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As we began to clumsily set up the navy tent we brought beside the many acres woodland, something was still off. It's as if no one knew what to do, what to say, where to go from here. Watching Sunwoo cluelessly press the narrow metal pegs into the ground to hold the tent down.

Climbing inside on my hands and knees across the coarse plastic material laid across the floor. Chanhee followed closely behind, sitting beside me in the patch of shade the shear material provided us from the scorching rays of sun above. The boys had gathered in a circle, a peculiar silence airing between them all - there was never a dull moment with these boys.

"Does anyone else feel like something's off?" Chanhee asked without me even having to mention the strange feeling in the air.
"Yeah, it's as if something should be happening but it's not." Juyeon shook his head with a furrow of his dark brows.
"I've been thinking that since the lake jumping." I pressed my lips together anxiously.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Chanhee added, pulling me into his chest reassuringly.
"I thought it was just me."  I sighed heavily, snuggling into the warmth of the boys shirt for an ounce of comfort.

Ignoring the uncomfortable shift, the boys carried on talking - chuckling amongst themselves as they cracked jokes amongst the strangely nostalgic atmosphere.

A sudden crack in the sky caused the entire group to jump in fright, the once crystal clear aquamarine now tainted into an opaque charcoal that laid over the sky in thick clouds. In a matter of minutes the entire weather forecast had changed, torrential downpour lashing off the roof of the tent. A mammoth wind barging through the unzipped flap.

Sangyeon climbed forward to zip up the tent with a sharp scrape, blocking the shards of rain from being blasted into the flimsy walls of the tent.

"We weren't forecast a storm were we?" Changmin asked, inquisitively looking around for an answer.
"No. It's a heatwave, we were predicted to have another drought this summer." Younghoon replied with confusion written all over his knitted brows, as he pulled the sleeves of his jacket over his bare arms.
"Well at least there won't be a drought?" Sunwoo added with a sigh, shivering slightly from the sudden temperature drop outside.

"Guys.." Changmin called over to the boys, who were now busy complaining over Sunwoo's sarcastic remarks. "Guys." He said more firmly causing them all to turn to him expectingly, he'd opened the zip slightly - peeling it just far enough over so that we could see outside from where we were sat.

"Holy shit." Juyeon gasped under his breath, Holy shit indeed. The sky has now lit up in a fluorescent violet, an unnatural neon breaking between dark streaks of sapphire. It was like a huge force field hugging the atmosphere, squeezing Chanhee's hand in fear, I glanced over at him in alarm. He returned a concerned look, whipping his head around to see what the boys were talking about behind us.

"It's Y/N's UFO, I told you." Sunwoo rolled his eyes, cursing his friends out as the sky bellowed and ruptured above.
"Not the time. We need to get back and quick." Sangyeon warned the boys as he stepped out into the rain first, ushering the rest to follow him in his steps.

Ditching the tent, on heavy feet we sprinted through the forest, locks of hair soaked through, cheeks stained red and illuminated as if there were indigo LED lights above. Making it back to our cars, the synced noise of engines growling erupted in a frantic cacophony. Following each other down the highway, the cars skidded across the glazed wet roads, breaks screeching hysterically.

As we reached civilization, declared by the town's welcome sign, the sky all of a sudden cleared.
"What the fuck?" Chanhee gasped from next to me, watching the sky peel back into the bright cerulean blue that it was before. Pulling up outside of my house, I shared a glance with Juyeon as we got out the car. It was a worried gaze, he looked as if somebody had squeezed the color out of him like a sponge.

"We're back Mom!" I yelled through the house, listening to it echo loudly.
"Who's back?!" She yelled in confusion, her footsteps pounding the kitchen tiles as she made her way into the hallway. Mom?

It was her, dressed modernly in a pair of black leather jeans, a plain white shirt and a denim jacket. Her familiar neon pink lipstick still smothered around her lips in her usual thick layer.
"Are these your school friends? Why are you all dressed like retro QVC presenters." She asked panning her dazzling eyes to the boys around me, "I thought you were at Cindy's house."

Nervously I glanced at the boys, all just as confused as I was. "Uh yeah, these are my school friends..." I improvised quickly, combing my hand through my hair - Chanhee grabbing my wrist subtly. "We'll be in my room."
I ushered the 11 boys up the staircase, before turning around briefly. "By the way Mom?" I asked curiously, "What's the date?"
"July 24th 2021, honey." She replied back, every footstep on that staircase halted. "And leave the door open!"

Slamming the door behind me in shock, I ran up to my bedside table - my phone. There it was. My charger, there. My alarm clock.. wasn't.
"What's happening?" Changmin asked in a small voice, his jaw trembling nervously as the others stared into space - attempting to grasp where they were and the information they'd been told.
"We've gone forward in time, we're in my year." I replied, falling on to my bed next to Chanhee. I pulled the charger out of my phone, letting the wire fall on to my floorboards with a snap.
"How did that happen? And what is that contraption in your hand?" Juyeon asked, pointing to the metal box I was typing my passcode into.
"It's a mobile phone. Apparently everyone has them in the future." Chanhee replied to him as I concentrated, ignoring the 'Where are you?" text messages from Cindy.
"How did you know that?" Sunwoo scoffed, jumping on to the bed and crawling up behind me to watch the screen.
"Y/N told me- Wait." Chanhee jolted slightly before he could finish. "Y/N. Didn't you say you can search anything up on those things?"

"Yeah don't worry I'm on it." I snapped in reply, opening safari and typing frantically.
Is time travel possible? Why does it happen..


"It's theorized that time travel is indeed possible, through what connects time and space.. energy is able to be passed through this gap and life can move between moments in time..."

Skimming through the lengthy article, 11 eyes piercing my trembling hands as I searched for answer to give them. I read out small parts that were important, until I'd hit what we finally needed.

"What causes accidental time travel?"

Little did I know, a box of secrets was about to be spilled from the depths of time and I would have no idea how to fix it...



oh boy.. here we go again.. what could have possibly caused them to travel forward?..♡︎

once again i hope you enjoyed the chapter !.. i'll see u in a later update! i hope that your week has gone well.. n that your weekend is one of rest and compassion..♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3

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