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*GRANDFATHER CLOCK CHIMES* A familiar tune in which is followed by a set of bells that tell the time. Once. Twice. And followed by another eight. Ten O'clock had fell upon the booming house. Meaning I'd have to gather 11 boys and figure out what the hell would happen next.

I felt like Cinderella without the glass slipper but instead synthetic fangs and a terrible dye job. It was unfortunate that I'd gotten to know my prince charming so well that disappearing into the night would be far too painful for the both of us.

"Okay Y/N, your flying saucer is set to arrive soon. We're all here." Sunwoo announced as we clustered towards Cindy's front door. With a roll of my eyes, I shrugged the boys familiar idiotic comments off.
"Let's go then." I pushed the handle down, as the rest followed out. With my house being walking distance, there wasn't the need for cars, which was a good thing considering cars would split us up again.
"Are you gonna miss us much?" Hyunjae asked, walking up beside me and slinging an arm around my shoulder.
"Of course I am." I scoffed with a light giggle. "I guess you guys really showed me how to live life. Life in the future isn't like what it's like now."
"I'm sure you'll come to enjoy it Y/N. Just try not to abide by what everyone else does. Live how you want to, there's no point in joining a crowd." He replied with a solemn smile, poking at the dimples in his cheeks.
"That's the most poetic thing to pass your lips in a while." Juyeon sneered beside him, hands stuffed in the pockets of his cowboy jeans with a smirk.
"It's true though. Humans. We're all just sheep." Hyunjae sighed, kicking a pebble across the sidewalk in front of us.
"Gosh. Who hurt you?" Chanhee finally swept in, pulling me away from the boy with a taunting laugh.

Arriving at my front porch, it was clear my Mom had been long asleep - the lights all out, just a singular light in the porch way in case I ever came home. You realize, when you're away from them for so long. How much you miss the ones you love, whether they get on your nerves or not, a replacement version is enough to make you realize how much you really cherish them. Keys jingling in the lock, smiling at my own thoughts, I pushed the door open hesitantly, scuffing my shoes on the door mat as the others followed closely behind.

The baby pink alarm clock on my night stand remained, ticking away despite not having a battery to run on. My ticket back home was only minutes away and with each tick that passed another tear would prick at my waterline. I sat down cross-legged on my bedding, palms by my side, gathering around in a circle. 10:21. We still had time. But when you're wanting time to last, you should know better than to know it will only speed up.

"So." Sunwoo broke the eerie silence settled across the room with a low whistle. "This is sad." He added bluntly, causing me to bite back a laugh as the others scolded him for being so insensitive.
"We'll, miss you Y/N." Changmin perked up from the back, his chucky wig tilted wonkily from all the aggressive dance moves he'd been whipping out all night.
"We won't miss the constant time jumping though." Haknyeon winced with a laugh and sarcastic shake of his head.
"Even if we won't miss it. It was fun. But please for the life of me, get rid of that alarm clock when you get back. It's the route of all evil." Kevin glared at the childish pink metal box, just doing is merry little job telling the time.
"Don't worry. As soon as I get home, that things out." I chuckled as an arm wrapped around my waist, briefly seeing the strands of pink hair rested on my shoulder.

"Can you write letters in to the past or anything? Like what do we do with him when she's gone? I don't want to have to handle the aftermath of this." Juyeon alluded to Chanhee, who was currently clung to my side like an abandoned puppy. To avoid acknowledging how painful the situation was, I just held his hand, listening to the boys joke about things as the minutes ticked away.
"Not to sound dumb but I don't think pre-annual posting is a thing as of Y/N's day and age." Younghoon tutted sarcastically with a smack of his red painted lips.
"Very true. However, guys it's almost time." Eric pointed out, looking at the clock as it struck 2 minutes until half past.

1984 | choi chanhee ♫Where stories live. Discover now