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Ring.. Ring.. Sounding the doorbell, I pressed my chipped and polished nail on to the metal and stepped back on to the porch. Chanhee was right, Barbie or Ken could walk straight out of this and I wouldn't think anything was out of place.
"Hey!" The door swung open to Sunwoo, beaming mischievously. Under his arm, he was holding a pumpkin, its orange guts spilling out clumsily. "Can I interest you in impaling this large vegetable with me?"
"You can." I grinned in puzzlement as he let me inside.

"Oh.. it's a lady friend." An older man stepped into the door frame with a suggestive look on his face, from what I could decipher - it was his father, the same man in the picture.
"Yes. Friend." Sunwoo replied, patting his back in a grumpy but somewhat joking whack.

"It's a girl?" A lady's voice rang from in the kitchen. Around the same age, she sat at the table, gathering pumpkin parts and putting them in a glass cookery bowl.
"This is Y/N, she's Chanhee's girlfriend." Sunwoo replied, pulling out a chair beside him and gesturing me to sit down.
"Chanhee Choi?" His Dad perked up, leaning on the counter top. "You do right young lady. Better than this slob."
"Honey." His Mother warned her husband, as he chuckled mischievously - watching as Sunwoo huffed out in vex. "Why are you with Chanhee Choi's girlfriend?" She further asked, scraping a metal spoon into the pumpkin with a hum.
"Chanhee Choi's girlfriend wanted to hang out." He retorted sarcastically, earning a deathly glare from her across the table.

"At least the boy has manners, you walk around like your king of the castle in this house. Speaking of which, bring your plates down - we have no dishes and you've been hoarding them in your room for weeks." She complained, causing me to bite back a laugh as Sunwoo's cheeks flashed a deep shade of rosy pink.
"Don't embarrass me, Mom." He groaned into his palms as she laughed to herself proudly.
"There'd be no one to embarrass if you didn't live your life like a caveman." His Dad commented, sucking in the smoke from his wooden pipe and reading from a thick roll of newspaper between his fingers.

"What are you doing?" I giggled at Sunwoo, as he picked the pips out of the pumpkin 'lid' individually.
"Well if they fall into the candle they'll catch fire." He replied, his doe eyes innocently glancing to me and glistening in little twinkles.
"I know that. Pass it here." I sighed with a chuckle, taking the lid from his hands. Grabbing the kitchen knife from next to him, I ran the blade across the seeds, all of them falling off with ease.
"I knew you could do that." Sunwoo added, blatantly lying causing me to scoff jokingly.
"You're so shameless." I replied as he began drawing on the pumpkin skin with a small snicker.

"Give me that knife. The one with the wavy blade." Sunwoo placed his hand out in concentration as I panned across the cotton tablecloth.
"Sunwoo there's like 7 of them." I replied, looking at all the 'wavy' bladed knives from the pumpkin carving set.
"He means this one." A younger girls voice interrupted, taking the blade from in front of me and passing it to Sunwoo. "Don't worry, you get used to Sunwoo Kim language. You just have to live with him for a long enough." The short haired teenager added, her confident attitude taking me aback slightly - however I could admire her style and way of words as she walked off casually.
"Young lady, where are you going?"Her Dad yelled quietly with a stern tone, clearly focused on his newspaper page as he didn't look up.
"Out." She bluntly replied, the scuffing of her shoes echoing from the hallway.
"Out where?-" He responded, only to be interrupted by the front door slamming shut with an earthquake-like ruckus.

"She's young honey, leave her be." Sunwoo's mother butted in, standing up with her bowl of pumpkin remains and stepping into the kitchen area.
"She's 14. The kid acts 21, what am I meant to do?" He replied, finally looking up from his newspaper. His speech was muffled due to the wooden smoking pipe he had jammed into his thinner- a thick black smoke occasionally puffing from the end.
"Leave her be." Sunwoo repeated his Mother's words, carving out the pumpkin face with all his determination.

"Pass it here." I sighed again, watching him struggle to saw threw the chunky mantle layer with his pathetic 'wavy blade'. Pulling the same sharper kitchen knife, I stabbed through the layer with force and began to saw through smoothly.
"She's even like him." His Mother glanced over to us, both me and Sunwoo looking over to her with confusing. "Like Chanhee. She's witty, practical." She added, beginning to coat the inside of a china dish with short crust pastry.
"Why don't you just adopt Chanhee? Since you love him so much." Sunwoo scoffed in jealously, leaning back into his chair.
"Awh honey." His Mom walked over and planted a kiss on his head. Rubbing his arms comfortingly. "We wish we could."
I refrained from bursting out into laughter, almost finishing the pumpkins mouth. As his Mom left the room, I tapped Sunwoo's leg annoyingly.
"And you wanted to come back so bad?" I teased him, laughing as he grinned widely.
"They're only acting up because you're here. If you were of the male species, they wouldn't even bat an eye." He replied smartly, nudging me with the corner his elbow slightly. 

My arm was beginning to ache, blood pulsing from my shoulder to my elbow causing a painful cramp to jar my joints. Taking my grasp off the knife, Sunwoo noticed me wince painfully at the shooting sensation running up and down my forearm.
"I'll do the rest." He smiled warmly, mirroring what I was doing and cutting out the outlined blocks.


Lighting a small tea light candle, I gently placed it in the center of our jack-o-lantern with a proud grin. Although the edges were jagged and some of Sunwoo's drawings were a tragedy in the first place - it looked good.
"Not bad." I nudged Sunwoo with a smirk, nodding as he readjusted his signature bucket hat with a smile.

"What is that monstrosity?" A familiar voice butted in with an audacious cackle, turning on my heel to see Chanhee stood behind us.
"Masterpiece." Sunwoo corrected him, looking back to its wonky brick grin with a proud nod.
"That's what Halloween is all about, Son. I'm gonna see that thing in my nightmares." Sunwoo's Dad strolled in, giving Sunwoo shoulder a shake and back a manly pat as a joke.
"Anyways, I hope you've both had a lovely time, but I'm here to steal my girlfriend back." Chanhee laughed, wrapping an arm around my waist comfortingly.
"Take her by all means." Sunwoo flashed a genuine grin as we waved a short goodbye from the kitchen.

"Wait." With my feet only half way into my shoes I ran back into the kitchen area, Sunwoo looking at me with a glint of confusion. I swiftly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a grateful hug.
"Thank you for having me." I spoke over his shoulder softly, standing on my tip toes. "And never listen to your parents." Whispering the last part, I snickered lightly. Gently chuckling, he patted my back before pulling back with a smile.
"Anytime and I'll try not to." He replied before shooing me out of the kitchen, "Now go see your boyfriend before he tries to physically hurt me."

Scurrying out, I grabbed Chanhee's hand and dashed to his car giddily. With a bright smile, he started his car with a low growl.
"Where are we going?" I asked him inquisitively, giggling shyly when he grabbed my hand across the seats.
"It's a secret." He responded mysteriously, only laughing as I protested childishly.



hmm.. sunwoo's family.. they're a lot different than the families we've met so far.. they're very .. well classic for the time.. ^ - ^

also shh it's a secret _..

sending my love always..

clover <3

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