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Waking up to the ruckus equivalent of being placed in the middle of a wild animal enclosure had become a regular occurrence with the boys. With My Mom taking off to my Auntie's for the summer, things only got more chaotic by the day in the small town house we lived in and with an excruciating headache - it was almost unbearable.

This morning in particular, was mayhem. Breezing past me, Eric chased Changmin down the hallway with a huge bite mark in his wrist, whilst recklessly wielding a frying pan and yelling for vengeance. Swerving out of their path, I wandered into the kitchen to where Sunwoo was complaining and the others around him laughing maniacally.

"What's going on?" I asked with tired eyes, stepping into the group that had gathered in a half circle around the irate boy.
"We've been nibbled at in the night." Kevin replied, showing a shallow bite mark on his arm.
"NIBBLED?! I'VE BEEN RUMINATED" Sunwoo held out his wrist to show the huge bite mark, the group erupting in laughter again.
"Please elaborate." I shook my head, laughing in confusion.
"Changmin bit us all in the night." Jacob replied as both Eric and Changmin came dashing back in.
"It's an inside joke, he's done it before." Chanhee replied, catching on to why I was actually confused.

With a nod, I passed the out of breath boys - huffing and puffing exhaustedly - with a low, disappointed tut of my tongue.
"Chomp me and you'll get it." I pointed at Changmin with warning, watching his eyes widen in fear.
"She's scary. Seriously." He laughed as the others began to tease him over his reaction.

In the kitchen area, I attempted to pull down the medication box once again placed on the abnormally high shelf in the cupboards above the stove. Standing on the tips of my toes, history replayed itself as Chanhee took the box from behind me and placed it down.
"Are you okay?" He asked stepping away quickly, as I rummaged the little plastic box for advil.
"Yeah I've just got a bad headache that's all." I complained, not finding a single silver tray amongst the many in the container.
"Do you wanna get some fresh air? I can take you for a drive for some quiet time?" He offered, leaning against the counter behind him with a timid smile.
"I don't know if this is your way of worming around me, but I would love for you to do that." I chuckled to myself, picking up his car keys we turned to the others briefly.
"We're going for a drive." Chanhee announced as the others hollered back witty comments and cheering boyishly.

Turning back on my feet, I quickly ran over to Juyeon, yanking him by his cotton t-shirt away from the group of boys by the counter.
"If they make a mess, beat them up. If they break anything, beat them up." I demanded him, watching him nod with a chuckle as I disappeared off into the hallway.
"If you're longer than 20 minutes just know that we're gonna start assuming!" Sunwoo yelled into the corridor, the others bouncing off his comment in an ape-like chaos. Ignoring it with a shake of our heads we stepped out on to the red brick driveway, leaving the animalistic madness occurring inside the house behind us.

Chanhee started his car, stuttering with a ballistic growl. Above us, the sky was almost at a deep shade of charcoal, seemingly about to open up into rainfall any minute from now. Tires nipping at the concrete below, he pulled off the driveway and began soaring to the end of the street.
"Do you have anywhere you want to go in particular?" He asked, smiling over at me with his fingers wrapped around the leather steering wheel. The other hand, rested gently on the gear stick, tapping my hand to get my attention vaguely as he drove.
"Well I haven't eaten yet and there's this café I love just out of the neighborhood, could we go there?" I asked, widening my eyes cutely causing him to giggle as they twinkled in the daylight.
"Lead the way, gorgeous." He replied, navigating himself in the direction I guided him.

Lit up with its familiar amber glow, the air filled with the scent of charred coffee beans and freshly baked goods the closer we got to the café.
"I have a spare mask." I tugged a surgical mask out of my jacket pocket and handed it to him. He looked confused originally, however soon remembered and took the black woven material from my fingers obediently. Parking up by the sidewalk, the both of us wandered into the comfy little building shyly.
"Y/N!" Someone yelled from behind the counter, whipping my head around to see who it was. I soon realized it was the employee I'd come to be close friends with after my frequent visitations. Working her morning shift at the café, she strolled over to the cashier to serve us with a vibrant grin. "The usual?" I smiled back at her with a quick nod. Looking up to Chanhee with a suspicious grin lighting her face.
"Who's this? And what can I get him?" She asked, beginning to prepare my order beside her.
"This is my friend, Chanhee and I'm not sure." I smiled back and turned to him momentarily, "What do you want?"
"Uh, I'm not sure. I'll have whatever you are." He replied timidly, with a soft giggle at his shyness - I reached over the counter and paid for the drinks.
"Your little 'date' is on me." The cashier pushed away my cash with a inconspicuous wink. Before I could refuse, she disappeared out back to retrieve something.

Dragging me to sit down, Chanhee pulled me to a table just by the corner of the café blocked in by two window panes. Outside, the eventual downpour had begun streaming down the windows in fast little droplets. The warmness of the café completely contrasted the gloomy setting outside - the sweet scent of coffee aromatically filling the small store.
"Your drinks." The cashier smiled at us, uttering a small 'thank you' before she scurried off to serve the few more customers in the store.

In small sips, a comfortable silence filled the air, the sound of the radio twinkled in the background accompanied by the faint frolocking of rain droplets against the panes beside us. I sighed to myself, turning to Chanhee as he smiled back at me with a short giggle.

"What are you laughing at?" I furrowed my brows, wondering why the boy in front of me was so tickled pink.
"Nothing. You're just cute." He laughed shyly, wrapping his fingers around the hot cup with a mischievous smile.
"Are you trying to make me cringe?" I asked, sneering at the comment with a sarcastic scoff.
"You love it." He cockily leaned back into his arm chair with the same smile plastered to his face.
"Debatable." I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Do I have froth on my lips?" I further asked, watching him look up to observe me carefully. Leaning forward he chuckled gently, pulling the sleeve of his sweater over his hand and wiping over my lips sweetly. For a moment, the air became more dense, I'd held my breath the closer he was to me. Sighing out when he returned to his chair with a little huff, crossing his leg over the other and looking out the window momentarily.

"Are you nearly done?" He asked, glancing back over to me, sweeping his fringe out of his eyes revealing his clear complexion and prettily arched brows.
"Yeah, are you ready to go?" I asked in reply, returning his gorgeously full smile with a laugh. Grabbing the tray, I returned it to the counter with a polite nod to the cashier before leaving. Chanhee and I braced ourselves for the rainfall outside, peering out the glass doors and curiously to the car. Snatching his hand, I pushed open the door and dragged him in a quick sprint. Giggling as we got soaked through despite running as fast as we could with our fingers intertwined. Before we could even get in the car, I stopped in my tracks, turning to me in confusion as he grimaced at the rain bouncing off his shoulders and wetting through his peachy hair.

I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty.. yes you do Hey there Delilah - Plain white T's. Vaguely in the background the café music sang, drowned out by the sound of rain hitting the tarmac below.

Standing on the tips of my toes, I giggled as I placed my hands on his pale cheeks. Softening his tense demeanor, he placed his hands on my hips holding me closely. As I opened my fluttered shut eyes, his caramel flecked irises only stared back in loving blinks. This what it was like, to feel hopelessly in love. As much as I wanted to take things slowly, I just couldn't hold back from crashing his lips on to my own in the rain. We were like magnets, as far away as we got from each other, the closer we got would lead to us colliding so suddenly. He looked gorgeous, even in the conditions of torrential rain and by the way he poured out all his energy into the one kiss - you could tell - Chanhee Choi felt exactly the same.



awh (^з^)-.. they do be the absolute cutest <\3

i hope you've had a wonderful weekend and i wish you the best for the week ahead.. you can do it ! ( 'ω')

sending my love always..

clover <3

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