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Come on Miss Future.. where are you? I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting outside the movie theatre in the mall. It was Wednesday evening after school, the mall was filled with teens around my age, girls giggling as they passed. I slung my jacket over shoulder and leant against the pillar behind me - my polished shoe scuffing slightly at the tip.

"Sorry I'm late!" Y/N yelled from down the mall, running up to me excitedly. Her peach lip-gloss shimmered and silk hair pinned with butterfly clips that flowed in the breeze. Her pink cardigan was buttoned up and matching a pair of corduroy heart patterned flares.
"Should we get those tickets?" I smiled brightly at the girl who stood before me, her cheeks widening in a small grin as she nodded eagerly.

The ticket booth was crammed, the ghostbusters premiere was in demand that was for sure, as numerous teens, families and adults crowded around the infested ticket booth shouting for their pink printed slips so they could get seats to the screening in time. I sighed grabbing Y/N's arm and yanking her away from the swarmed area in frustration.
"Where are we going?" She asked sadly, eyes darting back in concern as I dragged her back through the bustling mall.
"A cheaper, illegaler, and more annoying way in." I huffed taking her to the quieter scenery of the food court, where Younghoon was working his late day shift, serving ice cream in his pastel uniform - rolling his eyes in annoyance when he saw me approach.

"A favor?" I tilted my head with a glint of hope as he lifted up the heavy counter surface.
"Last time, don't get caught." He warned us with a stern groan, watching us slip through the gap between the granite of the counter and out the back staff door of the ice cream parlor.

Winding around the narrow and metallic walls of the staff corridors, I burst through the metal door that led into the movie theater.

Screen 34, Ghostbusters.
Illuminated extravagantly in a lime green fluorescence as the melodic theme song blared into the background. ♫ If there's something strange.. in your neighborhood .. who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!

Sneaking into the screening, everyone was already seated and waiting for the movie to start. As always there were a few vacant spaces at the back we both spotted that and sat in the far corner of the theater - laughing to each other quietly.

"If we get caught it's on you." Y/N whispered to me slightly elbowing me in a small warning as she turned her attention to me.
"Please we won't, we did this for the Return of the Jedi premiere too - the entire group." I smirked with a faint scoff.
"You're telling me you managed to smuggle Eric into a star wars premiere." She laughed quietly, the giggle lighting up her bright smile - it was like a film star' smile the way it lit up in dim lighting.
"With great difficulty." I replied with a short giggle before being silenced by the movie junkies in front of us. Holding their fingers over their mouths and jolting with their buckets of popcorn in hand - all flying up in different directions before softly landing back into the mix. We rolled our eyes simultaneously before the movie began.

What scared me the most.. is that she was right. She told the plot word for word, when something happened she'd smirk to herself proudly as I sat there completely shocked and in my own world. Apart of me still hoped she was joking, maybe she was related to the director or something...

As the ending screen relayed, she looked up to me with an expecting smile as my jaw hung slightly agape.
"You're gonna have to wait 5 years for the 2nd one." She got up from her seat, watching me scoff in disbelief. She completely predicted an unreleased movie, even down to the names and character plots.

"So future, how are we gonna get you home?" I broke my silence dusting my palms off the tough denim of my jeans. "How did you even get here?"

"Let me start from the beginning." She sighed as we left the mall, strolling up towards my car parked up in the lot outside.


"So you just went to bed during one of your mom's parties and woke up like this?" I cackled, gripping the steering wheel and driving through the suburbs. The car roof was down, the cherry painted wax on the surface glazing in the sunset.
"Pretty much." She closed her story, smacking her lips with a sad exhale.
"Are you sure you're not dreaming?" I asked completely swept away by the story.
"Slap me." She said with complete random, turning to me as I looked at her in confusion - my eyes flashing back to the road.
"What?" I commented as she looked at me with a dead seriousness in her gaze.

"Just do it."
"I'm not slapping you."
"Why would I slap you?!"
I slapped her across the face as she asked, not too hard as I insisted not to do it in the first place.

"No, it's very real." She winced holding her cheek, gritting her teeth in pain.
"You said to sl-" I began before she cut me off.
"I know what I said." She snapped angrily. I giggled as she got aggravated, her eyebrows scrunched cutely in aggravation. Her features softened when she heard me laugh, chuckling smallish and muttering a weak "what?".  I shrugged keeping my gaze on the road, pulling up on the high curb outside her house where I dropped her off only a few nights ago.

"Thanks for the ride by the way. See you tomorrow." Yanking the car handle open, she waddled up the pathway outside as I watched her approach the tangerine glossed door. She always seemed bewildered to why I waited until she got inside before driving away. However she whipped her head around, walking back towards the car. I furrowed my brows in confusion as she leant against the window seal.
"Do you perhaps wanna come inside? My moms making casserole." She asked in a soft tone, I thought about it for a while before taking my keys out the ignition.
"Why not?" I smiled jumping out the car and slipping my keys into my back pocket.

Swinging open the neon door, the home smelt of freshly baked goods, her mom was in the kitchen - music blaring as the room lit up warmly.
"Mom! I'm home! I brought a guest!" Y/N yelled through the house, the music turning down slightly but not enough to prevent the only form of communication being yelling between the two.
"Does she want to stay for dinner honey? I made casserole!" Her mother shouted back assuming I was Cindy or one of her other girl friends.
"It's a boy, Mom!" She replied with a laugh as the music suddenly halted and her mother fell silent. Footsteps scuttling across the the floorboards as she made her way into the hallway.

"You brought a boy home?!" She swung open the door, as I laughed slightly - gawking at me in surprise.
"It's lovely to meet you, Miss L/N. I'm Chanhee, Chanhee Choi." I greeted her, she looked at me in awe observing me before looking back to Y/N.
"It's nice to meet you young man, please come inside." She smiled walking me through into the kitchen as Y/N elbowed me smugly.



i love writing this book so much pls.. it's so fun <\3 i just i hope this is executing itself well for the rest of you too !

choi chanhee 80s heartthrob is an agenda i'm here for thank u ♡︎..

anyways i hope you've had a good day yourself, that your nights are filled with sweet dreams & plenty rest..♡︎

sending my love always...

clover <3

1984 | choi chanhee ♫Where stories live. Discover now