tissues inside rustling as it moved.
"Oh so you're even buying his girlfriend presents now, you sly prick." Changmin scoffed, purposefully trying to stir the conversation as the group laughed.
"It's from all of us. Can't I buy my friend something?" Juyeon bit back quietly with an irritated glare.
"Haha, friend yeah after w-" Hyunjae cackled, however was cut off by Chanhee.
"We don't go there." He rolled his eyes, sipping from his milkshake and shutting the group up.

Wrapped up neatly in the bag was a brand new baby pink alarm clock, I looked at him strangely before he flipped it. A gold plaque on the back engraved with "Don't miss us too much, we're always thinking about you - love from your 80s boyz." Tearing up at the gift, I immediately hugged Juyeon with a sad thank you. The vintage gold hands ticking firmer than my current one had ever.
"Get rid of that cursed alarm clock, when you get back. You don't wanna end up in the medieval times by chance." Juyeon laughed, patting my back before turning me go Chanhee. "Your lovely boyfriend also got me to go pick up something he'd ordered you." He announced, pushing a small gift bag to me. I looked at Chanhee as he giggled knowingly, watching me carefully untie the ribbons.

A vintage gold cameo ring, one that replicated one of his many rings, the signature peach oval with the ladies face engraved. I gasped as I saw he'd also gotten it engraved - 'I love you future. I always will. - C.C'  With that I almost began sobbing again, this time turning to embrace Chanhee and kissed his lips gently. As he took the ring and slid it on to my middle finger where it fit perfectly - I smiled in adoration. The entire table had moved on in conversation, sick of our couple antics, however for Chanhee and I the world had stopped spinning.



aghhh it's the build up to the party.. who knows what will happen..(>_<)

LONG AWAITED HI.. it's been a while ;) .. it feels so refreshing to update after what feels like such a long time.. i'm sorry for the wait ! and i hope you're all doing well!.. (-; )

sending my love always..

clover <3

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